Movie Master

Chapter 1056: recorded in history

Is "Fury Road" going to be the second "Midnight Cow/Lang"? Or will it become the second "Karaoke"? The answer is already in the hands of Jack Nicholson. It seems that only "Little Miss Sunshine" is left to qualify as the second "Godfather". network?

So far tonight, "Little Miss Sunshine" has won the Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor trophies, which is very similar to the "Godfather" winning the Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Actor statuette; while their competitors They all achieved a sweep of thousands of troops, and it can almost be said that among the projects nominated by themselves, they were full of bullets and fiercely attacked the best picture.

So, the question is, can "Little Miss Sunshine" be "The Godfather"?

The crew of "Little Miss Sunshine" held their breath, and the crew of "Fury Road" also held their breath. Even the 61.37 million viewers in the United States also held their breath, as if the entire North American continent was trapped In the incredible stillness, the tranquility and the noise collided into an unprecedented moment, and all the weight weighed heavily on the envelope in Jack's hand.

Inexplicably, the figure of Alexander Rodriguez appeared in Lance's mind, the actor who played Lia Pao in "City of God". He seemed to see the scene of meeting Alexander for the second time. It was "City of God" who was selecting a suitable young actor. The courtyard of the hotel was chaotic and noisy, and the air was filled with the unique restlessness and heat of Rio de Janeiro. There were countless children running, shouting, and waiting in sight. As he stood, Alexander hid behind the colonnade in the courtyard and quietly looked at the scene in front of him. Curiosity and longing, timidity and hesitation, those mixed and conflicting emotions concentrated on him, awakening Lance's thoughts about the day before when everyone in Alexandria hid from him. The situation of the shootout.

Lance didn't know why he suddenly thought of Alexander's figure at this moment. At such a tense moment, when his brain was almost shutting down, he thought of an irrelevant person. That was already too far away, he even forgot about this child, but at such an important moment, the moment when history was born, it came to mind. However, Lance suddenly became curious. Alexander aspired to become a photographer, so has he succeeded now?

"...'Fury Road'." A voice suddenly sounded from the speaker, Lance began to applaud reflexively, and then saw Steven and George approaching, with bright smiles on their faces, saying "Congratulations", "You deserve it", "This is your moment", which made Lance look up, look around, and then found the master of ceremonies coming over, politely welcoming Lance out of the queue.

The figure of Alexander still appeared in his mind, but Lance had to hug Steven and others respectively, and then followed the master of ceremonies back to the stage again. Captured the expression on Lance's face, but was disappointed to find that Lance had no extra expression, just a polite and gentlemanly smile.

"Huh la la", walked out of the side channel, and all the noisy crowd standing and applauding in sight came into view again. The black mass was like the surface of a stormy sea. He began to look at the big screen next to it, and it read impressively, "The 79th Oscar Best Picture: 'Mad Max: Fury Road'; Producer: Lancelot Strelo."

The eleventh statuette belonging to "Fury Road" is here.

He did it, they did it, they really did it. "Fury Road" really made history! Breaking through the shackles that lay in front of "Brokeback Mountain", breaking through the shackles of conservative forces, overturning the cage of stubborn traditions, tearing up the oppression of stubborn prejudices, and creating history with integrity, righteousness, and domineering!

Shock, fright, panic, this is everyone's first reaction, that unbelievable, unbelievable emotion is raging and colliding in the blood, even if this is the result of their vote, even if the direction of the whole night has been foreshadowed Such a result, even though they are looking forward to such a result in their hearts, when history is really created, the raging emotions still make people wonder: Is this a dream or reality?

This is an unpopularity, a shocking unpopularity, because "Fury Road" not only challenged the authority of the academy, but also crushed the authority of the academy. The history of Hollywood movies is about to undergo earth-shaking changes, and no one can predict the final Where to go? This is an unpopularity, a shocking unpopularity, because what "Fury Road" challenges is the rule of the academy, it is the stubborn tradition of the academy since 79 years, it is the unspoken rule of the whole Hollywood, and even the whole American culture , political, and social shackles; this is unpopular, unbelievably unpopular, because "Fury Road" is changing the foundation of the college, from values, world outlook, and outlook on life to the rule of conservative forces, mainstream forces, and traditional forces. The throes of the new generation forces overthrowing the old era forces are unfolding.

