Movie Master

Chapter 206: after tomorrow

The premiere ceremony of "The Day After Tomorrow" has just begun, and there are waves of surprises, especially the confrontation between Lance and the reporter, which makes the topic of the scene burst into unimaginable sparks, and Javier can't help but show joy With a smile, he turned his head and inadvertently met Nancy's eyes. Javier raised his chin provocatively, and seemed to say, "How is it? This is just the beginning!"

Nancy rolled her eyes speechlessly. Although she was helpless, she had no way to refute. It must be admitted that today's premiere ceremony was indeed exciting. (Please go to the latest chapter:)-Le-wen-xiao-said-However, Nancy raised her chin without showing any weakness, and directly fought back, "This is just the beginning!" Not to mention the final decision The winner or loser is the film itself. Even the premiere ceremony is only a third of the way through, so it's obviously too early to be complacent.

Things were exactly as Nancy expected. After the premiere ceremony experienced the noise of fans at the opening, the gathering of stars in the first half, and the hot topic in the middle, the second half obviously lacked stamina. Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, The starring cast led by Jessica Alba appeared one after another, but failed to create more bright spots. Instead, the atmosphere of the scene slowly settled down, feeling that the surroundings were always surrounded by a frivolous and restless atmosphere. In the end, the premiere started high and low, and the curtain came to a close.

Nancy cast a provocative look at Javier, and grinned brightly, at this moment, silence speaks louder than words.

Javier is not annoyed, however, "The day after tomorrow" lacks heavyweight stars in the cast, and it is not a matter of one or two days that people criticize this. This is also the biggest weakness of "the day after tomorrow" in the summer. No matter how excellent the publicity method is, it is difficult to turn decay into magic—this shows why the box office superstars of the "20 million club" have always been in a detached position. Being able to achieve such an effect today has far exceeded expectations!

Javier showed a confident smile at Nancy, and fought back without showing any weakness, "See you later." Then he quickly packed up his equipment—the next step was to walk into the cinema. Let’s really enter the decisive stage: watching movies!

Entering the quaint screening hall of the Chinese/Chinese Theater, the entire space was already full, and more than 800 spectators were discussing in low voices. The restless heat slowly diffused in the air. Obviously, everyone is very excited - not to mention the audience. Even the two hundred journalists who were able to enter the premiere scene were no exception.

The main reason is that in the past eight months, the topic of the greenhouse effect has attracted too much attention. Even people who have no interest in the greenhouse effect know a thing or two, and even become an important issue in the presidential election. topic. Now, the movie known as the "Apocalypse of the Greenhouse Effect" will be staged in front of our eyes, showing the predicted end of the world to everyone. How could this not be exciting?

Javier quickly found his place—the New York Times got two spots, except for him. Joshua Roskoff (joshua-) had already entered the screening room early and took his seat early. Joshua is one of the full-time film critics of the "New York Times". He has profound qualifications and professional authority. Compared with Javier, an entertainment reporter who has become a monk, he is definitely not at the same level. The "New York Times" sent Joshua to attend the premiere of "The Day After Tomorrow" this time, which shows the importance they attach to this film.

Javier and Joshua simply nodded and greeted each other, and then sat down nervously. Before participating in the premiere, Javier's work basically ended on the red carpet, this time mainly because of Lance's relationship. He could blog about it, so that's how he got into the movie screenings, as an outsider. Thinking of writing a film review, Javier felt a dull pain in his brain.

Joshua seemed to be aware of Javier's nervousness, and said with a chuckle, "Just enjoy the movie." Javier didn't expect Joshua to talk to him suddenly, he didn't react for a while, and he was stunned Leng. Joshua had to go on to explain, "This is a commercial movie, popcorn and Coke, enjoy the whole viewing process. That's the purpose."

Javier stared blankly at Joshua for a while, Joshua shrugged innocently. As if to say, "Isn't this a matter of course?" Then he looked away. Only then did Javier come back to his senses. Nodding in a daze, after careful recollection, the smile on the corner of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

The lights in the auditorium dimmed slowly, and then the opening titles of 20th Century Fox began to appear, which was all too familiar to most audiences, and the buzzing noise in the auditorium gradually calmed down. Everyone began to withdraw their attention; but then another picture appeared on the big screen, a light spot gradually enlarged, and then exploded into a black hole, and the colorful aurora bloomed in the space. The meaning of chaos has been interpreted to the extreme, and finally escaped into nothingness. Only at this time did the words "Chaos Shadow Industry" appear.

The entire auditorium fell into silence. The title of the black hole explosion was only 14 seconds long, but the visual shock brought by it powerfully impacted the sight of every audience. Compared with "City of God", it is obvious that this time Chaos Shadow Industry appeared in front of more people with a proud attitude.

