Move a Monster To Another World

Chapter 104: Tier 3 Summoner

   "This card...not so good!"

   Looking at the sixth card, the slender female knight riding a war horse and armor covered with steel spikes, Gawain was a little disappointed.

   "Warrior of Alexstrasza (2-star rare card

   "Attack Index: 2"

   "Defensive Index: 3"

   "Special effects: Battlecry (If you have a dragon card, you get +1 attack power and charge

   "Introduction: ‘Put her with more thorns. No, more thorns. Are these four words so difficult to understand? Snapshots I said to do it!"-Alexstrasza."


   Alexstrasza is the Queen of the Red Dragon, her warrior is naturally related to the Red Dragon.

   is definitely not a red dragon, otherwise the body won't be so bad.

   Red dragon people are impossible, because no matter how bad the dragon people are, the body cannot be less than 3/3.

   is probably the human being who serves the red dragon, the kind that has been favored by Alexstrasza.

The four female swordsmen of Mage Loli have all received the "dragon blood refining", and from the point of view of the effect of strengthening the physique and the redness of the body, it should be the blood of the red dragon. It is normal to get this card. .

   Very special warrior professional entourage card, or two.

  Although the figure is good and there are special effects, the special effects are difficult to trigger:

   Where can I get the dragon card?

  According to the sacrificial rules, sacrifices related to dragons must be sacrificed, such as the corpse of a dragon, in order to obtain a dragon card.

  Is there a dragon on Atonement Island?

   Yes, but only one, and it is still an ancient red dragon.

   challenge it?

   Gao Wen doesn't want to die yet.

   When you have a legendary level of strength, think about it again.

   "Forget it... there is no shortage of followers of this level for the time being, wait a minute."

   If you summon directly, 2/3 of the body is not even comparable to the Scarlet Reveler, it is really unnecessary.

   Gao Wen sighed slightly and turned over the eighth card.

The pattern on the    card is a fully armed warrior, but it is not a professional warrior card, but a neutral follower card:

   "Knights of Stormwind (4-star basic card

   "Attack Index: 2"

   "Defensive Index: 5"

   "Special Effects: Charge"

   "Introduction: The Brotherhood of the Iron Horse is old, and now it is the world of the Knights of the Storm!"


   Compared to the 4-star entourage, the figure of the "Stormwind Knight" is indeed not very good. The special effects are not the taunts, divine shields, and battle cry that Gawain prefers, but the charge.

   The "charge" special effect attached to the card cannot be avoided in any way, and can only be resisted.

   If the attack index is relatively high, the value of "charge" is relatively high.

   If the attack index is only 2 points, the "charge" is not very strong.

   and it's still a 4-star card, I don't know when it will be used.

   somewhat helpless.

   "The last card, I hope I don't disappoint."

   Gao Wen, with full expectation, opened the card that shined with purple light.

   "It's actually it?" Gao Wen's face was a little weird.

   "Heartstone" is a veritable character game. The effect of krypton gold is far less than that of Ou Huang. The previous "unstable portal" has fully proved this point, and now this card has to prove it for the second time.

   "Ancient Glyph (2-star Epic Card

   "Effect: Found a spell card and reduce it by 2 stars."

   "Introduction: European Emperor? It doesn't exist...accept the reality, non-Chief!"


   is another one-person brand.

   The best result in theory is to get a 6-star epic spell card after using it, which reduces 2 stars to 4 stars, and then reduces 1 star to 3 stars because of the effect of "Wizard Apprentice"——

   Yes, 3 stars.

   After using the "Ice Barrier", Gawain's experience value has reached "925/1000", once the "Ancient Glyph" is used, it will exceed 1000, and he will be promoted to the 3rd level and he can use the 3-star spell card.

   Of course, if the character is extremely bad and you get a 0-star spell card, such as "Moonfire", Gao Wen can basically say goodbye to this character system, because the face is definitely blacker than the charcoal burned by non-chiefs...

   This card should be related to the magic carriage.

