Mohist Tang

Chapter 20

Ding Jiang is over. When Shopkeeper Wang got the news of the destruction of the fish gang, he sighed.

The fish gang used to be his most powerful thug, and he had done a lot of dirty things for him before. The destruction of the fish gang at this time was beyond his expectation. He did not expect that Mohist Village would have Duke of Yi’s token, please move Cao Constable to support him. It made him think that the foolproof arrangement fell short, and he lost the thug, Ding Jiang, and the loss was not small.

“It’s a pity!” Shopkeeper Wang stood respectfully behind Imperial Censor Doctor Wang Zhe, and heard Wang Zhe sighed and said: Lord is worried, just a little fish to help, the villain goes back After that, find another group of people who can make an all-out effort to help Lord.

“Idiot, what a fish gang is, I’m talking about the Mohist Family live fish secret technique.” Imperial Censor Wang said irritably,

“If these magic skills are in my In the hands of Wang Family, the role played is more than this. The entire worlds fisheries will be in my hands.”

Wang Shopkeeper was shocked. He did not expect Imperial Censor Wang to have a big picture, but he Nothing was done.

“Lord, don’t worry, I will arrange it after I go back. I must take the secret skill of the live fish.” Shopkeeper Wang assured.

“It’s late!”

Imperial Censor Wang shook the head. With the support of Duke of Yi, it is impossible to get Mohist Village’s live fish secret skills.

“Is there really no chance?” Shopkeeper Wang said unwillingly. In his heart, Imperial Censor Wang’s energy is very huge, and nothing can help him settle before anything.

“Of course there is a chance?” Imperial Censor Wang faintly smiled and said: Since we can’t get it alone, let Mohist Village reveal the secrets of live fish.

“Why is Mohist Village willing to disclose it?” Shopkeeper Wang does not believe that Mohist Village is so desperate for the secret technique of live fish, and will be willing to disclose the secret technique of live fish for free.

“Don’t worry, he will make it public!” Imperial Censor Wang said confidently.

“Come here, put on the official uniform for this officer, it’s time to Attending the Imperial court.” Imperial Censor Wang looked at the white sky in the east and took a deep breath.

As an emperor, especially an emperor with black spots and a sense of shame, Li Shimin can be described as conscientious. He desperately built himself into a Mingjun, trying to prove that the Xuanwu Gate coup was correct. He is the best person to lead this country, and in fact, he did.

It is said that Qin Shihuang reads a hundred and twenty catties of memorials every day, and if the paper in front of Li Shimin is carved into bamboo slips, it will only be more or less.

After Li Shimin took care of today’s government affairs, Court Eunuch director Pang De screamed out in a knowing manner: If something is going to happen, leave the court if nothing happens.

“The minister has this performance.” Imperial Censor Wang answered.

“Quick play!” Li Shimin cheered up.

Imperial Censor Wang looked at Qin Qiong in the front row, and said loudly: “The minister wants Impeach Feudal Count Mo Dun to openly conduct business, fight for profit with the people, and openly in Chang’an City for personal gain. Using swords and soldiers, it is in the form of conspiracy.”

“Feudal Count Mo Dun?” Li Shimin looked towards Pang De in confusion. Since Li Shimin succeeded to the throne, he is very familiar with all the heroes, and I can’t remember that there is Mo Dun in Feudal Count.

“It seems to be the son of Feudal Marquis Mo Lie.” Pang De also said hesitantly.

“Oh! Mo Lie!” Li Shimin suddenly realized, thinking of this former general. I die an untimely death at a young age, which makes people sigh.

“Yes, he is the son of Feudal Count Mo Lie. This man is nearly fifteen years old, but he is very arrogant. It was originally the empire Earl, but he was greedy for small profits and fished for profit because of contradictions. Ding Jiang, a fish merchant, fought openly in Chang’an City, and his minister asked Your Majesty to order a thorough investigation of the villain in this city. Imperial Censor Wang said devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, filled with indignation.

“Oh! My Earl actually went to sell fish, this happened!” Li Shimin is obviously more interested in an Earl selling fish. As for the fight in Chang’an City, I dont know how many. .

“Reporting to Your Majesty! The minister can prove that Feudal Count Mo Dun is indeed selling fish in Chang’an City. This is what Chen saw with his own eyes, and it was a sensation in the city at that time.” Ma Zhou said, he It was the scholar in Tsing Yi at that time, who had seen Mo Dun enter Chang’an City for the first time, and had a deep impression of the noble boy who was selling along the street and his face remained unchanged.

