If you dare to catch, I will dare to die! (Subscribe

Excellent top laner, his overall quality is very high

It’s not just about operating well

You have to watch the six directions and listen to all directions

That’s what counts as excellent.

It’s hard to come up with such an excellent domestic top order, but it just happened to be let go

what a waste

The commentators’ hearts were bleeding.

With such a precious talented top laner, every team is scrambling to get one of them

Those are the precious wealth of a competition area.

To know what LPL lacks the most

It is the lack of excellent domestic top laners.

But Chen Hao was just missed

after being treated unfairly

They finally went to the EU competition area and joined

G2 team, become one of them

RNG also tasted the consequences

In this World Championship, it happened to be defeated by the G2 team led by Chen Hao.

This may be the arrangement of fate.

At this time, Chen Hao was on the road and Theshy was still consuming each other’s HP.

They are all waiting for the opportunity to kill each other.

When the opponent’s blood volume reaches the killing line, they will definitely not hesitateshot



For masters, making shots is an instant thing.

If you don’t move, that’s all.

Just hit the vital point with your shot.

The two of them are now staring at each other, waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the other to make a mistake.


heshy try to Q Chen Hao’s crocodile

But the crocodile has a good grasp of the attack distance against Akali, just when the opponent can’t hit

s position.

Chen Hao was not in a hurry to turn in his E skill and stepped forward.

In line with Akali, the crocodile must not take the initiative

Otherwise, what greets you may be

It was Akali’s counterattack.

Akali is very flexible, if she takes the initiative to step forward, it is easy for her to be shown by Akali.

Even if you catch the opportunity, as long as you don’t kill the opponent in seconds, the opponent can escape easily.

You are hard to kill.

This is the hardest part about playing Akali

What’s more, Akali also has a Xia formation, which can keep her sexuality at critical moments.

It is a means of double protection

If flash is counted, it is a triple protection method.

how do you kill

too difficult.

In addition to facing theshy online, Chen Hao also allocated a part of his own spirit

To command other teammates.

Under Chen Hao’s command, the teammates also temporarily stabilized their situation

Don’t let the opponent expand its advantage.

It is to stabilize this disadvantage in the early stage, and then wait for the opportunity.

The first wave of opportunities is when Galio has a big move

Galio has reached level six, this wave requires IG to be careful

The commentary also mentions this

“When Galio reaches level 6, IG has to be careful of Galio’s roaming support.” Long Mao said


That’s right, Galio’s ultimate move is still quite a threat to the sideline. “Colonel Guan very much recognized Mr.

I think the most important thing to worry about is the bottom lane.

Although the strength of G2’s bottom lane is average, not very strong, but

Their bottom lane has had similar support gan

Explode the big move first, then Luo enters the field to keep people, and cooperates with his teammates to play well in the bottom lane

wave gank

These are the tactics used by G2 when they played against RNG before

Everyone is still vivid.

I think IG will definitely not be fooled

This is all learned from experience. If you say you are fooled again, you will be a fool.

G will definitely not make such a low-level mistake

In short, be careful during the 1G bot lane

But now there is another good news. G2’s bot lane has not yet reached level six

Bottom duo, but they are only at level four, and they haven’t even reached level five, don’t panic at all

Even if the opponent’s Galio ult comes down to support, it will be difficult to kill their bottom lane team

Ah Shui and the others also improved the vision of the bottom lane, not giving Xin Zhao a chance.

At the same time, Ning Wang’s jungler is constantly invading G2’s jungle area, trying to put more pressure on Xin Zhao

Let him not have much energy to target his teammates.


First blood

At this time, the first blood is born

This first blood was taken by Chen Hao who was on the road.

Of course, this was not a solo kill, but Chen Hao cooperated with the jungler Xin Zhao to kill the opponent.

When most of the attention is on the bottom lane, the top lane…a battle has already broken out

Under the coordinated pincer attack of the three, Theshy had nowhere to go.

Chen Hao found an opportunity, without saying a word, he handed over the flashing red anger W!

is there any

too fast

when no response is given to theshy’

If you were an ordinary player, you would definitely not be able to do anything

But theshy is not an ordinary player, his reaction is still horrifying, under control

A moment ago, Xia Zhen was released

Unfortunately, the person who came to arrest him this time was not only Xin Zhao, but also Galio.

Many people think that after Galio has a big move, he may rely on his big move to support or


But Ah P still moved, and went straight to the road

As soon as he arrives on the road, you can see that Chen Hao took control of Akali.


If this is an ordinary hero, there may be no way to deal with the invisible Akali.

It is a hero who faces AOE damage and control like Galio, plus a crocodile

The Q skills can reach Akali.

Xin Zhao stepped forward to open another scan

heshy is cool directly.

The head was taken away by Chen Hao

There was also a helpless expression on Theshy’s face

well he was caught dead

This is not the first time this has happened

he is also used to


A little embarrassing.

brother y’s first blood

At the moment Theshyl was killed, a group of people were shocked.

brother shy was caught dead

“how did brother shy die

I go… is this crocodile so decisive?

The crocodile doesn’t talk about martial arts, he even calls his teammates for help, if he has the ability, he will fight for 300 rounds

On the road, it was still torn open by G2.

This is one of thesp’s weaknesses

He’s on the road, easy to be caught and killed

But this time I can’t blame him.

His operation is fast enough, when the crocodile suddenly flashes W, he can also release the haze array

How could he escape if he was being double-teamed by three opponents?

Too much control, and the damage is AOE damage

Even if you are hiding in the clouds, you can still be hurt by AOE skills

It’s a pity that he was caught and killed on the road, but the head was still taken by the crocodile

The narrators feel a little sorry

G2’s change of formation is a bit fast. ” rookie also realized this at this time

That’s how G2’s call-to-action was… strong.

The existence of this command has made up for the gap in the line

Instantly broke IG’s leading situation and brought the two sides back to the same starting line again.

Seeing that G2’s mid laner and jungler are both on the top lane, Rookie is also rushing to the bottom lane immediately.

You grab it, then I’ll grab it

It’s best if you can catch death, but if you can’t catch death, you can give it to mesome pressure from the other side

It was G2’s bottom lane who was very smart and retreated to a safe position early.

G can only take the opportunity to get the little dragon, this is a wind dragon

It can increase the movement speed a little bit, which is not bad.

It has a blessing effect on IG’s lineup.

It would be even better if there were more than three wind dragons.

But it seems… Goddess of Luck is not on IG’s side, the next little dragon is the water dragon.

It happens to be the last attribute they need

is to increase some recovery ability

The effect is too complicated to make much sense.

Something is better than nothing, and they still have to try to control the next dragon.

This wave lost a blood on the road, which has little effect on IG, and they also got a small dragon as a role

in return

And the other party only has a dry head in his hand, and he didn’t get more resources

After being killed, Akali re-teleported back to the line

After using teleportation, he was obviously a lot more careful when he returned to the line this time.

If he is killed again after handing over the teleportation this time, he will have to lose several waves of soldiers on the road, and damage

lost a lot of experience


G2 is like that.

Xin Zhao really went on the road again after theshy handed over his teleportation back

Xin Zhao avoids the ward placed by theshy

on the road again

What is false is true, what is true is false

False and real.

Those who play tactics have a dirty heart

Don’t care about his thirty-six tricks, use all that can be used

Chen Hao is playing psychological tactics with IG.

He asked Ah P to go back online to confuse the other party first.

Then quietly let Xin Zhao come online to catch a wave.

What about Chen Hao himself?

He intends to use himself as bait.

attract theshy shot




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