Have you considered going back to LPL? (Please order)

there must be

Yes, it’s not just about eating

Waiting for people to feel that RNG’s boss suddenly entertained Chen Hao, there must be a purpose, and he will not be flat

come together for no reason

RNG’s game has also been played, not to mention losing to their G2

This is definitely not normal

Is it possible to take revenge in reality?

This should be unlikely

In the hearts of the people, there is still something wrong

After all, the former Chen Hao was cheated by RNG’s contract.

G2 is also fortunate that because of this reason, they missed it.

found a treasure

Chen Hao joined them in G2 and brought them such a big change this year

Or just refuse, anyway, you have nothing to do with RNG now

They felt that Chen Hao had already left RNG and had nothing to do with this team. RN

G’s boss doesn’t have much friendship with Chen Hao

It can’t be for reminiscence.

There must be some other purpose.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a boss to come here all the way

This is not in the territory of LPL

I also think not to go.

Other teammates also advised Chen Hao not to agree to go

Chen Hao didn’t make a statement here, but was meditating, and tapped a few times on the table with his fingers


he decided to go

It’s okay, let me go.

Chen Hao also felt that RNG’s boss suddenly came to him because he had other things to do, and the other party could not

I can find myself to eat for no reason.

He also wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

Is it because you are not reconciled after losing the game? Want to find yourself back?

Or other reasons?

Chen Hao is not too clear.

Chen, you…” Seeing that Chen Hao agreed, the other teammates were also a little worried.

Don’t worry, nothing will happen. “” Chen Hao had a smile on his face.

Seeing that Chen Hao had made up his mind, the others stopped saying anything.

to make him pay more attention

A few more words of advice.

The game is over, things are all over, everyone has returned to the hotel, ready to wait a little later

Chen Hao will go to a small gathering when he comes back

As a celebration of being in the finals.

They are the first team to qualify for the final

There is another spot left, which will be decided between C9 and FNC

No matter which of these two teams wins the game, it will not have a big impact on G2.

Have absolute confidence to win them.

After the powerful enemies RNG and G are resolved, there is no need to worry too much about the strength of these two teams.

It’s them who have a headache how to deal with G2 and how to deal with Chen Hao.

After these few games, everyone knows that G2’s top laner is a real big devil.

Hardest to deal with.

Look at RNG and G, these two teams have such strong top laners and so many powerful

players, and finally lost in the game.

It is conceivable that the G2 team is definitely not that simple

Everyone has gradually discovered and recognized the strength of this team

But for the current two teams, C9 and FNC, they need to win the finals first.


From the analysis of the strength on paper, the strength of the two teams is not much different. It is really true who can win.

hard to say

Only by winning the opponent in front of them can they face the stronger G2.

This is what the two teams are facing now

These are all things

After the end of the game between IG and G2, there were waves of topics

The heat of G has also risen.

Although they only stopped in the semi-finals and got a semi-final result, but he

The performance is also very good.

G also attracted a lot of fans in this World Championship, and his popularity is much higher than before

But as the boss of G, Principal Wang is not in a good mood

He also expected that IG could achieve some good results, but he didn’t expect it to be just such a

IG’s lineup this year is very strong, and he thinks it is no worse than RNG.

With such a lineup, it is very hopeful to win the championship.

But it was lost to G2 and stopped in the semi-finals.

Very depressed.

He felt that there was a blockage in his heart, which was very uncomfortable.

But there is no way.

lose… just lose

There are no second chances.

This is the cruelty of the World Championship.

This tone did not go smoothly, and Principal Wang fell ill, suddenly developed a high fever, and was sent to the hospital overnight.

hospital emergency

After the infusion, the body gradually recovered

After gaining energy, President Wang first took a selfie of his infusion hand, which can

From the picture, it can be seen that he is in the hospital. Open MSI, find a special number on it, send

sent a message

Bao, I am nowday infusion

On the other side, Chen Hao also came to the place where the boss of RNG made an appointment for dinner.

Entered the box.

Apart from the RNG boss, there was only one person in the box, and his secretary.

These two Chen Hao are not familiar with each other, they just know each other.

When they were in the RNG club, these two were too far away for Chen Hao

He is a high-ranking boss, but he is just a rookie who has just joined the club


The identity gap is too big

After seeing Chen Hao walk in,

The boss greeted him with a smile.

Hello Chen Hao, long time no see

Seeing the smiling face on the other person’s face, Chen Hao felt a little dazed.

It’s changing too fast

It seems that the other party’s attitude towards him is a bit different.

When I saw myself coming, I immediately became enthusiastic

Enthusiastic to the point that Chen Hao felt that something was going to happen

hello boss yao

Chen Hao also responded.

Come, come, sit down.

The other party signaled Chen Hao to take a seat, and then asked the waiter to serve

They plan to chat while eating.

G’s boss didn’t come up immediately to talk about things, and planned to start slowly.

In fact, he was also afraid that Chen Hao would still have resistance to their RNG in his heart, and he would be overwhelmed immediately when he came up.

He was afraid that Chen Hao would immediately refuse when he talked about things.

He intends to make friends first.

For a player like Chen Hao, he really regrets letting Chen Hao go at the beginning.


If he had known that the other party’s talent was so terrifying, he would rather keep it hidden.

The big deal is to send him to the LSPL competition area and give him a few years of experience.

Get it back when you need it.

In this way, they are still their RNG players anyway.

Rather than taste the bitter fruit first like now

Is it because the contract at that time did not take into account the point of going to other competition areas, so that Chen Hao could get rid of it?

I violated the contract restrictions, terminated the contract by myself, and went to the EU competition area

Then in this World Championship, they even collided with RNG in a strange way

and defeat

got them

It is indeed a depressing thing.

Good luck tricks people.

Let them RNG suffer heavy losses this time

My team lost to G2 led by Chen Hao

Step eight, RNG’s losses this time… at least start with 200 million.

Such a big loss, do you think RNG’s boss doesn’t feel bad?

However, what made him come all the way this time

thing, UZI’s bet

This bet is fundamental to RNG.

UZI is the foundation of RNG and a cash cow

They don’t want UZ to be forced to retire because of this bet.

If this is retired like this, what a loss it will be

He came here this time just for this matter.

The matter of losing the game is already a done deal.

But the matter of the bet has not yet come out, and there is still room for maneuver (to win Zhao).

Just because UZ is so important, so his position in the team is very different

Speaking of which, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. “The boss of RNG smiled slightly.

What would you like to drink?

How about trying the soju here?

No, I don’t even drink it. “How could Chen Hao drink alcohol.

Although drinking this little wine will not affect him much, but he is not very familiar with the other party, so

Said that he is still in the World Championship stage, and he will definitely not drink

Oh, yes, yes, yes, I almost forgot that you are not allowed to drink alcohol. “RNG Boss

Deliberately slapped myself on the head

Come on, the barbecue here is still good.

The boss of RNG just rambled here and there, but he still didn’t get to the point.

Chen Hao wasn’t in a hurry, he wanted to see what tricks the other party would play to get Yun.

How is it? Are you still used to staying outside? Have you considered going back after this season?

finally got to the point

Chen Hao’s expression changed, he still listened to the opponent’s move

The boss of RNG tried Chen Hao in the name of reminiscing about the past

There is nothing unaccustomed to it. “Chen Hao also replied in a neutral manner.

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