“It was indeed a sensation in the whole city. How could a dignified empire Feudal Count sell fish, how could it not be a sensation.” Wei Zheng said sarcastically. He is upright and doesnt have any sand in his eyes. Dun dignified a Feudal Count to sell fish can not help but feel dissatisfied, it is really embarrassing to the empire.

“Master Wei knows something. The sensation that the next official said is something else. I dont know if Master Wei has heard the two words that have been blasted in Chang’an City recently, live fish Secret skills and catfish effect.” Ma Zhou said with a bow.

“Catfish effect, live fish secret skills!” The ministers suddenly realized.

“What is the secret technique of catfish effect live fish!” Li Shimin wondered.

“reporting to Your Majesty, the secret of live fish and the catfish effect were introduced to Chang’an City when Feudal Count Mo Dun came to Chang’an City to sell fish.” Ma Zhou without omission and in detail Tell me about Mohist Village’s experience of selling fish in Chang’an City.

“Catfish effect! Mozi not only has great wisdom, but also has a gentleman’s style to keep his word for thousands of years!” Li Shimin’s eyes were gleaming, and he was obviously infected by Mozi’s story.

All those who can rank in the Imperial Court are a giant amongst men. With their insights, of course they can understand the catfish effect, and they often use this method.

“That’s the case, a Feudal Count dignified should not be openly engaged in business. What makes the empire face?” Wei Zheng said displeased.

“What Mr. Wei said is extremely true that these kind of citymen simply don’t deserve to enjoy the Imperial Nobility Rank and are worthy of Your Majesty’s reward.” Imperial Censor Wang hit a person when he’s down.

Li Shimin is also slightly nodded. After all, a Count business violates the laws of the empire and condones the guards to use swordsmen in Chang’an City. If it is not severely punished, everyone will not accept it.

Li Shimin was about to order a rigorous investigation, and suddenly Qin Qiong stepped out and bowed and said: “reporting to Your Majesty, please beg for Mohist Village.”

Qin Qiong 1 Getting out immediately surprised everyone. Duke of Yi is usually cautious and doesn’t participate in government affairs at all. He didn’t expect that this time he would openly confront Imperial Censor Wang.

“Qin Minister, if you have something to say, is there any hidden truth in this!” Li Shimin was astonished. He did not expect that Qin Qiong, who has always been low-key, would plead for Mohist Village.

“Mohist Village is the poorest village in Ch_ng’n.” As soon as Qin Qiong said this, the entire Imperial Court was in an uproar.

“No way!”

“So poor!”


The entire Imperial Court is not few , His own Fiefdom does not say rich, but it is definitely much stronger than other ordinary villages.

“You don’t want to marry a Mohist Village. I’d rather stay in the riverside.” Ma Zhou sighed.


The ministers took a deep breath. This half line of poem is quite endless. Even if you marry a wife, you dont want to go to Mohist Village to suffer. Mohist How poor will the Village be?

“But is Mo Dun aggressively levying, or are the villagers lazy?” Li Shimin said solemnly.

Qin Qiong shook his head and said: “No, Mohist Village is the title of Feudal Marquis Mo Lie, Mo Lie Fief has thousands of households, and most of the villagers in the village are veterans of the Shengong camp who are veterans and disabled who are loyal. For Mo Lie, and Mo Lie Mo Dun father and son also lived up to the spirit of Mohist Family and love, all disabled veterans who can’t live in the work camp are treated equally, causing Mo Lie to be the only one who has been entrusted with a thousand families. There are many people and the land is poor and they are not good at farming. Every year, Mo Lie father and son fills in the Nobility Rank salary to barely maintain it.”

Qin Qiong said to the civilian officials, many of them bowed their heads with a guilty conscience. Confucianism and Mohism are opposed. As a Confucian discipline, facing a Mohist Family Son, they are not soft at all. The land allocated is barren wasteland and cannot make ends meet every year.

Li Shimin’s heart was shaken. He didn’t think that Mohist Village was so difficult, and Mo Lie father and son was also so value emotion, value friendship.

“Mo Lie!”

Li Shimin couldn’t help but think of the man who was admired by everyone. He was always dressed in black, he looked like a knife and a tough look, and he wanted to carry forward. Mohist Family’s mission is unforgettable.

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