Movie Master

Chapter 625: genius devil

When people discovered that the recording was from Angelina’s mobile phone, the development of the matter suddenly took a big turn. Even though Angelina denied that it was “just an accident”, the news media were unwilling to let it go, and almost all public opinions pointed to Angie. Lina thought that Angelina deliberately led Jessica to say those words.

At the same time, people also began to strongly suspect that Lance had more than a friend relationship with Jessica, Keira, and Angelina at the time. After all, Jessica also said, "There are definitely more than these people who are dating at the same time." This made the news media start to get excited, and they began to dig further, trying to find more "dates".

Interestingly, The New York Times evokes the original memory of Lance: "Warren Beatty 2nd."

When people think of Warren, the first thing that comes to mind is not his talent, but his flirtatiousness—he is rumored to have slept with more than 10,000 beautiful women, although he has now maintained a relationship with Annette Bening The marriage lasted thirteen years, but people still used the meme to tease Warren every time they ran into him.

Before this year's Oscars, the media dubbed Lance "Warren Beatty Second", not only because of Lance's talent, but also because of Lance's handsome appearance that made him the favorite of women. For this title, Lance has never shown rejection. Now that the name is mentioned again, it obviously has a different meaning.

The "New York Times" report appeared to be a bit late, and it was only a week after the incident broke out that it published an opinion piece, written by Javier Ulier. Facing such gossip incidents, Javier was very cautious. Obviously, he could not point fingers at others, especially since the East Coast media had lost the opportunity. Under the guidance of correct public relations, Jessica's remarks had gained a moral advantage. As a result, Javier wrote an editorial uniquely, but unknowingly attracted countless attentions, and once again proved his reputation as the number one opinion leader in the United States!

"Inglourious bastard! A genius, or a devil?"

Even the "New York Times" has called it so, it seems that "Inglourious Basterds" has really become Lance's nickname, and it is popular all over the United States. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this nickname is really suitable for Lance. Bohemian, rebellious, lawless, and unscrupulous. Even under the background of rave reviews, Lance’s sharp personality has made Lance countless enemies. A true "Inglourious Basterds"!

However, Javier's point of view is unique, "geniuses are weirdos, geniuses are bastards". James Cameron insisted on one thing in the crew, and did not allow any other voices of resistance. He was domineering and strong; Steven Spielberg was a control freak. The same is true of business; Stanley Kubrick is self-centered, refuses to communicate with others, and refuses to compromise with the world, doing his own way and turning a deaf ear; Alfred Hitchcock is a complete sex/erotic/maniac, The heroine of almost every work has to sleep in his bed; Clint Eastwood fights over women and his co-stars; Fleeing from the United States because of the crime, and still dare not set foot on North American territory...

Now, Javier puts Lance in the same category, "The brilliance of the crime trilogy allowed us to witness his talent, and now we have seen his **** behavior. No one can deny that he is domineering and strong on the set. , even if he himself admits it; but no one can deny his talent on the movie screen, and even the most critical film critics will have to admit that he does have certain qualities."

At the end of the editorial, Javier wrote, "Warren Beatty is a jerk, and his wind/flow/rhythm/thing is not over for three days and three nights; Trello is a jerk, but Lance seems to have gone further in his quest for a balance between business and art than Warren.

Genius, or Devil? Maybe both, maybe neither, but he was an inglourious bastard. You can only avoid falling in love with him if you completely loathe him. "

After this issue of "The New York Times" was released, it immediately received a fanatical following. The single-day sales volume actually created the highest this year, which aroused everyone's attention.

The New York Times has a clever point of view, acknowledging all the entanglements between Jessica, Keira, Angelina and Lance, but characterizing the whole thing as an emotional affair - like Warren's affair , became another footnote to Lance; they also recognized Jessica's accusation against Lance, bluntly recognized that Lance was an "inglourious bastard", but defined this personality as a combination of genius and devil body, really let people see the madness and evil behind this genius director - only a real madman can shoot a crime trilogy.

Suddenly, The New York Times turned the tables.

