Movie Master

Chapter 572: Heart of a child

From the "Wall Street Journal" to the "Washington Post", from the "New York Times" to the "Chicago Tribune", everyone is amazed that Lance's three consecutive works have exceeded 200 million at the North American box office. The treatment has established the status of this new generation of directors. {net(<<[<<<

Even if the major media on the West Coast are unwilling to admit it, they have no way to change the established facts.

Putting the "New York Post" in his hand on the table, Lance seemed a little absent-minded, and the media's rave reviews didn't seem to be able to attract more of his attention.

Lance knows that the media is like grass on the wall. It is always icing on the cake, never helping people in need; Maybe today they are still singing praises like songs, but tomorrow they will see them gang up and make trouble. Even the bias caused by the dispute between the East and the West is in the final analysis only a conflict of interests, and it still cannot change the essence of the media—interests first, entertainment first. die. Therefore, for public figures, whether they are praised by the media or criticized, I believe three achievements are enough.

What's more, Lance also knows that "Sin City" is just a small opportunity in the development process of Chaos Films, and the company's development plan needs to be clarified, the establishment of administrative departments, and the blacklist of talents. The absorption system, the development of other projects besides him... Now Chaos Films looks fierce, but in essence, they are still just a small film company-there is still a distance from the medium-sized scale, in Hollywood, They are not far enough to see.

Therefore, these news, just be happy after reading them, there is no need to immerse yourself in them all the time and never forget them.

However, the real reason for Lance's absent-mindedness was not these. His heart seemed to be dropped in mid-air.

Just like those brave men who dare to challenge the world’s highest peaks, Mount Everest seems to be the ultimate goal. They have worked tirelessly for this goal, and after experiencing various difficulties, they finally succeeded in reaching the summit. The joy and happiness are indescribable, and It is unforgettable for a lifetime, but after walking down from the top of the mountain and returning to real life, I fell into confusion uncontrollably—because this is the ultimate challenge on earth, the life that has been running all the time has suddenly reached the end, and then There is no other more difficult challenge. The confusion and loss after losing the goal is like a state of weightlessness, which makes people feel overwhelmed.

Of course, Lance knew that Diorama Films wasn't Mount Everest at all, it was just a small hill at most. But the diorama film industry used to be the goal of his unremitting efforts. After his rebirth, the goal he has been striving for, his nerves are tense all the time, the goal he racks his brains and wants to kill at all costs, and now he has finally sprinted to the finish line Afterwards, the heartstrings suddenly loosened... That kind of emptiness, that kind of confusion made people feel at a loss, and it was difficult to tense up immediately.

He needs a whole new target. Lance knew the truth clearly, but it was not so easy to implement it.

He let out a long breath. In the previous life, Lance understood that even if he won a second chance, it is still not easy to achieve success; now, Lance understands that even though the third life is a human being, he is still learning, In the constant experience and constant experience, there are still too many unknowns in the road of life, and he is still an ordinary person.

He picked up the bag of Skittles on the table, but his eyes stayed on the dark brown brown paper bag. After thinking about it, Lance put the candy aside, picked up the paper bag, and looked at the writing on the surface again. "Jason Berkeley", except for address and name, does not have any other information.

After shaking the paper bag slightly, but no sound came out, Lance opened the seal directly, turned the paper bag down, and then a video tape fell out. Now the rental market has been basically replaced by DVDs. Although there are still a few videotapes left, they are already on the verge of being eliminated by the times. Lance did not expect that Jason would send himself a video tape.

When he saw the cover of the videotape, Lance couldn't help but slow down the movements of his hands. "Chasing Dreams with a Pure Heart" turned out to be the videotape of "Chasing Dreams with a Pure Heart".

I shook the paper bag again, but there was nothing in it, only a video tape, no postscript, and no explanation.

His eyes stayed on the cover of the video tape, and his mind couldn't help but fell into memories. He almost forgot the movie, and more precisely, he almost forgot the story. He knew the real story first, and watched the movie years later.

The first time he knew this story was in the winter of 1984, a winter he will never forget in his memory.

