RNG Is Still That Strong? (Subscribe)

EDG was swept by a new team and was beaten 3:0, not even the first round of the playoffs


This result is surprising

Group of people.

You must know that EDG was also the quarterfinals of the last World Championship.

One of the three imperial families with profound heritage

But this is such a team that didn’t even make it to the first round of the playoffs.Pass

Surprised many people.

Originally, many people thought that EDG would get a big win after going through this World Championship.


Both top laner ray and jungler haro will get a good experience.

Coupled with the cooperation of IBOY, a talented AD player in the bottom lane.

DG’s potential this season is still very high.

But the result was just the opposite.

From the beginning of the season to now, they haven’t played very well, they can only be considered average.

barely made it to the playoffs

Swept directly by DMO, there is no resistance at all

Is this still the EDG that once ruled the LPL division?

It’s getting worse every day now.

The original EDG’s results in the World Championships were very mediocre, only the top eight, but… he

In the LPL league, “190” achieved very good results, dominating the entire division.

This is also the origin of the title of EDG Civil War Fantasy God.

But now, let alone continue to dominate the entire LPL division, in the playoffs

Knocked out in the first round

This difference is a bit big

The era of EDG is over

Someone said with a sigh.

Actually not now, as early as after S7.. The era of EDG has passed.

The rise of RNG broke the era of their domination

Thus entered the situation of pigs and dogs fighting for hegemony.

Then we entered the era of Yusanjia and the current era of contending among a hundred schools of thought

Now LPL is really more and more strong teams emerging.

The defeat of DG also gave many teams a wake-up call.

Sounded a wake-up call to make them pay more attention

And the next game.

It’s the match between RNG and JDG

second round of playoffs

This is arranged according to the regular season points

G’s points ranking is relatively high, ranking third in the regular season points, so jump directly

Passed the first round , entered the second round

After JDG won the WE team, they entered the second round. The opponent they faced was

is a stronger RNG

If it was RNG last season, then JDG would have no chance of winning.

But this season RNG’s strength has declined a lot, while JDG has improved again

Then the result is hard to say.

RNG really may not be able to win the JDG team steadily.

Everything still depends on RNG’s own performance.

Huh, it’s finally RNG’s game

I always feel that the current RNG is so hanging, it may not be able to beat JDG

RNG fans are sweating for RNG.

Ever since RNG stopped in the quarter-finals in the World Championship, there have been a lot fewer fans. some before

Fans, either from fan to channel, or from fan to black, there are quite a few of them

Coco, wait for RNG to be sent away by JDG. ”

Forget it with RNG, with such strength, I don’t want them to lose face.

Only four guarantees and one, it is a shame to go to MSI, the four guarantees will be out of date early

I still hope that IG can win the spring championship

There is also FPX. ”

Anyway, as long as it’s not RNG winning

Crowds of people yelled online.

They were all extremely excited when they saw the RNG game

The scolding is still there.

Even after so many months, everyone has only won a top eight for RNG

Still very dissatisfied and dissatisfied with the results

Everyone believed that RNG at that time could win the championship, and so many people put their hopes on it

But what about the result?

is a top eight

the more you hope, the harder you fall.

I can’t go through with this tone

You say they don’t spray RNG and spray who?

There was a disappointment once, and now they don’t have too high hopes for RNG.

In this playoffs, everyone also thinks that RNG is not so easy to play against JDG.

I think the winning rate may be 40 to 60.

How strong is RNG? Can it still account for 60%?

If Mijiao mixes 6, it is four, and D is six. I am optimistic about red

Oh oh, it turned out to be like this.

I am also optimistic about coach Hongmi and think JDG will win.

“The current RNG is too hip.

Let’s see how Xiaohu in the middle lane will fight

The crowd is waiting for the game to proceed.

Some of them are optimistic about JDG

Finally it’s our turn to play RNG.

Everyone in JDG has already geared up, they know very well

They hit in this round

defeat RNG, then this will greatly improve their morale

It’s a confidence level thing

They must really want to beat RNG.

beat RNG, that’s totally different for them

Everyone, play well, the current RNG is much weaker than last season, we have a chance to play

them. “Coach Hongmi is also preparing the players for the game

Take it easy coach.

We will definitely win.

Okay, let’s work together, I believe in your strength, you are the strongest. fight for

If we win the next spring split, we will get a place in MSI

The JDG team seems to have been beaten with chicken blood, and their fighting spirit is high.

On the RNG side, the atmosphere seemed a bit dull.

After the last World Championship, the atmosphere in the team has changed a bit, and it’s not the same anymore

The previous RNG.

Coach Hongmi really has his own way of leading the team

The opponents he has dealt with can rise rapidly in a short period of time.

Just like the JDG team, before he took over, the strength of this team was at the bottom.

The threshold for the playoffs is not even in.

However, after Hongmi joined the team, it was different

JDG made it to the playoffs in the first year, and now they have a chance to hit higher goals

If we grasp this opportunity well, we may still be able to hit the championship

Now standing in front of them are RNG, 1G and FPX teams.

As for the T0P team, they don’t believe that it is possible to hide FPX or

in this game, some are optimistic about RNG, and some are optimistic about JDG

Overall, there are still more people who are optimistic about RNG

Although their performance in the previous World Championships was very average, but their team is after all

Own UZ

With UZ, everything is possible

This is their strongest pillar and the absolute core of RNG

Believe in RNG, believe in UZ.

There are still many people who have high hopes for RNG, hoping that they can beat JDG

into the second half of the playoffs

Not the first round of the playoffs.

UZI’s face is also much more serious.

He knows this playoffs is a test for their RNG

If this test is not passed, it means that their changes in the Spring Split have failed.

He must be unwilling and unwilling.

UZI will not allow himself to lose.

He also doesn’t like the feeling of losing a game.

he wants

What’s more, what is in front of him is only the JDG team, and he doesn’t think this team will treat him

]create a threat.

Their goal is not JDG, but G and its stronger opponent G in other divisions

this is their

JDG is strong, especially in these two seasons the progress has been great

But if they want to become their RNG opponents, they are still a bit short.

Not worried about being defeated by the opponent

After getting ready, the two teams started the game and BP

This game also attracts

crowd’s gaze

And this time

Everyone in G2 who is far away in the 5.2LEC competition area is also watching the situation in each competition area at this moment.

Chen, it seems that the opponents this season are not easy. “” Ah P chatted with Chen Hao

After transitioning to AD, Ah P also played better and better

Now his bot lane is no longer G2’s weak point.

Occasionally, he can still get up

This season’s opponent is indeed stronger.

CK Division, this time SKT and GRF are very strong

These two teams are also enemies in the eyes of G2.

No matter which team wins the championship, it may cause damage to G2 in the MSI game later

Big trouble.

This is what P is worried about

I think maybe GRF can deal with it better. “Weighed for a long time, Ah P still thinks that GRF is more

Easy to deal with, I don’t want to meet SK

SKT’s reputation is too great.

And with Brother Li sitting in town in person, everyone was in a state of trepidation, and there was no belief that they would win

After the reorganization this year, SKT has also become stronger, obviously towards the championship, towards the

come with them G2



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