Movie Master

Chapter 1040: by surprise

"I hope he still remembers the scene of the Super Bowl. Tian Lai Novel 』』⒉" Allen's words made the applause and laughter unstoppable. Gao Wen, who thought he was here tonight, was still confused In the circle, Lance, who was sitting in the front row, whistled directly, "Of course, I believe Gao Wen will not be nervous, because he knows that he has nothing to do with tonight's awards ceremony, except for the two men beside him who are very nervous." Outside of being on camera." After flirting with Ian and Theo by the way, Allen turned his attention to the other guests tonight, "Look, Abigail Breslin!"

The applause of all the guests was dedicated to the little girl who was outstanding in "Little Miss Sunshine" this year. "I said, isn't this incredible?" Allen walked towards Abigail's position for two minutes. Step, "How old are you? Eight? Ten? Nine?" In fact, Abigail is eleven years old. "She's just a four-year-old girl, full of happiness and expectation, and not worried about competition at all." Everyone They all burst into laughter, "She just enjoys every moment here, which is how you felt when you were nominated for the first time, but after being nominated a few times, you only want to win awards, to be honest." Low laughter 66 has been ringing again and again, Allen added, "I'm right? Peter Otto?"

The roar of laughter flooded the Kodak Theater in an instant, and Allen spoke again, "Peter O'Toole, tonight is his eighth nomination! Right? Eighth?" As she spoke, she led the applause. When the salute started, the audience immediately burst into applause. After the applause calmed down a little, Allen said to Peter mischievously, "You know the saying goes, there are only three things." Laughter came and went.

Allen returned to the center of the stage, "Honestly, I've always been very curious about the rules, who will win, and how things work, but obviously this is too difficult. It's like... Jennifer Hudson! "The camera immediately focused on this "grassroots idol". She is a little uncomfortable now. She doesn't even know how to relax in such an occasion. Her expression is extremely stiff, and her smile is extremely jerky. "Jennifer Hudson participated American Idol', the Americans didn't choose her, but today she's at the party tonight because of an Oscar nomination!" Allen applauded softly in encouragement, and then walked to the other side, "But al-Go Al Gore (a1-gore) also appeared here," Al Gore, the former vice president of the United States, this year's documentary hit "An Inconvenient Truth" was narrated by him, "Americans did vote for him, and ?”

The audience burst into laughter, followed by thunderous applause. This is not only ridiculing that the choice of the academy is difficult to directly link with the preferences of the people; it is also ridiculing the politician's lack of professionalism, dubbing a documentary to win the nomination of the academy; it also echoes Gao Wen's ridicule just now, tonight it seems " Outsider" is a bit too much. The tsunami of applause and laughter in the audience lasted for more than 30 seconds, and the atmosphere reached its first climax.

"Then, Lancelot Strelo also appeared here." Allen walked to the front row and greeted with a smile, "Hi, Lance. Are you okay?" This simple sentence , It actually attracted a lot of applause and cheers, Leonardo sitting next to him simply whistled, and Lance nodded to Allen with a gentlemanly smile. Allen also nodded, "I didn't prepare a joke, I just think that ladies should be very happy to see you."

In an instant, everyone laughed. Emma smiled the brightest, looked at Lance, clapped her hands, her eyes sparkled brightly; Charlize, who was sitting next to her, whistled again, blatantly flirting with Lance. The corners of Lance's mouth raised slightly helplessly, he retracted his jaw, and calmly took all the compliments down, and his confident posture made Allen standing on the stage whistle along with him—the laughter again sounded.

"Tonight is really incredible, let's see everyone." Allen began the roll call, "Jermain Hounsou, Alessandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Rinko Kikuchi... "The applause followed. "And Steve Carell (steve-care11). So many different people coming together."

With a flutter, the low laughter sounded again. The previous names were all typical foreigners, but Steve, who was mixed in, was not. He was a native American. However, as a comedian, he has always been underappreciated at the Oscars. This year he starred in "Little Miss Sunshine". Although he was not nominated, he was still able to attend tonight's gala.

Allen's seemingly casual ridicule is obviously ridiculing the lack of attention of comedians in the academy. Steve also cooperated very well, showing a puzzled expression, and the laughter on the scene couldn't help but grow louder.

