Movie Master

Chapter 660: tough choice

Percy soon came in again, "The time is confirmed, the eighteenth, five o'clock in the afternoon." Lance raised his right hand, stroked the end of his eyebrows lightly, hid his entire face under the shadow of his palm, and fell into the After pondering, "Lance, otherwise we can change the time, and everything is still too late."

Itinerary conflicts and time changes are not uncommon. What's more, it was between Lance and Barry just now, not between the assistants. It is quite normal for the parties concerned to lack sufficient understanding of their itinerary.

"The Toronto Film Festival will open next week." Lance said in a deep voice. As the largest film festival in North America, Toronto's momentum is still not as good as Venice, which opened two weeks ago, but considering North America's geographical advantages, so Half of the important people in Hollywood will go.

James will travel to Toronto on behalf of Chaos Films next Monday. If nothing else, Barry will also participate in the Toronto Prosperity.

"We can also fly to Toronto and have an interview there." Percy suggested another possibility, "Or, wait until after the Toronto Film Festival is over, and then conduct an interview. This project has just started now, and there is no need to rush here Just a few days, isn't it?"

If it’s a matter of fact, it’s true. Taking a step back, Lance doesn’t need to meet with Barry, he just needs to exchange opinions with Akiva, and then sort out an idea and write the first version of the script, which is enough. There are many solutions. But in real life, a simple thing often becomes complicated.

"It's not that simple." Lance said in a deep voice. If he really had other meetings or work, then the schedule conflict would be understandable, but in fact, he was going to New York to watch a football game. His whereabouts will be leaked, and when Barry learns that Lance has postponed the meeting for a game, subtle changes in his psychology are bound to occur.

What's more, Barry revealed the news on the phone just now. Not only the two of them participated in the interview, but also several other people. Everyone's itinerary was adjusted together, which made it even more troublesome.

But none of that is the point, if the relationship is close, even if Lance does delay the interview to watch a game, as Percy said, there is more than one solution, then there is no problem; but if the relationship is tense If so, the matter is another matter.

The relationship between Lance and Warner Bros. has always been mediocre. Diorama Pictures and Warner Bros. got on the line after Lance left. At first, Warner Bros. chose Diorama Pictures. The work "Troy" made Warner Bros. Suffered a dull loss, especially when Lance used Diana Rathbone. Even if there is no evidence, it is impossible for Barry, an old fox, to be ignorant.

Later, in the cooperation of the "Return of Superman" project, when Lance realized that the cooperation had gone off track, he immediately and neatly ended the possibility of follow-up discussions, even though Warner Bros. sincerely invited Lance to be the coordinator of "Return of Superman". Director, but Lance still rejected Barry twice, and without losing face, clearly stated his position.

The same is true for "I am Legend" this time. First came "Hard Candy" and then "007". moon.

Objectively speaking, these situations are really normal in the shopping malls. The prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the world is full of hustle and bustle for profit. Any cooperation is a process of mutual game, mutual testing, and mutual negotiation. Similar situations are not uncommon in Hollywood; even if the negotiation reaches the final stage, it is not uncommon to replace the director or screenwriter before the start of the film. But no one should forget that Barry is one of the most hot-tempered among the top management in Hollywood. Unlike Michael Eisner, Barry is not so domineering and arrogant, but he is famous for his hot temper.

Therefore, what is important is Barry's attitude. If he intends to promote cooperation, he believes that Lance's value is unique. He believes that DC Universe can tap more potential in the hands of Lance. He believes that the cooperation between Warner Bros. and Chaos Films has Foreground, then it is just an interview time, everything can be compromised; but on the contrary, things will easily go to another extreme.

Lance is currently in full swing, but he is still not irreplaceable. To be precise, no one is irreplaceable.

Lance put his right hand down, "Go and call Barry's assistant and tell me that there is a conflict in my itinerary. Is it feasible to adjust it to Monday or Tuesday?" He needs to test Barry's bottom line.

