Movie Master

Chapter 257: shameless bastard

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Lance looked at Jessica standing in front of him. He could smell the bitterness of despair in the air, and the fragility that seemed to be dissipated in the gust of wind at any time was like a fragile puzzle. It only needed a little force, The whole world would fall apart. ≥, but Lance was indifferent.

Perhaps, he was indeed invulnerable.

"Because things are no longer the same, you have crossed that line." Lance's calm words were like an ice pick in the scorching summer, piercing Jessica's chest fiercely, mercilessly, mercilessly. Without hesitation, "This is a game, and it's just a game. When the game starts to get serious, it's not fun."

The pain in the chest swept over like a tide, making Jessica almost speechless, "But...but..." Jessica opened her mouth, but found that it was difficult for her to even breathe, and all her excuses changed. Pale and feeble, her reason told her: She should straighten up now, drop a dollar to Lance, tell Lance this was the reward for the game, and walk away. But she couldn't, and she didn't want to.

"This is a game, this is a game!" Jessica struggled to climb up the cliff of despair as if a drowning person had caught hold of a life-saving rope. She put her hands on the coffee table and approached Lance. Then he said earnestly, even forgetting that there were other customers around the cafe watching, "I can do it, believe me, nothing has changed, and neither will it between us, this is still just a game. Really. Yes, I mean it."

She knew she looked pathetic like a clown now, but she didn't care. It wasn't until this moment that she really realized that she was already stuck in the mud and couldn't extricate herself. In this game, she had never had any advantage. She was always a loser, but she didn't care. The only thing she hopes is that this game can continue. How sad, but how earnest.

However, Lance didn't give her any chance, and ruthlessly cut the rope of life, "Jessica, the game is over." Then he watched Jessica fall into the cliff, but remained indifferent.

Jessica firmly grasped Lance's right hand, but the coldness of the palm was biting to the bone. The palm that seemed to have no temperature stripped off the heat of her palm bit by bit. Then the whole world cooled down, drenching her whole body like a torrential rain.

Jessica withdrew her palm in disbelief, but she was still a little reluctant, and reached out to touch it again. The cold skin made her shrink back suddenly, "So, everything is meaningless? For you Are those days, those times meaningless? Is it all just a game?"

Lance didn't answer, he just looked at Jessica calmly. It's like enjoying a humorous one-man show. That kind of calm caused the anger in Jessica's heart to rise uncontrollably. She supported the table with both hands, leaned out and approached Lance. Gritting his teeth, he said, "A game?"

Lance still didn't speak, the understatement between his brows was like an outsider enjoying a good show.

A sense of sadness made Jessica feel extremely ridiculous, so she could only murmur in a low voice. "A game." Only at this moment did she truly understand what it meant, and only then did she truly understand what a dangerous trap she had stepped into.

Jessica grabbed the cup of coffee on the table. Just wanted to splash it on Lance. However, Jessica saw those frank and indifferent eyes. Even though he was holding a cup of hot coffee in his hand, he still had no special reaction, as if he was the most attentive audience in the world, enjoying this one-man show. climax.

A one-man show, from beginning to end, this is just her one-man show.

This idea completely crushed all Jessica's anger. She knew it, she always knew it, but even if she knew it, she still walked into this trap like a moth to a flame. It pierced her chest hard like a sharp knife.

Then, Jessica's shoulders drooped, and she slowly put the coffee on the table, but she still couldn't do it after all. She looked at the man in front of her seriously, and her overheated brain vented out the remaining anger in her chest, "Bastard! You shameless bastard! Self-righteous bastard! Do you know how pathetic you are? Only Pretend to be noble, but in the end you are just a **** who thinks with your lower body, arrogant, proud, shameless, disgusting bastard! Sad! Damn! Dirty!"

But... But, what was even more tragic was that her heart was still beating violently, and the turbulent emotion almost took her breath away. Poor, ridiculous, pathetic, hot tears welled up from her eyes and scalded her cheeks, but she didn't have time to wipe them off, so she could only turn around fiercely and run away.

She had to escape, she could only escape, clear pain, unforgettable. The flustered pace, faster and faster, faster and faster, far away from this man.

The customers in the cafe secretly looked away, talking about the gossip recently revealed by the media, the triangular relationship between Lance, Jessica and Keira, although the three parties have never admitted it, but today's episode This speculation has undoubtedly been confirmed. Everyone's eyes were full of excitement, thinking about the intricate triangle relationship.