"If you think about it, what a night it was, what a night," Allen continued, "especially when we've had such a special year, a year with so much negativity, race. , religion, sexual orientation, negative remarks have never stopped. Yes, Mr. Lancelot-Strello, I’m talking about you.” Allen just said casually, and the applause and whistles on the scene couldn’t wait The ground exploded again. Obviously, the influence of "Fury Road" on various groups is far beyond imagination.

From the style of Ellen's opening speech tonight, it can be seen that she did not plan to focus on nominations, but incorporated a strong personal style. Under such circumstances, Allen actually specifically mentioned "Fury Road"—although it was very cryptic, such a small detail successfully detonated the second climax tonight, and there were even standing applause from the guests behind , to express his praise for the work "Fury Road".

"Standing here, I can firmly say that if there were no blacks, Jews, and homosexuals, then there would be no Oscars." The applause went up to a higher level, and the audience thundered. Allen was obviously very satisfied with the effect, and tilted his head, "Or, there won't even be someone named Oscar." Oscar is a typical Jewish name, and the laughter at the scene seemed to be a little out of control. Belly laughing, Allen continued, "So tonight I'm going to celebrate for you, everyone who has won nominations, thank you for the greatness of the past year, and celebrate the tremendous progress of the past year, because you won Nominated, so cheers for you!"

The applause sounded again, Allen took half a step back with a smile, "But... we are about to give out the first award, and the winner will be announced..." Everyone burst into laughter, just now they said they would honor every nominee Celebrating, it was about to be awarded in a blink of an eye. The style of painting changed so quickly that people were caught off guard. Allen shrugged, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong? Believe me, not everyone can win the award." The laughter was like a volcano, Allen closed his smile, "The first award winners are 'James Bond' Daniel Craig and Oscar winner Nicole Kidman."

Then, Allen exited the stage while applauding, and the applause from the scene rang out again. In the opening of just ten minutes, Allen's performance was really good. He advanced and retreated properly, was humorous, spicy and sharp, which was impressive. Compared with the opening of men in the past two years, this year has really improved qualitatively. With all the attention, the awards ceremony finally got to the point! The answer will be revealed soon!

Just when everyone was wondering whether the Best Supporting Actor or Best Supporting Actress would be the first to be awarded tonight, the academy gave the first surprise of the night: the best art director debuted first.

In previous years, in order to attract the attention of the opening, the supporting roles always go first, which has almost become an unwritten rule of the Oscars. But tonight, an "unpopularity" broke out at the beginning, which really made people puzzled: Isn't aBc TV station worried about the ratings? Or are they confident enough in the appeal of "Fury Road" that they don't need to worry about ratings? Or maybe this is the academy's arrangement, is there any deep meaning in it?

Such an unexpected opening kicked off the prelude to the seventy-ninth Oscars, and the uncertainty in the dark made the suspense boil It is just a best art director award, and the guests on the scene He couldn't help but hold his breath.

The five candidates shortlisted for the best art direction competition tonight are "Pan's Labyrinth", "Dreamgirls", "Fury Road", "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and "The Prestige". Among them, the biggest hit is undoubtedly "Fury Road", which swept the nominations in the technical department. Although this is the only work among the five nominations that does not have a background design, the art style and set design have shown the The scene of the end of the wasteland has created an unbelievable world. "Fury Road" will face the fierce impact of "Pan's Labyrinth" and "Dreamgirls", especially the former. Road", six Oscar nominations is undoubtedly the best affirmation.

The guests more or less sniffed out some abnormalities, and chose the technology department award as the opening, which is undoubtedly the biggest test for "Fury Road". After leading the way with thirteen nominations, "Fury Road" is undoubtedly one of the hot spots tonight, but without the nominations in the script department and the lack of competitiveness in the acting department, the advantages of the technical department will determine the The hope of the work hitting the best picture is the same as "Titanic" and "Lord of the Rings 3". So, the technical department awards open the way, which certainly gives people a peek at what's going on tonight's awards - and apparently the same for the Academy executives.

In an instant, the audience held their breath and stared. Is "Fury Road" coming to the fore, or is "Pan's Labyrinth" reversing? Caught off guard, the biggest suspense of Oscar tonight has already embarked on a journey of revealing the secret.

Nicole Kidman opened the envelope in her hand, pulled out the card neatly, glanced down, and directly read out the winner, "'Fury Road'."

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