That summer, that summer when the violence got out of control, that summer that got rid of the control of Frank and Fiona, after the four of them hid for nearly three months, they were accidentally exposed because Gawain wanted to buy a birthday cake for Lance His whereabouts, at that time, he had a high fever and dehydration, and after he was sent to the hospital, his whole body was burned out; and Ian also had a low-grade fever because of abdominal wound inflammation, but he never said it out. Passed out, causing a burst of confusion.

Even though the social worker of the Child Welfare Bureau did not condemn Theo, Theo was in pain because of his guilt. He almost took all the responsibility on his shoulders, thinking that it was his negligence and selfishness that caused Lance's serious illness. This led to Ian's reticence, and also to Gao Wen's emaciation.

At that time, under the persuasion of the social worker, Theo had almost decided to give up.

The social worker believes that Theo can't afford the life of three children alone, which may make the situation worse. It is possible that they will live on the streets, and they may not survive this winter. What's more frightening is that they may They will encounter gangsters and die tragically on the street, so for the three younger brothers and for Theo himself, he should let go and let other families adopt them again and provide them with a better life.

Theo couldn't refute, he wanted to continue, but seeing Lance and Ian lying on the hospital bed, and Gawain who was starving and swallowing the patient's meal, Theo hesitated.

When Ian found out, he had a big fight with Theo, "Do you know what you're doing? If you send Lance back into the foster care system, you're sending him to death. You know what a terrible system that is. , you know those so-called social workers don't care about our lives, you know Lance can't afford another Frank and Fiona! If you think we're all burdens, you can just leave, I won't give up on Lance and Fiona Gao Wen's, absolutely not!"

Theo was in so much pain that he tried to reason with Ian, but Ian didn't listen at all. The two of them were about to fight, and Gawain who was hiding at the door was scared to cry, "I'm sorry, Theo, I'm sorry, everyone It's my fault..." Gawain who didn't know why, thought that Theo and Ian were blaming him for his self-assertion, which led to leaking their whereabouts, and kept apologizing.

This put Theo in a dilemma. On the one hand, Ian refused to continue communicating with him, on the other hand, Gao Wen felt guilty and blamed himself; The huge pressure almost crushed Theo's immature nineteen-year-old shoulders.

Suffering but at a loss, Theo could only sit in the waiting area for his family members, completely dazed. Gawain carefully sat next to Theo, showing his cuteness, but the rumbling stomach still gave away his real situation, which attracted the attention of a strange lady next to him, who divided the pizza in her hand Gawain gave half of it, and showed a friendly smile to Theo.

Theo read this story in the newspaper wrapped in pizza, Daniel, a young man named Rudy, a young man with no talent, no intelligence, no talent, but relying on an almost stupid obsession, and The persistence of never giving up has created his own miracle and realized his dream.

Everyone is talking about "knowing how to give up is also a kind of wisdom", and it seems that life is proving this truth all the But the stupidity of not knowing how to give up and the persistence of not looking back after hitting the south wall make people Dreams become more valuable and life becomes more bearable.

Theo knew that giving up was the right choice. He was only nineteen years old, and he wanted to take care of the lives of his three children. He wanted to rely on his own ability to obtain custody of the three children, and he wanted to realize their dreams with both hands. This is even more difficult than Rudy standing on the football field. But Theo decided to be crazy for a while, stupid for a while, and impulsive for a while.

Gawain told him these things later, and that was the first time he heard Rudy's story. Without this episode, perhaps none of the four of them would be today.

Many years later, Rudy's story was put on the big screen and adapted into the work "Dream Chaser".

It's not a perfect work, not even a good one, but it's one of Lance's favorite films. It has nothing to do with movies, nothing to do with art, just about life.

Lance doesn't quite remember bringing it up, and if he does, it's certainly not explained in detail, probably just a no-brainer in one of the conversations—because it's his own thing, and he never likes to talk about it. And his own body, but Jason remembered.

How long, how long has he not thought of the story of this movie, and a thick layer of dust has accumulated in the corner of his memory, even he himself has almost forgotten it. Today, it reappeared in such a way, which made Lance a little dazed.

"Knock knock", the knock on the door came again, Lance reflexively put the video tape in his hand into the drawer, Percy pushed the door and walked in, but didn't notice Lance's abnormality, "Jerry Brook Here comes Haimer."

Lance took a deep breath and nodded, "Let him in." (To be continued.) 8

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