Movie Master

Chapter 579: aim at marvel

In fact, this is not Lance's own idea, but borrowed from the case of Lionsgate Films in the previous life.

Lionsgate reached its peak around 2014, almost becoming the seventh player in Hollywood, disrupting the whole situation. That's the approach they're taking: build an entire empire around a young adult novel-to-movie core. After the acquisition of Summit Entertainment, they have the right to adapt several series of novels such as "The Hunger Games", "Divergent", "Twilight", and "Ender's Game", and have achieved unimaginable great success. And for three consecutive years, it has ranked among the top five in year-end market share, breaking the blockade of the six major film companies.

However, before Lance's rebirth, Lionsgate fell silent again. The reason is simple. After the end of the "Hunger Games" series, they couldn't find new blockbuster products, and the box office results fluctuated. Even other peripheral industries fell into a downturn. There is still a long way to go to turn Hollywood's "Big Six" into a "Big Seven".

Lionsgate didn’t see a breakthrough until 2010. It had long missed the revival of comic book adaptations, but caught up with the wave of youth novel adaptations.

Now, the time is only 2005, but Lance was able to grasp the key to victory in advance, why not give it a go? Compared with Lionsgate Films or Summit Entertainment before its rise, Chaos Films now has more advantages, not to mention Lance at the helm!

"Theme park? Cool!" Gao Wen laughed, then raised his hands and pulled out a banner in the air, "Chaos Paradise, this is much cooler than Disney or Universal Studios. I will definitely go to Chaos Play in the park, bring the whole team!"

Gawain's passionate speech made Lance smile, and then Theo's cold voice came over, "Do you think Warner Bros. will let go?" Without too much explanation, Lance immediately understood what Theo meant. : It is absolutely impossible for Warner Bros. to be willing to let go of the copyright of DC Comics.

In fact, Warner Bros. is indeed unwilling. To be precise, no major film company is willing to let go.

The fundamental reason why "Batman Prequel: The Mystery of Shadows" started to restart was that Warner Bros. didn't want the copyright to be rotten in their own hands, so they tried to restart it. After being inspired by Christopher Nolan, the "Superman Returns" project Only then can it be restarted.

Similarly, 20th Century Fox, who holds the copyright of the adaptation of "Fantastic Four", is unwilling to let go of it. Although "Fantastic Four" has achieved great success at the box office and word of mouth, the subsequent "Fantastic Four 2" has hit the ironclad. board, and then the "Fantastic Four 2015" even lost their underwear. Even so, Twentieth Century Fox bit the bullet and announced the development plan for the next "Fantastic Four", which is to let the adaptation copyright from A dying struggle slipping away from the hand.

The entire DC Comics was acquired by Time Warner in 1969, and the copyright of the adaptation is firmly in the hands of Warner Bros. It can be said that it is almost impossible for Warner Bros. to hand over DC Comics. What's more, although the box office of "Batman Begins: Beginnings of Mankind" did not explode, it did show a recovery momentum, and it is even more impossible for Warner Bros. to let go.

"We don't need Warner Bros. to let go, our goal is Marvel." Lance's smile seemed confident.

Unlike DC comics, Marvel has been severely suppressed in the film adaptation market in the past half century. There are only a handful of film works that have been put on the screen. In desperation, Marvel can only sell the copyrights scattered. Hope that a film company can succeed, which also caused the entire Marvel to fall apart—

Twentieth Century Fox holds the adaptation rights of "X-Men", "Fantastic Four" and "Daredevil", Sony owns the adaptation rights of "Spiderman", "Ghost Rider" and other works, Universal Pictures owns " Hulk" adaptation rights.

It's a pity that Marvel was disappointed. Only three works have been put on the big screen in half a century, and the results have been dismal.

In 1996, Marvel decided to stand on its own, starting from a small cost and low investment. In 1998, it launched the cult hero movie "Blade Warrior". This work achieved good results and gave Marvel confidence. ", "Spider-Man" successes have also flocked.

But in fact, Marvel has not gained much from Twentieth Century Fox, and it can even be said that the damage exceeds the benefit.

In Hollywood, there has always been an unwritten rule in dealing with subcultures. De-originalization, in short, is commercialization. The producers are often shrewd Jews, and the willingness of geeks to watch movies is worthless to them. Therefore, in the process of adapting comics, they will remove the characteristics of "otaku, geeks, and niche" in the original work, and adapt it into It is more in line with public taste. This is true for the first three episodes of the "X-Men" series, and Tobey-Maguire's version of "Spider-Man".

