The latest website: Feiluor Fortress.

Sun Xu entered a shop, where all kinds of handicrafts are sold, and they seem to be some years old.

The shop is very quiet, except for Sun Xu, there are only three customers in total, all admiring the crafts on the shelves.

There is a table at the door, and an ordinary-looking middle-aged man sits inside, flipping through a book, and he is also the only employee.

Sun Xu strolled around at random and stopped in front of a crock pot.

The earthen jar was dusty, and there were several gaps of different sizes in the filling position.

But don't look at its poor appearance, but it is a genuine magic item.

It's just that the damage is so bad that the magic power has almost run out.

There are several similar items in the shop.

In terms of style, these magic items should all come from Ionia.

Although it is broken, it also has great value.

The owner of this store can get so much, and can also display it for sale in a magnificent manner, obviously not an ordinary person.

However, Sun Xu was not interested in the background of the shop. He came in purely to study the methods of refining these magic items.

Although most of the refining methods in the League of Legends world are very rough, it is a brand-new system after all, which allows him to think a little bit by analogy.

Moreover, the materials he used to re-refine the Linglong Tower were all from the League of Legends world, and being able to draw some nutrients from it would be a lot of help.

Time passed slowly.

One customer in the shop walked away, and two came again, all of them silently admiring, no one showed the desire to buy.

After Sun Xu saw the last broken magical item, his divine sense scanned it again, and after confirming that there was no omission, he was about to leave.

As soon as he arrived at the door, another person walked towards him, wrapped in a large black robe, with a hood on his head, covering half of his face, with only his mouth and nose exposed.

The footsteps of both sides stopped unanimously.

The black-robed man opened his mouth slightly, and seemed a little surprised.

There was a meaningful smile on Sun Xu's face. He glanced at her covered face, didn't say anything, turned and left the shop.

The black-robed man looked back at him, hesitated for a while before entering the shop.

After leaving the craft shop, Sun Xu stopped wandering and went straight to the port of the fortress of Philor.

Here, he was lucky to find a merchant ship from Freljord.

After talking, he learned that they were going to leave Ionia in two days and return to Freljord.

After discussion, Sun Xu paid some money, and the boss agreed to bring him.

Because he only set off after two days, Sun Xu left temporarily after arranging the departure time.

He wandered aimlessly around Philol twice, then left the fortress and walked into the forest outside.

As we go deep into the forest, the number of people gradually decreases and becomes barren.

Sun Xu stopped by a big tree and looked back in the direction he came.

"Come out!"

The forest is quiet, except for the sound of the breeze blowing leaves, there is no movement.

The corner of Sun Xu's mouth curled up, and with a flick of his fingers, a mana flew out and shot towards a bush.


There was a cry of pain from inside, and after a while, a black figure came out from it. It was the man in the black robe he had seen in front of the Philol craft shop.

Pulling her hood upwards, her eyes appeared, narrow and charming, full of temptation, but at this time they were full of vigilance.

"who are you?"

"I should ask you this sentence, right? You are following me!"

Sun Xu smiled and said, "Moreover, you don't look like a good person when you hide your head and show your tail!"

"I followed you, wasn't it because you let me follow me on purpose?"

The black-robed man lifted his hood, revealing a face full of the country and the city, staring at him with enthusiasm: "You wandered around in Philor, didn't you mean to seduce me on purpose?"

"It's pretty smart!"

Sun Xu smiled: "Since you guessed that I was looking for you, why are you still following?"

"What can I do if you are eyeing on?"

Ari looked like a broken jar: "If I don't follow up, you might just do it right away, right?"

Sun Xu didn't say yes or no, and pointed to her black robe: "Can you take this off? I want to see your real body."

Ari was silent for a while, then slowly took off his black robe, revealing a perfect body.

Slender and round legs, slender waist, bulging chest, the most striking thing is the nine white fluffy tails behind her!

Nine-tailed demon fox, Ari!

She is not a real monster, but a Vastaya.

This is a special race in Runeterra, which has characteristics of both humans and certain beasts.

Compared with ordinary humans, Vastalians generally have a longer life span and better magical talents.

In the land of Ionia, Vastia seemed to prosper for a while, and then gradually declined.

Sun Xu knew that after he came to the League of Legends world, the person he most wanted to see was Ari.

After strolling in Ionia for so long, he has never seen her. He thought there was no chance, but he didn't expect to get what he wanted before he left.

Did not let him down!

Ali's appearance and figure are not inferior to those of Nami, Weiwei and others. The fox-eared foxtail did not reduce her beauty, but gave her a unique charm.

Beast ear mother, understand everything.

Moreover, there are benefits.

"It's actually a vacuum..."

Sun Xu touched his nose: "Okay, put it on quickly!"

Ari quickly put on the clothes, and then said: "Can I go now?"

"So what are you doing in a hurry? I don't know how to eat people."

Sun Xu said: "Moreover, you took the initiative to follow up, maybe it's not just because you are afraid of me?"

Ari fell silent.


Because of her special talent, she is very sensitive to the human soul.

The moment she saw Sun Xu, the shock in her heart was almost indescribable.

The spirit of ordinary people is like a bowl of clear water, and Sun Xu's spirit is like a vast and boundless ocean in her sense!

She has never seen a human with such a powerful soul!

Even beyond her knowledge of humans!

Including many spirit bodies she had seen, they were far inferior to Sun Xulai.

Ah Li knows that such a powerful soul means terrifying power beyond imagination!

She wanted to run away directly away from Sun Xu, it would be best to never see him again.

However, when she saw Sun Xu again, she followed in a ghostly manner.

the reason is simple.

By sucking the human soul, her power will continue to increase.

When she met Sun Xu, she subconsciously took a breath.

Just the natural pervasive mental power made her feel dizzy, with an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

It's like an old glutton, encountering an unprecedented delicacy.

Her willpower has never been so firm.

That temptation is totally hard to resist!

Even though she knew it was dangerous, she couldn't help but follow Sun Xu to come here.

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