Champion Skin! (Subscribe)

No one knows whether the news is true or false.

Anyway, every year when the World Championship ends, all kinds of news are flying around.

Both true and false.

Some insiders broke the news.

Some are self-media in order to attract people’s attention

Learn from UC Shock Ministry

After returning, the writing power is astonishing, making people think it is real

In addition to the transfer, there is another thing that attracts people’s attention.

That is. The contradictions within RNG seem to be getting worse

Since Xiaohu’s girlfriend broke up with her last time, the conflict has become more and more serious.

The girlfriends of several contestants all ended up tearing up one after another.

There is no movement on the contestants side, their girlfriends are a bit miserable

The RNG country honey group that seemed to be good before, what kind of wives group, suddenly became

plastic girlfriends group

In fact, these people are tearing each other up, just throwing blame at each other, and no one wants to take the blame.

They all know very well that whoever has the most to blame for RNG’s defeat in this World Championship will be

If you are unlucky, you have to be sprayed miserably by netizens.

But in fact only the players did not end, thisThese are not big problems. “”one eight

RNG officials are also coordinating the players, telling them not to come forward.

Not to magnify the incident.

The player is off the field, and the player is not off the field, those are two completely different concepts

If the players don’t leave the field, no matter how big the trouble is, it will not be a big problem in the end.

RNG also saw this, and let them make trouble.

In this way, they can maintain the heat of their RNG

Why not do it

The black powder route is also a kind of popularity.

after so

Many people speculate whether RNG is going to break up

If this is really a mess, I’m afraid there will be many problems in the next season of RNG

But this season’s RNG is really doing well, except that it didn’t play well in this World

, the other games were played very well.

Many people are still optimistic about this lineup.

I feel that as long as they continue to stick to the original lineup, then this team will definitely continue

Rise again and hit the championship next season.

But if there is a breakup, there will be discord within the team

That’s another situation.

RNG once again attracted a lot of attention.

Everyone wants to see what will happen to this team now. Moth

In fact, many problems did arise later.

For example… a certain Temi retired, Xiangguo retired, and never played again. These are all things for later

Currently, for the major clubs, the focus is on the transfer period

The transfer period is very important. If it is used well and suitable players are recruited, then it will be very important for

As far as the team is concerned, it may be possible to bring the dead back to life.

These are all normal things.

For example, IG was very common before, but only relied on it in S6

He is the dean, the record of the team is very good

Then other team members were recruited later, and it took off.

Later in the regular season of the league, he won a record of 19 consecutive victories

These are very nice.

On the surface, it is necessary to wait for the transfer period to carry out some transfer operations

But some teams will definitely not just wait.

During this time, they are looking for their own suitable players.

This gives some maneuverable space, as long as it is not obvious, it is not a violation

That is, if I do not sign the contract for the time being, it is not considered a violation.

Wait until the transfer period arrives before signing the contract

This is the same for all major regions

It doesn’t have to be the most expensive player, but it must be the most suitable one.

At present, there are quite a few teams that have chosen Chen Hao.

But Chen Hao’s status in G2 is different, especially this time the boss of G2 also gave some

Give it to Chen Hao.

It’s not so easy for others to poach.

They are all having a headache. What kind of conditions should they offer to attract Chen Hao?

Is it possible to play the emotional card


people’s thoughts

And when these people were thinking about Chen Hao, he just returned to the club, and then

Things to prepare for champion skins

After thinking for a long time, Chen Hao decided to give Rui Yao his first champion skin

The hero Riven has been weak for too long, and has not appeared in the game for a long time.

Chen Hao also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to bring Riven’s popularity up.

Although he knew that if he chose Yasuo, the effect might be better.

But he still chose Riven

Other people here.

Ah P chose Akali, the jungler chose Nightmare, and the bottom lane chose Jhin and Tam

Wider has played in the group stage before, so he can also choose a top lane hero.

He chose to be Sword Demon.

In this way, all champion hero skins are selected.

The specific follow-up skin production is an official matter.

Players only need to cooperate with the selection

type will do.

The skin is selected, which is an important thing to complete.

Because of these skins, they can be raked.

If you sell it, you can get a sum of money

This money can be said to be continuous

As long as the game is still there, as long as the skins can still be sold, then there is money

Rui Wen?

I went, and it was really Riven.

I thought I would choose Yasuo, and I was ready to buy Yasuo.

Some players think it’s a pity, they like Yasuo more

But players who support Riven don’t

After all, the former Riven was also the memory of a generation

Ha ha ha, that must be

Rui Wen

When Riven’s new skin comes out, I will definitely let others see my Lightspeed QA.

After the G2 champion skin was selected, a group of players on the external network responded

The popularity of G2 is very high now, after this championship, they have attracted a lot of fans

So there are many people who want to buy champion skins.

This is the real fun.

However, it takes at least half a year to make the champion skin, which is not so fast

And with the arrival of the new season.

There are big things happening in some regions

For example, the EU competition area where G2 is located will undergo reform.

To become a union.

The EU competition area was changed to the LEC competition area, which is used to separate from the North American LCS competition area

This is a major reform, and it will all follow the trend of alliances.

This is also a general direction for the future

With the reform of the competition area, the focus of everyone’s attention will come.

The number of places in the World Championship and what has changed after the alliance

In fact, it is a trend towards more formalization and large-scale competitions; the other one is

It can get more attention from capital

These are all benefits.

With the reform of the competition area, the next big move is coming

transfer period

officially coming

When the transfer period came, Ah P informed the club that a player would join the G2 team

Who? “This speed is too fast, and many people have not realized it yet, and it has come to a turning point


Some teams don’t have target candidates yet, let alone buy them

Some people sell players, others buy players, and some players choose themselves after the contract expires

chooseCaps. “” Ah P said

As soon as the words fell, a group of people immediately sprayed out the water they drank from their mouths.


Could it be that my ears heard it wrong?

Who is caps, that is the core of the FNC team, they are willing to let go

Are you kidding me?” The team’s executives still don’t quite believe 5.2.

It’s really caps, we’ve been in touch since a long time ago. “Ah P truthfully said



The upper management and boss of the G2 team feel a lot nervous at the moment

In exchange for caps, then it’s not a loss if you switch from AP to AD

The players he found are not weaker than him in the middle lane

This fills the gap nicely

And Ah P is training a few heroes crazily during this time, to ensure that he will play better in the bottom lane

road is better

Now, G2’s lineup has become a little different.

Added a caps, but I don’t know how the effect will be

Might catch up.

It may also be directly. Jingliang.

Galactic battleships have never had a good end in the end

After recruiting caps, it seems that G2 can also be regarded as a star lineup

The overall strength has been raised to a new level all of a sudden.

As for the specific limit ability, it depends on… Chen Hao’s performance.



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