   I don’t know how many spell runes were carved on that carriage. After the sacrifice, I didn’t get the "Siege Engine" or "Flame Behemoth" cards, but instead got the "Ancient Glyphs", which is not incomprehensible.

   After all, the carriage itself is not valuable, but the magic rune carved on it is valuable.

  Perhaps in the system evaluation, the value of the carriage itself is not enough for any return.

   "It's Europe right and wrong, it has been verified...I am not the European emperor, but I am not a non-chief!"

   Gao Wen raised his hand, the card turned into a purple light and disappeared, and three virtual cards appeared in front of his eyes——

   This is the "discovery" mechanism, you can choose one of the three cards.

   This kind of mechanism is actually very cost-effective. Even a non-chief with bad luck can often find one of the three cards that is relatively easy to use, unlike an "unstable portal", which is completely dependent on character.

   Gao Wen looked at the past one by one and found that it was "Thinking Steal", "Pyroblast" and "Ancient Glyph".

   "Thinking Steal" is a 3-star ordinary quality, a priest spell card, the favorite of dirty and animal husbandry, and it is also one of the spells that Gaowen must learn.

   It’s obviously not worthwhile to exchange "Ancient Glyphs" for "Thinking Steal".

   "Pyroblast" is a 10-star spell card that can cause 10-star damage. It can completely kill mountain giants and adult dragons, but even if it is reduced by 2 stars, it is also an 8-star card. When can it be used?

   Gao Wen had no choice but to choose "Ancient Glyph" to fight for a second chance.


   A clear reminder sound attracted Gao Wen's attention.

  The card in his hand has not been used yet, Gao Wen "sees" his attributes:

   He, upgraded!

   Gao Wen checked the attributes, with a satisfied smile on his face.

   "Name: Gaowen Pendragon"

   "Race: Human"

   "Main profession: Summoner of Azeroth Tier 3 (1005/10000

   "Associate occupation: apprentice priest, apprentice knight"

   "Faith: 1"

   "Attack Index: 3 (equipment bonus

   "defense index: 3 (equipment bonus

  "Spells: Lesser Healing (Replaced), Fire Blast (17 days remaining), Reinforcement, Mind Vision

   "Task 1: Build a monastery."

   "Task requirements: none."

   "Task rewards: vary depending on the size and quality of the monastery."

   "Current progress: None."

   "Task Two: Rakkali sacrifice."

   "Task requirements: discard six cards."

   "Task Reward: Void Portal."

   "Task progress: 1/6."


   "Tier 3 Azeroth can choose a new profession?"

   The Hearthstone box turned to the page of the deputy, and the images of Anduin and Uther representing the priest and the paladin were dim and dull. The other 7 images shone yellow light.

   "Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Rogue, Druid, Warlock, Shaman. Which one to choose?"

   Gao Wen did not hesitate too much.

  He is now a priest/palladin. He does not need a healing profession, nor does he need a rough-skinned profession. The long-range DPS profession that needs to enhance his own attack power is the most needed.

   such as mages, such as hunters, such as warlocks, plus shaman at most.

  The most suitable one is the mage.

   Because of the high text, he inherited his mother's magic talent. If you become a mage, you will definitely improve faster than other professions.

   There is another reason:

   Atonement Island is one of the two great masters of the Thousand Islands Principality, and the other is naturally the Master District of the Royal City.

   Here, the chances of getting the wizard's entourage cards and spell cards are not too low, and the chances of Gaowen converting gold cards and learning spell skills are higher.

   The main occupation is Tier 3, and the secondary occupation is still an all-apprentice. It is really hard to get it.

  While developing the territory, Gao Wen must find a way to get more believers and accumulate faith points faster.

   The speed will not be too fast, which is a big restriction for Gao Wen to improve his strength.


   "There should be shortcuts, right? The way to get faith points is probably not the only way. Faith transforms divine power, can divine power also be transformed into faith..."

   Gao Wen raised his hand, "Ancient Glyph" turned into a purple light and disappeared.

   This time, there are new changes.


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