After the report was published, it received a frenzy. Javier's personal blog also published this editorial, with a single-day page view of 570,000, creating a new personal high.

Especially Javier's summary of Lance, "You can only avoid falling in love with him if you completely loathe him." A deep frenzy of discussion. Controversies about Lance have gradually fermented on the Internet, and those hateful and disgusting remarks continue to appear, but these shortcomings, these sharpness, these darkness, and these contradictions have become footnotes of personal style, vividly interpreting this genius Regarding the director's personality, it seems that the more negative comments there are, the more distinct Lance's personality becomes. This situation is really unexpected by everyone.

If it is said that the successive successes of "Murder with a Borrowed Knife" and "Sin City" have made Lance famous in the circle, and he has truly entered the ranks of top directors; Lance walked into the sight of countless audiences, and his awareness showed a 90-degree vertical upward trend, which was completely unstoppable.

The mixed perception of mixed reputation, love and hate makes Lance a unique existence among the new generation of directors.

At the same time, Tom Cruise was also interviewed. This was the first time Tom expressed his views on Lance in public after the incident, "Yes, he is indeed a jerk. I was in the promotion period before. As I said, if I had the chance, I would not want to cooperate with him again. The cooperation process is really painful, and he will try every means to push you to the extreme. That kind of feeling is not good, really not good. But What's worse, he won't soften his heart, let alone sympathize, because he knows that you can do it, and once you do, the results will be amazing. It turns out..." Tom shrugged and shook his head with a smile , "He's right."

"So, if you ask, do it all over again, will I still be in 'Knife Killing'? Yes, I will, because Lance helped me discover myself; if you ask, is Lance a jerk? Oh, look at For God's sake, he's a complete demon; if you ask, my personal senses, I'll tell you, I love that bastard, crazy." Tom's answer was full of contradictions, just like Javier, with a smile on his lips It also became brighter, "Among our group of co-actors, I forget who it is, Michael or Mark, once said a word, I think it is very suitable to describe Lance." I am jealous of Lance's talent, But I don't envy the pain that breeds it.'”

Following Tom, Steven Spielberg, who was in the "War of the Worlds" promotion period, also expressed a similar view, "Yes, of course, behind every genius lies his own shortcomings, God is fair, no Is it not a secret in the circle that Steven experienced several collapses during the filming of "Schindler's List" and was almost unable to complete the work, "In fact, I am very much looking forward to the meeting with Lance. If there is an opportunity, I would be more than happy to have more exchanges with him, to be honest, I would never be able to shoot a work like 'Sin City'."

Steven is hinting at the "Transformers" project, as long as the media is willing to dig, the truth is not difficult to find.

Later, Ethan Coen also came forward, and they had exchanged many views with Lance on the scriptwriting process of "Sin City"; Alexander Payne, Michael Fassbender, Jeffrey Nahema Nove, Frank Miller, Jake Gyllenhaal and others all stood up and defended Lance.

The whole scandal started from Lance, went around in a big circle, and finally returned to Lance. People ignored Jessica's accusation against Lance, people also ignored Angelina's participation, and people also ignored Jessica's position as a victim... All eyes were on Lance, and they all sighed at this talented director behind the hardships and difficulties.

Of course, everyone has reached a consensus that Lance is indeed an inglorious bastard.

Dorothy finally breathed a sigh of relief, the incident went around in a circle, and finally came back. Not only did no harm be caused, but it also made Lance famous, which can be said to be a blessing in disguise. Inexplicably, Dorothy thought of Lance's attitude. He never cared about this matter from the beginning to the end. He always went his own way, didn't care about the media's accusations, didn't care about Jessica's collapse, and didn't care about his colleagues in the circle getting worse. , and don't even care about the direction of public opinion. Not pretending to be calm, but showing indifference from the inside out, just like Lance's attitude when he was surrounded by paparazzi for the first time, "So what?"

He's a jerk, but his talent is undeniable, he's a genius, and he's a devil. so what?

Dorothy couldn't help but chuckled, and whispered, "So?" (To be continued.) Activate the new website

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