Javier couldn't help adjusting his sitting posture, let out a long breath, and entered the world of movies under the guidance of the melodious and tragic orchestral music.

The vast and magnificent snowfield is slowly displayed in front of all audiences under the accompaniment of the majestic symphony. The lens like a documentary truly shows the magnificence of nature in front of everyone, so that when the lens looks down from a high altitude to a When it was a human scientific research base, the incomparable stark contrast clearly and shockingly displayed the insignificance of human beings in front of all audiences.

Surprisingly, the first person to appear on the screen is Jason played by Michael Fassbender.

All of a sudden, the entire snowfield cracked open, and the landslides and ground cracks like an earthquake appeared without warning, and the ice cube Jason was on directly sank down. The movie has just started, and the thrilling plot forced all the audience to get into the mood quickly. Just when everyone thought Jason was going to become cannon fodder, the thrilling rescue operation began. Jack first rescued Jason, and then the scientific research materials. But the entire ice shelf has been completely cracked, as if the Grand Canyon Park is live broadcasting all the formation process in front of your eyes!

Javier couldn't help but widen his eyes, and turned to look at Joshua. He obviously didn't expect it, only five minutes into the game. The movie first staged a struggle between humans and nature, reminiscent of the climax/tide part of "Vertical Limit". This is really a surprise.

As a commercial film, the thrilling opening scene obviously caught the audience's attention right away!

However, Joshua had a calm and calm expression on his face, and only raised his eyebrows slightly. This made Javier feel a little frustrated. He turned his head, and through the faint light of the screen, Javier saw cheeks that opened their mouths in astonishment—obviously. Most people are caught off guard by such a thrilling opening of the movie, and he is one of the most people. This made Javier slightly relieved.

The story moves quickly and there is almost no redundant nonsense. Jack Hall gave a speech above the United Nations Global Warming Conference in New Delhi, expressing his concern about the acceleration of the greenhouse effect and the possible consequences, but obviously, Politicians headed by the Vice President of the United States are not worried about such a situation, because compared with the end of the world that may happen a hundred years later, the current crisis of the world economy is the top priority.

The indifference of the politicians stands in stark contrast to Jack's eagerness.

Soon after the meeting in New Delhi, Hunchun in China became the first disaster-hit site in the world. The hail the size of the washbasin directly killed the head of the family who was about to rush home, and even submerged the entire city, and the small town fell into a dead silence. And a catastrophic hurricane began to sweep across the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, and the raging sea began to submerge small islands.

Javier couldn't help but his heart tightened. He realized that what Jack was worried about had already started to happen, not a hundred years later, but now. The ice age is coming. This is not alarmist talk, but a real thing. But no one expected this. The vice president even plans to cut the budget of Jack's department. The invisible tension and excitement began to permeate the air.

Javier's palms couldn't help sweating, he only hoped that those **** bureaucrats would wake up soon. Realize, this is no joke. The end of the world is upon us, and every minute of delay will cost thousands of lives.

But, it's still too late!

The cyclone above Los Angeles began to spin rapidly, forming a huge vortex from top to bottom; at the same time, the cyclone below Los Angeles also rose rapidly, and two huge air masses converged in midair, finally forming a powerful hurricane . What's even more frightening is that there was not just one hurricane, but at least six hurricanes landed in the entire Los Angeles area at the same time. The powerful hurricane swept across, directly smashing the iconic "Hollywood Landmark" and began to destroy the entire city.

During the squall two huge hurricanes merged into one, and the huge air mass became bigger and stronger, two, three, four...even the city streets couldn't hold it Under the size of the hurricane, the huge hurricane swept across in a destructive manner, and the fresh lives were smashed to pieces right in front of your eyes, and even half of the entire Meteorological Bureau building was swept away, leaving only Half of the staircase stood in its place, riddled with holes, while the hurricane swept past behind it, continuing to destroy Los Angeles—the entire city was left in ruins.

The wonderful and realistic picture brought a powerful shock, and the surge of adrenaline made all the audience in the auditorium widen their eyes, staring dumbfounded at the complete destruction of the city they were in, and the rapid breathing sounded like A symphony was created with the hurricane on the big screen.

Javier looked at the deserted Los Angeles on the big screen in amazement. The buildings and streets he was familiar with and unfamiliar had been completely destroyed at this time, and the bustling City of Angels had become history. His brain has completely stopped functioning, and his only thoughts are:

"The day after tomorrow (rrow, this is not about the day after tomorrow, but after tomorrow. The end of the world is coming tomorrow, and after tomorrow, the world will be barren. (To be continued.)

ps: The second update today, all book lovers, please support the genuine subscription, thank you everyone!

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