Movie Master

Chapter 538: Strong refusal

George Clooney is known as Hollywood's most suitable actor for politics, not only because he is versatile, and not only because he has a strong interest in politics, but also because his wisdom and elegance can handle many unexpected situations, and the kind of Taishan will not move Positivity and composure are one of the essential elements of a politician, and George naturally possessed this ability.

But at this moment, the smile on George's face could hardly be maintained anymore, and the unconcealable surprise and panic froze in the elegant upward arc of the corner of his mouth.

George found that he didn't seem to know the Lance in front of him more and more, the Lance who lacked decision-making ability and the lack of the overall situation, the optimistic, warm and friendly Lance, the one who didn't hear anything outside the window, and devoted himself to the movie. Lance on the Internet, unknowingly became a different person. "What's wrong with him?" George's mind set off a storm, and it was really rare for him to lose his composure like this.

Barry, who was standing aside, was obviously more sophisticated than George. After all, he and Lance didn't have a deep friendship, so the degree of shock was limited. What's more, as the CEO of Warner Bros., Barry has seen countless storms, so naturally he wouldn't make a fuss. But at this time, Barry still couldn't hide his surprise, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, "Oh? Really?" Barry confirmed again, a little puzzled, and a little puzzled, "You are the best candidate in my mind , are you sure you can't join the crew?"

Barry expected that Lance would have objections. Looking back on Chaos Films' careful preparations, Barry knew that it would not be so easy for Lance to accept the invitation calmly. Of course, he also thought of the possibility of Lance's rejection; but absolutely Not so crisp, not even thought through, as if it was just a spur of the moment, rejection for the sake of rejection.

However, Lance didn't seem like an impulsive person, so Barry reconfirmed with deep meaning in his eyes, as if to say, "Do you know how important an opportunity you missed?"

Of course Lance knew what an important project he had missed, for him and for Chaos Films. But at the same time, Lance also knows that if not the entire DC universe project, then the importance of "Superman Returns" is not irreplaceable.

In fact, the situation is not that complicated.

Either follow the idea of ​​​​Warner Bros. to shoot a "Superman Returns" independently. But for Lance, the risk of failure is too great, and the script is hard to be innovative when the script is restrained. It is definitely not as easy as the "Batman Prequel" series. Wanting to break the shackles of Clark Kent's image is definitely not just talking about it. It can be done if you say it; especially considering that the project has squandered 50 million costs before, it is very likely that it will be a thankless situation. Maybe Lance's version of "Superman Returns" can be successful, but the pay and rewards are hardly proportional.

Either that or Lance takes a step back, suspends Chaos Films' partnership with Warner Bros., and focuses all his attention on "Superman Returns" first. However, Lance still used "Superman Returns" as the starting point to build the entire DC universe, using the success of one work to convince Warner Bros., and persuaded them to cooperate with Chaos Pictures for subsequent works. But regardless of the success risk of the work, this is equivalent to handing over the initiative to Warner Bros. If the cooperation can be achieved, everything will be fine; but what if Warner Bros. crosses the river and demolishes the bridge? Warner Bros. gave up Lance and chose to build the DC universe with Legendary Pictures, or choose other directors and producers to complete the follow-up work. This means that Lance has built the framework of the DC universe and worked hard to create the first part. But can only watch Warner Bros. sit back and reap the benefits?

Lance is not Jesus.

Of course, is there any other possibility? There must be. The two sides sit down and discuss and discuss slowly. There must be other solutions to the matter. However, from Barry's actions today, it can be seen that his sincerity is not enough, and he even intends to suppress Lance's spirit. When announcing the result, he made a high profile - rejecting Lance's bargaining, the beginning of the cooperation is already so unpleasant Now, how can people have expectations for the future? Lance didn't intend to compromise, nor did he intend to ask for trouble, nor did he intend to make a wedding dress for others.

Lance met Barry's gaze without any flinching, and said with a smile, "I'm really sorry." A concise and clear sentence without redundant explanations just killed the possibility of the conversation continuing, and he drew neatly. Come to an end.

Barry's eyes burst into flames instantly. He didn't like being rejected, and he wasn't used to being rejected, and it was still in front of George. Lance's rejection was almost non-negotiable. Challenging his authority, Barry shrank his pupils slightly, exuding a dangerous aura, and looked at Lance seriously and carefully, like a lion catching prey, a powerful aura burst out instantly.