Thinking back carefully, Warner Bros. received the script outline this morning, and called to make an appointment in the afternoon, and the interview was two days later, so I was really in a hurry. Either, as Barry said, there was a problem with the preparation process of the "I Am Legend" project, and they must now buy as much time as possible, so everything needs to be speeded up; or Warner Bros. needs to gradually start putting pressure on Chaos Films , For the sake of the distribution of benefits in the future, change the active and passive positions of the two parties in the previous negotiation relationship, so setting such an urgent time is actually a statement of position.

Of course, it is also possible that Lance himself was thinking wildly, and all the guesses were groundless.

Percy walked into the office again, Lance looked up, and seeing a trace of doubt and worry on Percy's expressionless face, he shook his head. Lance's heart sank slowly, maybe his guess was not groundless, "the assistant said, Barry's schedule for next week is already full. The reason why he chose Sunday is that it was Barry's original vacation time. , he was going to play golf, so he made temporary adjustments, and it was hard for the other producers to spare time."

The whole set of rhetoric cannot be said to be watertight, but it does leave Lance with no room for refusing. I'm afraid that on the phone just now, even if Lance remembered the game on Sunday, Barry would euphemistically say that he was only free on Sunday, not to mention that Barry also proposed the bait of "other big projects", completely to block Lans Step back road set up.

So, what happened recently that Lance doesn't know about? Or is it that Lance has persecution paranoia and is chasing rumors?

Lance felt that he was thinking too much. It was just a normal interview invitation. Because of his own negligence, it caused a time conflict, but now his divergent thinking has broken through the sky, and he has ignored his fault. It is indeed absurd to suspect that others are digging traps to frame themselves. This made Lance laugh dumbly. Maybe after dealing with these top bosses for a long time, he couldn't help but conspiratorialize everything.

"Or, you call Dorothy and leave these matters to her." Percy's voice gave Lance a new way of thinking.

As a public relations person, Dorothy's task is not only to solve the crisis, but also to maintain contacts, people and contacts, which are all within the purview of Dorothy. When Barry was able to find Lance, the source of the news was also released from Dorothy.

Lance nodded, dialed Dorothy's phone number, explained the matter briefly, and then handed it over to Dorothy.

Dorothy's reply was a bit slow, and she didn't dial Lance's cell phone until after eight o'clock in the evening, "Things are a little tricky." Sugar' will premiere at the New York Film Festival, is it true?" Dorothy isn't involved with Chaos Films, so of course she doesn't know much about the situation.

Lance frowned slightly, "What if it is?" He didn't quite know where "Hard Candy" was released and what it had to do with Warner Bros.

Dorothy exhaled lightly, "Let's put it this way, Los Angeles and New York are two cities, two very different cities." A simple sentence, but it seems meaningful, "They are trying their best to protect their own interests. , and tradition. Therefore, they need to let the rising newcomers understand this, and if necessary, shock education is also necessary. For example, Helen Kelly."

Without the impetus behind the coalition of interests, it would be impossible for Helen's incident to cause such a commotion.

"But the problem is that we solved it very well." Dorothy didn't speak out, but Lance understood immediately, "I didn't learn the lesson." Dorothy nodded, "Yes, you No lesson learned."

"So, you mean, Warner Bros. is trying to teach me a lesson?" Lance still didn't understand the connection between these two things. If the "I am Legend" project can be successful The winner is Warner Bros., so why should Barry be a villain in vain? What's more, there is the behemoth of the DC universe behind. In Hollywood, where profit is paramount, this is the most important thing, isn't it?

"Oh, no, of course not." Dorothy shook her head again and again, "Now they just want to dampen your arrogance so that you don't continue to be arrogant. You know, one James Cameron is enough to give the film company a headache Well, they don't need a second one. Besides, they don't want you to be another Mel Gibson."

Simply put, it's a thorn in the head.

Lance laughed dumbly, "I should at least thank them for their praise, shouldn't I?" Not to mention comparing with James Cameron, even compared with Mel Gibson, Lance is far behind now, from qualifications to This is true from the box office to the awards.

Dorothy shrugged her shoulders and said lightly, "You should know that the most labor-saving way is to nip danger in the cradle. They never worry about getting their hands dirty."

Therefore, Lance is not chasing after rumors, let alone persecution paranoia, and his guess is not groundless. The actions of Warner Bros. do have profound meanings. The interview schedule is only a trivial detail. (To be continued.)

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