This is an unpopularity, an unpopularity for the academy's self-innovation.

Ever since "Fury Road" was released, people have been discussing this topic: Can such a cult work with a sharp edge make history? Can it change history? People are looking forward to, curious, guessing, questioning, and guessing. While expecting the "Fury Road" to set off a storm of blood, while denying the belief of the members of the academy in reform and innovation, people are carefully escorting , eager to rebel, but afraid of falling into the rut again, repeating the mistakes of the past year.

With the promotion of the awards season, "Fury Road" has experienced countless ups and downs, so that the Golden Globes did not receive any grains, and its momentum was completely suppressed by "Babel" and "The Departed". Even "Fury Road"'s most ardent supporters have given up, and people mourn that the mediocre, conservative "Babel" will be the biggest winner of this year's awards season; people joke, Martin Scorsese Dreams will come true, this is the year of old Martin; people ridiculed that "Dream Girl" is just a work that only maintains the standard but can change the wind and rain; The work has not been able to obtain a corresponding status... It seems that Oscar has lost its vitality, no longer exciting, no longer exciting, no longer desirable, like an octogenarian, staggering, Stumbling and lifeless, the seventy-nine-year-old Oscar is disappointing more and more people.

Even the most daring prophet, even the most positive optimist, even the strong frontrunner of fourteen nominations, even the affirmation of the five major unions, even the frenzy of popular support, but, "Fury Road" is a Unpopular. Because this is the last thing the academy wants to choose, the only question is, is the 14 nominations an illusion created by the academy for the sake of gimmicks, business opportunities, and balance, or is it the beginning of the new generation's blowing the horn of counterattack?

Now, the mystery is finally revealed. The unpopularity was born, and the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has finally ushered in a hearty revolution. Whether they want to or not, they have already taken this step. One step further, best picture was awarded to "Fury Road."

"Fury Road" is worthy of being recorded in history, because it created the history of feminism on the stage of the times, because it created the history of cult culture represented by steampunk and metal rock, and because it created live special effects The history of combining with computer special effects, because it created the history of independent films towards full recognition, because it created the history of minority groups to stand up and prove their existence, and because it created the history of the perfect combination of business and art.

Who would have thought that the "Road of Fury" that was collectively looked down upon by everyone at the beginning, the "Road of Fury" that was born when Chaos Films was forced to have nowhere to go, and the "Road of Fury" that Lance chose to put all his eggs in one basket, but created So much history From box office to awards, from word of mouth to popularity, and most importantly, an indelible influence on pop culture. "Fury Road" copied the brilliance of "Star Wars", but surpassed the success of "Star Wars". As the most distinctive representative work of the 21st century, "Fury Road" created history. Just a beginning.

The applause of "Papa Papa" reverberated throughout the Kodak Theater, and all the guests stood up and applauded again. There were no screams, whistles, or shouts, just warm applause, crazy applause, and surging applause. But it is precisely this kind of purity that accurately expresses the mixed emotions in everyone's heart. They are witnesses and participants. They send away an old era with their own hands and usher in a new era with their own hands. Sweetness, loneliness and joy, sadness and excitement, the confrontation of contradictions stirred in the chest, and finally turned into applause, which lasted for a long time.

It's not just the Kodak Theater, the entire continent of North America has become a sea of ​​carnival at this time, starting from Hollywood Boulevard, to every corner of Los Angeles, spreading to the west coast, then expanding to the central and eastern regions, and finally sweeping the entire The North American continent, 61 million... No, a total of 63 million viewers watched this historical moment, and everyone began to cheer and cry with joy.

Some support, some oppose; some praise, some curse; some rejoice, some are angry; "Fury Road", the winner of the 79th Academy Award for Best Picture, the wheel of history is moving forward silently.

Under the watchful eyes of 63 million viewers, Lance, holding the statuette, once again stood in front of the microphone, and the bright spotlight shone down. In a trance, people had a feeling of witnessing the king's enthronement. illusion!

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