But Lance met his gaze calmly and calmly, without showing any weakness, and there was even a calm smile on the corner of his mouth. The azure blue eyes reflected Barry's angry expression, they were clear to the bottom, without the slightest wavering or hesitation, and even a hint of playfulness and banter could be caught from the depths of his eyes, and they stabbed sharply at Barry.

Tough versus tough, but no one is willing to back down. No one seems to be able to make an accurate judgment whether this tense confrontation is a cat-and-mouse game of life and death, or a slapstick game of Jerry and Tom—even if Facing the CEO of Warner Bros., Lance did not have any timidity or hesitation. For a moment, the atmosphere between the two was tense and sparks were flying, as if a pistol would be pulled out in the next second.

"We're going to be late." George's throat was a little dry, but he still tried to speak in a gentle and polite tone, breaking the suffocating deadlock, half-jokingly teasing, "The movie is about to start, I think , the director doesn’t want to miss his own moments, does he?”



Lance and Barry said in unison, and then a smile appeared on the corners of their mouths, as if nothing had happened, they moved away from each other, made an inviting gesture, and politely let the other party go in first, but No one moved first. In the end, it was George who put his arms around the shoulders of the two of them in a friendly way, and pushed them lightly. Barry entered the auditorium first, followed by Lance, and finally George. The three entered the auditorium one by one, leaving only the It was tense.

Barry's footsteps were a little faster, and he greeted the acquaintances in the auditorium with a smile on his face; George pulled Lalance's arm, and the two people's footsteps slowed down. Lance raised his head and saw George's full face. It was a worried look, "What's the matter?" One sentence contained a thousand words.

In a trance, Lance almost believed that George was his best friend again, but his reason was so clear, but because of George's excellent acting skills, a sense of absurdity suddenly rose, "It's okay, it's just a matter of schedule." Lance I just mentioned it lightly, and I didn't plan to talk to George at all.

"Lance." George called out to Lance, the confusion in his eyes flickered slightly under the dim light in the projection hall, "You just know it in your own mind, I hope you made the right decision." George She said it full of concern, her tone paused, as if there was a moment of hesitation, "There is one more thing..."

Before George could speak, there was a low voice from beside him, "Lancelot Strelo! You owe me an explanation!" Turning his head, he saw Jennifer Aniston quickly The figure walking over had a smile on her face, but she clenched her teeth tightly and spoke word by word.

After approaching, Jennifer showed an apologetic smile to George. Naturally, George would not violate the gentleman's code, and took a half step back politely, as if nothing happened just now.

Lance took a meaningful look at George. He could sense that George had something to tell him at the premiere of "Sin City" today, but what was it? What he was even more curious about was that the diorama film industry was about to sink, so what choice would George make? He believed that George would never live and die with that ship, and he had 100% confidence in this.

Looking back, Lance looked at Jennifer, "Hey, Sunshine Beauty, I hope you enjoy the party tonight."

Jennifer was dumbfounded by Lance's ridicule, "Don't try to please me and distract me." Having said that, the smile on her face couldn't help but burst into bloom, "Didn't you say to handle it for me? The media? As a result, all the reporters keep coming to me and asking me about Brad, **** Christ, I’m not Brad’s accessory, why do they always come and ask me about him?”

"That's the point. You are not his appendage, you are not anyone else's Lance patted Jennifer's arm, "You have your career, you have your life. You don't have to pay for his mistakes. Of course, both parties are responsible for the end of a marriage, but the problem now is that you don't have to keep avoiding all public occasions because of his problems. You're a great actor, and 'Friends' hit record highs this year, didn't you? You should have your spotlight. "

Jennifer's words stopped on the tip of her tongue, she stared blankly at Lance, her nose was slightly sore. She and Lance are friends, have met privately at several parties, but are still some distance away from best friends. However, she did not expect that the person who really expressed her inner thoughts was this man.

"Don't try to cover your negligence with sweet words." Jennifer still complained righteously, but the smile in her eyes has betrayed her true thoughts, "If the reporter asks why Brad didn't attend the premiere tonight If so, you are responsible for answering."

Lance shrugged. "No problem. So, should we watch my latest movie first?"

This ridicule made Jennifer's cheeks slightly hot. When she looked back, she could see that the entire auditorium was almost full, and everyone was waiting for the movie to be shown. She gave Lance a hard look, and then He walked quickly towards his position. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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