This is tantamount to bad news for the shrinking comics market—more and more comics fans are resisting film adaptations, which has put Marvel under tremendous pressure.

According to the development of the historical trajectory, Marvel will decide to change in 2007 and give it a go. Since Marvel's film company is a small independent company, even smaller than the current Chaos Films, they don't have enough funds and power to change the status quo, so they use the adaptation of their four comic characters With the rights as collateral, he gambled his fortune and put all his eggs in one basket. He teamed up with Paramount to shoot "Iron Man". The difference is that this work was led by the Marvel team.

What happened later was clear at a glance. Marvel succeeded, and other major companies followed suit, overthrowing the previous superhero settings, rebuilding and expanding their own universes; and then, Marvel was acquired by Disney.

Although Lance did not explain further, both Ian and Theo participated in the project of building the comic universe, and even Gawain gave a lot of opinions-he is the one who likes comics the most among the four brothers, and now he is only When the DC universe was replaced by the Marvel universe, everyone understood it at once, but fell into deep thought.

Ian immediately understood Lance's initial plan, and he frowned slightly, "You should know how powerful Disney and Warner Bros. are, right? Twentieth Century Fox and Sony Pictures, they will never Let us grow stronger, not to mention, you are not only entering their sight, but also snatching food from them? Are you sure we won't be crushed directly?"

Ian's teasing made Lance chuckle.

Whether it was running the diorama film industry in his previous life or his experience after rebirth in this life, Lance clearly knows a truth: no one is indispensable, this is true in social life, and even more so in Hollywood.

From a simple point of view, when shooting "Pirates of the Caribbean", Johnny Depp seems to be the core core. Disney even offered a 20% red price to keep Johnny. 4" even invited Johnny to play the role with an astonishing salary of 55 million yuan. On the surface, Johnny is indispensable. But if Johnny opened his mouth regardless and made demands without a bottom line, such as the unreasonable demands of 55 million salary plus box office dividends, it would only be a matter of time before Disney abandoned Johnny.

For reference, 55 million is a buyout fee, strictly speaking, far lower than the 20% box office dividend Johnny received when he took over the second and third films.

Toby, the hero of "Spider-Man", once asked for a salary of 20 million yuan before filming the third part, and was too tough to give in. As a result, Sony refused to negotiate in a rage and decided to change the actor. In the end, Toby Submissive, completed the shooting of the trilogy. Even so, after Sony restarted the "Spider-Man" project, Toby was replaced immediately.

From a complicated point of view, even Jerry Bruckheimer, even Steven Spielberg, even Barry Mayer, they are at the top of the Hollywood power list, but after all, they are just pawns in the film industry It is possible that Wall Street standing behind wants to replace them, or even block them.

Recently, Lance first strongly rejected Warner Bros., and then gave Disney a hard time. Although it would not lead to his being banned, if there is still a chance for cooperation in the future, the difficulties he will face will be unimaginable.

However, the reason why Lance is so bold and arrogant is precisely because he knows that this is a circle where interests are paramount, because he knows that no one is irreplaceable. He is so, so is the other party. As long as he can create enough benefits, as long as he can continue to succeed, then he can hold the initiative in his hands. There is a saying on the football field that victory can cover everything, and it is also true in Hollywood.

In addition, what Ian means is Marvel's adaptation rights are now scattered in the hands of many large film companies. In fact, this is the same as DC's adaptation rights are in the hands of Warner Bros.

"Things have to be done step by step. Marvel is different from DC. Marvel only has the right to adapt a few heroes, but most of the superheroes are still in the hands of Marvel. This is much simpler than DC. We can start with Let’s start the investigation.” Lance said, “Of course, it would be great if we could always take back the right to adapt the heroes who have leaked out. Even if we can’t, believe me, among the heroes in Marvel’s own hands, There are still many worthy adaptations."

Lance's explanation did not make Ian and Theo's brows relax. Both of them thought deeper and further than Lance, and things were obviously not that simple.

Gao Wen looked at everyone hesitantly, and said, "Lance, I don't know how much working capital the company currently has, but I know that acquiring Marvel is not that simple, is it? We have no shares, no collateral Items, and no working capital... Even if we find a bank loan, I am afraid it will not meet the requirements. Simply put, we have nothing but a plan. How can we complete the acquisition? What's more, the company will continue to purchase Movies, right? It’s impossible for all of our funds to be **** in one Marvel project.”

in one sentence. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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