Move a Monster To Another World

Chapter 134: Secrets of Lich Gellert

The scorching sun is high and there is no cloud in the sky.

It's a bit hot.

After lunch, Gao Wen made a regular tour of Jinsha Village and smiled slightly when he saw that the villagers were full of energy and enthusiasm.

He likes this feeling very much.

Hundreds of waste wait for prosperity and prosperity.

The lord protects the lord, and the lord works for the lord and brings wealth.

Finally, Gao Wen came to the haunted house.

He didn't go to the mausoleum below, but looked around on it.

The layout and size of the mausoleum are all in his mind. If you compare it roughly, it is found that the area is really large.

He has an idea.

If a monastery is built on the mausoleum of the mages, the entire mausoleum of the mages is completely covered, and then the upper and the lower are connected to form a whole, then how big should this monastery be?

How rich should the reward be?

Of course, in this case, the amount of engineering is too large, and it is definitely not enough to rely on manpower alone.

The sapphire golem is responsible for transporting wood and stones. Even if they are used to build city walls, there is no big problem. However, mining stone and logging requires specialized machinery and professional architects and engineers.

At present, it seems that the easiest place to get mechanical cards is the mechanical lost city. Maybe you are lucky and you can get cards such as "Dentist" and "Manned Harvester". Everything can be solved. .

As for the architect...

Gawain shook his head.

It depends on luck.

If it doesn't work, you can only plan by yourself, first get a monastery and get rewards.

Or directly transform the mausoleum of the mages and turn it over as a monastery?

Gawain shook his head again.


Of course the monastery must be upright, how can it be placed underground?

The mausoleum of the mages can only be used as the underground area of ​​the monastery.

Light and darkness coexist, and life and death merge into one, which is the true monastery and the true priesthood.

After all, which monastery on Azeroth has no secrets?

"Ah, Master! Millhouse is waiting for you!"

The cellar door was opened, and a book flew out from it, and fell in a beautiful arc in the air. In a blink of an eye, it was piled up to a height of one person. It was not messy yet, and the books were placed neatly.

Then I saw Millhouse come out from inside, dusty and gray, with his white beard dyed gray, clapped his hands and stood in front of Gawain, stood at attention, and took a break.

"All sorted out?"

Gao Wen glanced at it and found that they were all very ordinary books, without magic protection, and the kind of material that had nothing to do with magic.

These books are all yellowed, but they are well preserved, without moth-eaten or rot.

Basically they are biographical novels, celebrity travel notes, etc., and they are more suitable for scholars than mages.

"It's finished! Hey, I moved all the good things into the house, and the rest are here. They are all useless! The mage's eyes should be on the stars of the universe. How can I look at these every day? Knight princess or something, Really vulgar!"

Millhouse looked up at Gawain, and suddenly smiled flatteringly, rubbing his hands straight: "Well, master, I found a good thing. Would you like to give me a reward, such as don’t let me be a teacher and teach a student, and call me Chief Mage, let that guy Sarnos listen to me... That guy's eyes are not quite right. He always stands behind me and stares at my **** and sneers. , Almost exhausted!"



Does a skeleton have eyes? Still sneer?

Is it anthropomorphic?

In addition, do skeletons pick up soap? How to pick it up? Do you use a stick?

"What good thing?" Gawain completely ignored the second half of Millhouse's words.

He has a bad appetite recently, he likes to be a vegetarian, and he doesn't catch a cold with meat jokes.

"This is it!"

Millhouse looked disappointed.

However, he obviously knew that his request could not be fulfilled, and he was not too depressed, and he did not dare to complain.

Millhouse stretched out his hand and saw a box the size of a desktop host, flying out of the cellar and flying in front of Gawain.

The box opened and it was full of books—

Not only books, but also some notes, scrolls, etc., and the materials are different, including straw paper, parchment, and some unknown animal skins.

"Where did it come from?"

Gawain knelt down, picked up a scroll casually, and opened it.

Not a scroll of spells.

It is a map with a section of mountains drawn on it, and many labels. A certain place is circled in red pen with a line of words on it.

"Magic City?"

Gao Wen was taken aback for a moment, then took a deep breath.

It turned out to be a lost city of machinery!

So far, all that Gawain knows about the Mechanical Lost City is a map he got from Master Lilai, a map that is incomplete.

Even Lancelot and Marcus, who are very knowledgeable, have never heard of "Magic City" and don't know what kind of city it is.

After all, it has disappeared for three thousand years.

Time is like sand, three thousand years are like sand dunes moving with the wind in the desert, enough to bury everything.

There are some marks on the map, which are somewhere in the Shenduan Mountains, but because of the severe incompleteness, it is difficult to determine the specific location.

Now with this map, if the two are compared, it is not that difficult to find the specific location and entrance of the "Magic City".

Lich Gellert, is it related to the "Magic City"?

Look at his skeleton, it should be a human, not a dwarf.

"Where did you find it?" Gao Wen raised his eyes, glanced at Lancelot, then lowered his eyebrows.

He put the map down and picked up another piece of parchment.

It is a painting.

The painting is a city, below the city are two dragons intertwined, and above the city is a sword.

"Sailing Port?"

The city on the painting resembles the "Yangfan Port", the royal city of the Thousand Islands Principality, but it is obviously smaller. Only the magnificent and magnificent palace in the innermost part has not changed. It should be a rough map of the city a thousand years ago.

The two dragons are the red dragon and the white dragon of the Pendragon family. The sword is the sword of the king. It comes from the mythical land "the other world". It cuts iron like mud and is known as "broken steel".

Two thick red lines run through the entire painting, forming a huge red cross.

On the red cross is a blood-red skull.

"Master, there is a secret room in the library, and it was locked with a space lock! Hey, the powerful Millhouse is best at decryption, and it only took a little time to open the space lock!"

Millhouse pinched his three fingers together and rubbed it back and forth, making a gesture, and said with joy: "It's the secret library of the Lich. There are many most precious magic books in it, and then this box is locked with a rune lock. , It looks very important!"

It's really important, Gawain nodded.

He flipped through and found that there was no magic book, no gold and silver treasures, or fragments of artifacts.

There are only broken ancient books, scrolls, and notes.

Close-up notes of Lich Geller.

Recorded many things about Gellert.

There are many secrets involved, such as the mechanical lost city, the eternal prison, the blood moon mage tower, such as the origin of the ancient red dragon, the Pendragon family, such as the rainforest natives, the snowy ice field, and the burning desert.

There are even some more sensitive words, such as "Broken Holy City", "War of the Gods", "Thunder and Lightning Enchantment", and "Deep Sea Giant".

This box is a microcosm of the life of Lich Gellert.

Hiding all his secrets.

"Send them to my room."

Gawain turned around and walked back: "This box, and those books that you think are useless."

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