Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Chapter 224: Long sleep is also sleep (see monthly ticket for subscription)

  Chapter 224 Long sleep is also sleep (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

  Jin Si moved his hands and feet and walked out.

"where you go?"

   "I'm hungry, find something to eat."

   "Are you crazy? There are pirates outside."

  "If the pirates don't leave, will we not get out of the cabin?"

  The young man loaded the gun. Although there was still fear on his face, he decided to go out with Jin Si.

   "Why don't you counsel anymore?"

   "There are still people outside who are tortured by pirates. We need to rescue them..." the young man said righteously: "Also, I hope I can find roast goose in the kitchen. I can eat a whole roast goose now."

  As soon as the two got out of the hatch, they found a group of pirates ahead.

  But they turned their backs to them.

  The young man screamed in fright: "It's not good..."

  The young man wanted to shoot, but the bullet happened to jam.

  Those pirates are attracted by the voices of young people instead.

  The young people are already sweating profusely.

  But the gun in his hand seems to be against him.

  Trying to load the gun several times in a row, but failed to shoot.

  After being loaded and unloaded for the fifth time, a jammed bullet popped out.

  It was finally time to shoot, and the young man suddenly raised the gun.

   Then... he saw Jin Si standing among the stumbling pirates.

"what are you doing?"

   "Uh...they..." The young man was a little embarrassed.

  "Everyone said don’t work overtime. If they don’t obey, I will let them sleep."

  The young man glanced at and smeared his brain on the wall: "Do you call this sleep?"

   "Long sleep is also sleep."

   "Well, you have the final say."

  After walking for a few minutes, they met a group of pirates.

  The young man is not as nervous as before.

  But before he could shoot, Jin Si had already rushed over.

  This made him unable to shoot at all, so as not to harm Jin Si.

   Before he had time to worry about whether Jin Si would be injured, the battle was resolved.

   Soon young people discovered that following Jin Si, there is no need to worry about pirates.

  Even the gun in his hand is redundant.

  Not long, they came to the banquet hall.

  There are a lot of pirates and hostages here.

  The two were hiding in the corner of the aisle.

   "What to do, we must save those hostages."

   "No, they have no salvation value."

   "Why? They are all innocent."

   "There is no woman, let all those men die."

   "There are children, do you have the heart to let those children hurt?"

   "The child I hate the most."

   "I will add another ten thousand dollars to save them, especially the children."

  Jin Si fell into thought, and the young man was a little anxious.

  If he didn't know his abilities, he would really want to rush out to save the hostages.

   "You're at this time, what are you still hesitating?"

   "I'm thinking that if all the hostages are dead, there should be more widows on the boat, then my chances will be much greater."

  Young people can't help but fall into thinking, as if this angle is indeed...


   "What do you think, scum."

  The young man’s face is dark, I just think about it, you just said it directly.

   "Do you have any plans?" the young man asked.

   "I didn't promise to save the hostages."

   "After returning to New York, I will introduce a woman to you."


   "Pretty." The young man almost squeezed the words out of his teeth.

  Jin Si rushed out of the aisle directly.

   "Listen, everyone inside, put down their weapons, you are already surrounded."

  The pirates and hostages looked at Jin Si blankly.

  Then a big beard who looked like a pirate boss raised his gun to Jin Si.


   Jin Si's figure flashed, avoiding the bullet, and at the same time appeared behind the pirate leader at a speed that was not as fast as BT, kicking the pirate leader halfway through.

  A series of jumps again, shooting a few pirates flying.

  Other pirates immediately grabbed the hostages and stood in front of them.

   "Don't move, move again and I will kill him!"

  Jin Si simply ignores the threats of those pirates.

   "You kill it, his life and death is a matter of my ass, and we are not familiar."

   Fortunately, young people also came out of the aisle at this time.

   fired two shots from behind, and the two pirates fell down.

   "Raise your hand, or I will shoot."

  As soon as the other pirates turned around, they found that there was only a young man.

  They raised their guns one after another, intending to give young people a chance to reform and become human again.

   Suddenly felt his body lighten, and Jin Si attacked again.

  Even the hostages took the pirates to fly.

  Fortunately, the hostages have pirates as backing.

  The pirates smashed their heads and shed blood, and the hostages would be dimmed when they reached the sky.

   "If he wakes up, please say sorry for me." Jin Si pointed to the unconscious hostage and said.

  Everyone looks at Jin Si like a demon.

  The other pirates looked at Jin Si a little bit frustrated.

  This product shouldn't stand there, it should stand on their pirate side.

  From image to temperament, to words and deeds.

  Is it more like pirates than these pirates?

   "I surrender... I surrender... I don't want to be an enemy of this kind of bastard."

  One of the pirates raised their hands and cried.


   "You surrendered when you surrendered, and you brought a personal attack?" Jin Si cried out in indignation.

  Other pirates, look at me, and I look at you. They let go of the hostages in front of them and dropped their guns.

   "They have been impressed by my tolerance."

  The young man looked at Jin Si, and it took a long time to say: "Are you sure you were not scared by you?"

   "Where are the women?" Jin Si suddenly cried, holding a pirate's collar.

   "They...they are watching in the bar."

I have to say that these pirates are quite experienced.

  They are a minority after all, hundreds of people on the cruise ship.

  Even if they have guns in their hands, it is difficult to control so many people at once.

  So they separated men and women, not only for the convenience of management, but also for the purpose of letting these men throw rats.

  Most men come with their wives and children.

  Now that they are separated, they cannot be sure whether they will implicate their wives and daughters if they risk resistance.

   "I will save the poor and helpless girls, do you want to come together."

  The young man nodded and said, "Although I am not a hero, I can't stand by and watch this kind of thing."

  The young man picked up a few more guns and handed them to Jin Si: "Are you sure you don't want one?"

   "My temperament is not suitable for guns."

   "Also, I will help you build a mace later."

  The two came out of the bar, and the young man glanced at Jin Si: "Or follow the same plan as when you rescued the men just now. You go in first..."

   "No, too risky, those pirates will hurt the hostages."

   "Do you care about this?"

   "Of course, I'm a gentleman, I won't just watch innocent people get hurt."

   "There are children in that group of hostages."

  "They are all flowers of the future. I will never allow flowers to be harmed."

  "Don’t you hate children the most?"

   "Yeah, I hate boys the most. Is there anything wrong?"

  (End of this chapter)

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