Lance ignored the noisy noises in his ears, and looked in the direction of Jessica's escape. The figure that fled in a hurry gradually became blurred in the scorching sun, and soon disappeared. There is only a distorted cloud of water vapor left in the air, as if the whole world is only shrouded in a halo.

The same is true of that afternoon, that afternoon that is deep in memory.

The scorching air waves imprisoned him firmly in place like a cage, his panicked footsteps were at a loss, the end of the white reeds could not be seen at all, the dazzling sunlight everywhere connected the sky and the earth into one, and even the horizon was blurred. Disappeared in the blurred shadows of the reeds, the huge world can't escape no matter how you run, all the struggles seem to be in vain, hope is bit by bit strangled in the dazzling light.

Just like the city of God with yellow sand all over the sky.

As long as you close your eyes, you can hear Frank's crazy roar, "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you..." With the wind blowing from all directions, as if narrowing his escape direction, quietly Silently choked his throat, his breathing became more and more hasty, and the panicked footsteps near his ears were getting closer and closer, like the footsteps of death, gradually forcing him into a corner. The sun was unbelievably bright, but the darkness that was so thick that it could not be dispelled grabbed his ankles tightly, making him unable to get rid of it. He was like a trapped animal caught in a hunter's trap, screaming and screaming desperately. Struggling, but it's useless, it's just hastening his own death.

The thick **** smell dragged him fiercely into hell, and the ubiquitous red gradually engulfed his limbs. He tried to get rid of the sticky blood on his fingertips, but the bright blood couldn't be wiped away. Following his fingertips, he began to climb up his arm, as if he had life, and finally tried to devour his soul and let him escape into the darkness completely.

That kind of fear choked his throat, and despair, like ants, slowly climbed up his body one by one, slowly devouring his flesh and blood bit by bit, inch by inch. Seeing his vitality... He wanted to shout, but he couldn't make any sound.

He used to think that it was an eternal nightmare, and he would never be able to escape from the cage of the nightmare. Until later, Ian took him and Gao Wen to sneak into the movie theater and watched "The Breakfast Club". That movie became a turning point in his life, making him simply believe that friendship can nourish the soul, and friendship can be a point of light. Bright world, it turns out that friends can build dreams; it made him realize for the first time that there is a bright, confused and magical movie world outside the dark basement.

In the end, he escaped after all, and Theo escaped with them, from icy Wisconsin to sunny California.

San Francisco, shrouded in clouds and mist, is like a fairyland on earth, so beautiful and thrilling. This is a new starting point in his life. He started to go to school, he started to meet new friends, and he even started to have his own hobbies; A life he had never dreamed of. Childhood memories are like their abandoned luggage, left forever on that land, covered in the snowy winter, and then seeped into the stiff land, no one will mention it, and no one will find out.

The passage of time has made that memory blurred, even in his dreams, he has forgotten it, and those fragmentary fragments are only left with the incomplete smell looming. However, eighteen years later, life played a trick on him again in a similar way.

Ryan Kavanaugh almost smashed the movie world he wove into pieces in a way of cruelly and ruthlessly taught him the blood of reality, naive and pure persistence in the eyes of others It's just a joke; George Clooney, in the most ironic way, vividly staged a friendship lesson for him, teaching him how cheap and deep friendship is in the real world, it's just a bunch of numbers; Gwyneth- Paltrow, that lovely Gwen, who lived in her own world, chose to turn around and leave in times of crisis. Facing the impact of reality, love is just a roll of cheap toilet paper...

And Jason, the dearest Jason Berkeley, in the sweetest, most caring, and friendly way, personally strangled the light of dreams and beliefs in the shackles of trust, and gently cut the life-saving rope in his hands , and then tearfully watched him fall into the darkness, smashed to pieces. The pure kindness taught him that the beauty and happiness in life are just dream bubbles in fairy tales. Only a real fool would believe it.

So, he is indeed an asshole. He'd rather be a jerk.

Withdrawing his gaze, he put another lump of sugar into the coffee cup, then picked up the cup, took a breath, and took a sip slowly. The bitter and sweet aroma lingered on the tip of his tongue, and the corner of Lance's mouth A satisfied smile appeared. (To be continued.)

ps: Today's first update, I implore all book lovers to support genuine subscriptions, thank you everyone!

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