The rising new army, the FPX team! (Subscribe)

RNG must become stronger

Only then can we go further.

If RNG’s strength is only at the current level, let alone Qiguan, can they

Entering the World Championship is a big problem

This season, teams have sprung up like mushrooms

Many teams have become stronger

If you remain unchanged, you may be surpassed by others.

What’s more, RNG is not static, but its strength is declining, and its overall strength is better than last game

Ji is even weaker

This is the deadliest.

However, the opponents they want to surpass are stronger and stronger

Even the G2 team that defeated them has already won the world championship, but this

In the season, he still strengthened his lineup and made the lineup even stronger.

Everyone has become stronger, but they have become weaker.

You said you would touch again next timeWhat does RNG use to win?

This is why UZI’s complexion changed

He had a bet with Chen Hao.

he can’t afford to lose

If he loses he has to retire

He can’t bear such a result, and he doesn’t want to bear it

So in order not to lose, RNG’s lineup must be adjusted.

The addition of AJ is only a stopgap measure.

Until Letemi regains his form, he can only bear the pressure.


Find another strong top laner again.

The strength of A19J is there, but it is still not up to the level that RNG wants

Can reach the playoffs, but it will be more difficult to win the championship

RNG’s ranking in this spring split is not high either.

Before UZ played, he lost a lot.

Only when he came back later did he save this disadvantage.

And at the moment there are several teams ahead of them, IG, FPX, TOP and JDG, S

Wait, the points of these teams are currently higher than RNG.

So it is conceivable how poor RNG’s performance in the spring split was.

Their current strength is only on the edge of the threshold of the playoffs

It is not easy for them to hit the spring championship.

The situation in the LPL division this year has also changed.

The performance of Yusanjia is not very good.

Not so good this season

It can’t be said that it is on the road of being bad, but it is true that there has been no progress.

hit the ground

Learning is like rowing upstream.

They don’t want to get better results, don’t want to become stronger, so what awaits them is only

is surpassed by others.

No one wants to be inferior.

No one wants to be someone else’s background board.

They must want to get better grades and stand under the spotlight

Be the most dazzling person.

We still need to become stronger!” UZI gritted his teeth.

He didn’t want to lose like this.

Lost like this, he is unwilling

He still wants to win a championship.

He also wanted to win Chen Hao and watch him being beaten and retired by him.

This kind of picture is what makes him happiest

The spring competition is getting more and more intense.

And in the second half of the season, whether the team is a dragon or a worm has gradually emerged.

Is there only three axes

Whether it was because of luck or other reasons, I understood it all at once.

Such as the SN team

At the beginning of the season, they had been winning consecutively, which made everyone subconsciously think that this team

The team will rise this season

But it keeps on hitting, and gradually it doesn’t work anymore

The weakness in the middle lane was exposed.

All of a sudden, it was thoroughly studied by the teams.

Team N didn’t play as smoothly as before

I’ll go… this mid laner won’t work.

Marco did it again

Hey, Brother Ma’s luck seems to be going to die again this year.

Everyone also began to tease, teasing the old thief Sima.

His strength is good, a top AD player, but his luck has not been very good, the competition

The threshold has never been passed.

Never played Worlds.

this is the pain in his heart

He has always wanted to make it to the world championship

I hope I can realize my dream

But every time he chooses a team, it is not satisfactory

In fact, last season was his best chance.

Is it their team’s support or it’s too bad.

Very poor protection.

If the support knows how to protect him, then… they won’t be kicked by EDG to shatter their dreams

When the bull head can directly fly the approaching blind monk, it is impossible for EDG to find the machine

Niutou didn’t protect him well, let the blind monk get close, it must be a dead end

Old thief Sima’s dream of the world championship was shattered again at that moment

Then in this season, the RW team left a supporter, and everyone else left.


After leaving the RW team, the Sima old thief also needs to choose a new place by himself.

Formidable strong team, their AD is not weak.

Generally, there is no need for the old thief Sima who is getting older.

What’s more, he still has a fatal weakness, that is, he doesn’t like to communicate.

This weakness is actually fatal

it’s a team game

How do you play without communicating with your teammates?

If you can’t fight even if you cooperate, you will definitely lose.

This is where some teams hesitate

They don’t want to pay a high price for a player who can’t communicate.

Under such circumstances.

The old thief Sima also came to the SN team.

The SN team has changed a lot this year. The mid laner maple is from the LMS division.

This person has a nickname, called ‘Han Hu, because of his style of play, his hero

Chi, his game understanding is actually quite similar to Xiaohu’s.

It belongs to the mid-range version of Xiaohu.

In the second half of the season, the SN team began to gradually lose strength.

Among these teams, there is still a team that has attracted much attention, and that is the FPX team.

The performance of this team is too dazzling

All of a sudden this season , the rise

performed very well

This team is now competing with 1G for the first place in the regular season.

Fans of the PX team also slowly increased

This team was established last year. After they were established last year, they have reached the playoffs.

It was just because of his strength that he was eliminated in the first round.

This season, they naturally want to hit a higher goal, if possible he

We want to hit the championship

The team that won the spring championship can represent the region in the MSI competition

It is the stage to enter the World Championships and compete against strong teams from other divisions.

Such an opportunity is very rare

The teams participating in the MS mid-season competition are all the champions of the spring competition in each division.

The regular season is getting better

The teams in front need to stabilize their positions, and the teams behind have been catching up.


Huh. This year’s Spring Split is really good

“FPX is doing so well, it’s like a team

“And top feels good too.

But why RNG’s performance this season is so poor 187.

“EDG is also very hip.

Some people can’t figure it out

Why did RNG’s strength degrade so much all of a sudden?

Where’s the incense pot? Where’s Yeetmi? Why don’t they play?

They couldn’t figure out why these two people didn’t play anymore.

RNG’s current problem is huge no matter how you look at it.

Fortunately, it is still during the spring season

I hope that RNG can adjust well, come on, and strive for the summer game.

The Tiger Emperor of Spring, the Tiger of Summer, are you sure about RNG’s efforts in the summer game?

There are also people who have great doubts about this

NG’s current problem is no longer a problem of one person, but the problem of the entire team.

Like Xiaohu, although he has been practicing cary-level heroes recently, he has been relying on

After UZI, his mentality has also changed a long time ago.

has already formed an inertial thinking

So now if you use a carry-type hero, it will not be effective.

い虎 is indeed pulling a lot of hips now.

Hey… I still hope that Letemi can come back, I feel like I’m not on the road without Letemi, and I feel sad


Except for the LPL division

There are also different changes in the CK competition area.

SKT’s strength has improved a lot after this big change, and their points are currently

ranked first

This is a picture that hasn’t appeared in a long time.

There are also two teams, GRF and DWG, who have also exerted their strength this season.

In the CK division, people feel the pressure again.

The loss of the season made them feel painful.

They all want to find their way back this season.

Take back your own champion.



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