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“No problem, Bureau Chief Yue, you opened your mouth, and I naturally want to help you solve this problem.”

“However…” Ye Qing also changed the topic: “Bureau Chief Yue You may not quite clear, the kind of machine tools foreigner not at all is similar to machine tools products. It is a new product that we are developing, currently It’s in beta.”

“As you know, our factory is mainly engaged in cutting and processing machine tools. Now the market is saturated and the business is not easy to do. We have tried to develop this new product by improving the metal engraving machine.”

“Testing?” Bureau Chief Yue asked with interest: “How long will it take to test well, little Boss Ye, we are also friends. You see, I have contacted you with your first batch of machine tools orders. .”

“My friend said that he wants to order 5 such engraving machines.”

As long as the engraving machine is not sold to Jiangshan Stone Factory of Sang Qing, even if the other monsters are coming, Ye Qing is still selling the same.

The first batch of orders was given to Bureau Chief Yue, but Ye Qing was very pleased to save the province’s own business.

Ye Qing quickly estimated let it be, how long will it take to make this engraving machine.

Rapid Metal Engraving Machine (ordinary quality) has strict blueprint requirements. blueprint specifies in detail which types of processing machine tools are required, and at least one Master Craftsman, and Monstrous Laborer to participate.

Machine tools have been fully installed, and there are 2 Master Craftsman required for processing, not to mention Monstrous Laborer.

The rest is to purchase raw materials. The reference time given on blueprint is 2 days.

Buy the processing materials tomorrow, and the first product should be available in 3rd day.

“It’s about to happen, it’s the past few days.”

“Then I am waiting for your good news.” When Bureau Chief Yue smiled hē hē when he was going to hanging up the phone, he remembered one more thing and added: “Yes, you sent me the mailbox. I asked the Design Institute to help Urban Construction The Bureau calculated several blueprints of the stone carvings of our Zhongyun special culture. The curbs of your other streets will be processed according to the pattern I sent you.”

Ye Qing ēn ēn agreed, and immediately sent the mailbox to the end of the call.

Ye Qing is more motivated when it comes to business.

He had already set the price of the engraving machine in his heart, 500 one.

In 2 days, the cost of 35,000 can be tens of times, definitely more money than robbery.

This sister is the charm brought by high technology. It turned out that the machine tools were made exhaustively, and the price was set at the lowest in the city, and it could not be sold.

Now, Ye Qing has not officially started construction yet, and a few 1000000 orders have flown over.

Humming songs happily while working.

At the end of the sea-level, a red sun slowly fell, and the sea water hit the shore rocks and the pier. When the tide began, Ye Qing finally finished his job.

Coming to the yard, the changes in immense made Ye Qing almost stumble.


It has been ganged by these monsters and built one meter to get higher.

You should know that the ground here is hard sand and gravel, and many exposed rocks are buried in the ground. This group of monsters only used a few hours to dig the foundation of the fence and built a one meter high cement brick fence.

This will lead them out and do the work of urban construction…

Ye Qing dare not imagine the efficiency of this group of human excavators, but also look forward to waiting for the Monster Factory after the upgrade, can Ye Qing solve the most difficult problems at present…

monster identity problem!

These gangs of human tyrannosaurus have a cyan-green body and are covered with handy mane, and two fangs are ejected from the lower jaw.

Take this face out, not to mention ordinary people, even if Ye Bei sees it, she will be scared witless.

Last time Ye Qing just blackned Ox One and Ox Two with hair dye and wanted them to pretend to be black.

But after throwing them into Monster Factory for a while, their skin color turned back quickly, and even the sawed fangs grew half the finger length.

Monster Factory’s recovery ability is too strong, which makes Ye Qing glad that when he can squeeze the monsters, he is distressed by the camouflage method he has come up with, which has no effect.

Now I can only rush to the next level and raise the Monster Factory to 3 to see what solution the Monster Factory will come up with.

Before the system was not prompted, Third Grade can be out of Black Tech, maybe there is a solution to the monster identity.

The first level of promotion requirements is to recruit ten Monstrous Laborer.

Now 2 liters 3, the upgrade conditions given are divided into 2 steps, 1st Step is the need to complete a blueprint manufacturing.

2nd Step has not been revealed yet, and you have to wait until the first condition is completed to know.

It’s not difficult to create blueprints in kind.

And before the system reminded, upgrade before Third Grade is relatively easy and belongs to the development period.

The third grade is the official stage, and it must be surpassed other industrial manufacturing industries to upgrade.

By the way, the owner of the shipyard said that there is a natural cave under the cliff next to the sea, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the area is not small.

Ye Qing is going to see, natural caves~

It is still warm in winter and cool in summer, if it is dry enough, it can be transformed into its own secret base.

Although Ye Qing doesn’t do gangsters, male children don’t have this kind of secret base plot.

Rolling up his trousers, Ye Qing stepped on the reef and came to the beach, looking towards the cliff of the West.

This is the time when the sea is rising and the waves under the cliff are very big. Ye Qing just searched for a long time before he found a small cave entrance close to the sea from behind a raised reef.

The hidden cave, an immense reef in front of the entrance, perfectly blocked the entrance. If Ye Qing knew the location of the cave, it was fundamentally impossible to find it.

Only now the sea is high and the waves are rolling, it is very difficult to climb past. And the black hole inside, Ye Qing was a little worried.

On a forehead, Ye Qing quickly pulled out the Monster Factory and took out his Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle summon.

This guy uses waterway 2 and has a self-propelled caterpillar track, which is perfect for cave exploration.

Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle streamlined and exquisite shell, and powerful self-propelled caterpillar track, let it shuttle between the reefs like a flat ground, 2 arm-driven robotic arms, can also help it over the obstacles.

The entrance is only half as high as one meter. After the Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle is driven in, Ye Qing turns on the searchlight and rotates the webcam to sweep through the cave like a radar.

This is a very natural cave with only bare stones on the top, a space of more than 8 meters, and an area of ​​nearly 300 square meters. There are neither stalactites nor purple crystal deposits.

Of course, this cave has many advantages. It is spacious and large enough. It is very dry inside. Unlike many stalactite caves, which seep water everywhere, tourists even have to wear raincoats to visit.

Controlling 4 visits of the Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle, Ye Qing suddenly found a clear picture from the screen and found that there was a pool in the innermost part of the cave.

The air is very dry here, how can there be a pool?

Ye Qing controlled the Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle approaching curiously, and suddenly a burst of water burst into the pool.

The non-explosive water splash, the scared Ye Qing hair stands on end, almost threw the Monster Factory phone.

“What the fuck?” Ye Qing was about to command Ox One and Ox Two to get in and catch a ghost. A huge black rock perch splashed out of the pool.

This black rock bass weighs more than ten pounds. Heaven knows how it survives in the pool that is only the size of a car.

Fundamentally impossible, there is no food for it in the pool.

Then there is only one scientific explanation. This pool connects to the outside sea, and this black stone bass merely strays into the bad luck ghost of the underground cave passage.

Black stone bass is very common at the seaside. This wild cat of more than ten kilograms is worth a little money, but Ye Qing does not want to eat it.

Because this guy has some sub-health, the skin should have been black and dark, some redness at the moment, and some white spots all over it.

More than ten years ago, Dragon Creek Beach had very good water quality, and the shore was full of seafood and fish. Many fishermen picked oysters here.

Later, the water quality was gradually contaminated, the oysters gradually disappeared, the fishermen ran out, and the dockyard also closed down, which made Ye Qing pick a bargain.

This bad luck black rock perch also seems to be deeply affected, and it almost became 4 different.

Control the Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle, plunge into the pool, and indeed it is at the bottom of the pool, there is a black hole channel, winding towards the direction of the sea.

Ye Qing turns on the underwater propulsion mode of Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle, and torpedo-like controls it to shuttle in the channel.

The seabed underground passage is very long and spacious. At the bottom of the passage are shellfish wreckage, and there are many abalone shells.

Ye Qing even found several wreckages of abalone shells that were large enough to make a lot of money if the water area was not contaminated and the Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle was controlled to catch abalone.

After fully controlling the Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle for more than ten minutes, Ye Qing finally finished exploring this seabed channel.

According to the data on the cell phone, Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle is now in Ye Qing’s east-west direction, with a distance of 5 miles.

The cave exit is located on a seabed slope, and Ye Qing controls the Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle to drill it out. Not only why, but the seawater visibility here is poor.

Controlling the webcam to rotate a few times, Ye Qing intends to let Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle search for any seabed landscape nearby that is worth visiting.

Not far from the opening of the cave, a metal pipe full of shell debris and sediment was moved straight towards the land.

At the end of the pipeline, a rusty water outlet sits on the seabed slope, and an endless stream of dark green sewage spews out of the pipeline.

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