Movie Master

Chapter 675: no refund

Lance also felt a sense of powerlessness at this time. He expected such a situation, but he didn't expect such a turbulent situation, which was far more serious than expected. Warner Bros. almost launched a blockade like a thunderbolt, as if they had already dug it up. After falling into the trap, he just waited for Lance's "strong refusal", and then fully mobilized, leaving Lance with no time to react, let alone solve it.

However, it's not as bad as imagined.

Lance can choose to temporarily avoid the limelight for a period of time, six months, or a year, and take a good vacation and relax. After the passage of time, the scripts will come back one after another. Warner Brothers cannot cover the sky with one hand, and other film companies cannot act impulsively. This is the law of the supremacy of profit. After seeing the fiasco of "Superman Returns", It's not out of the question that Warner Bros. will find Lance again.

Because Lance is not Mel Gibson after all, he did not offend the Jews, so there is no need for people to kill them all. Hollywood just needs Lance to learn a lesson and polish it hard. After time passes and the lesson is in place, then Lance's ability to "make money" will become a magic weapon for his resurgence.

Therefore, things are still not at the end of the mountain.

But Lance knows that this is a battle of momentum. If he chooses to shut up at this time, it means that he has chosen to compromise, which means that all his previous efforts will be invalidated, which means that he will lose his own personality The light, not even the sharpness, is gone. Well, in the future, he cannot become Steven Spielberg or James Cameron, nor can he become Warren Beatty or Marlon Brando. He may still receive scripts, but he cannot Holding the initiative in his hands, he is just an ordinary member of Hollywood, and may even affect the development prospects of Chaos Films.

If you take a step back, you may become an abyss, or become mediocre.

In order to win this battle of momentum, in order to break the **** and make a comeback, he must go upstream and face the challenge head-on! The best solution is to shoot a box office bomb that sweeps the box office. As long as the North American box office can exceed 300 million, Lance can break the blockade of Warner Bros.'s interest alliance and regain the initiative in his hands.

At that time, Warner Bros. will become the embarrassed one. It is only a matter of time before Barry re-friends Lance, and the embarrassment of bowing his head will be Barry's shame. Perhaps, the whole of Hollywood will be on the sidelines, happy to see the scene of Barry extending an olive branch to Lance, and maybe it will become a big event in the circle.

If you don't advance, you will retreat, it's that simple.

"Lance, this is not the first time..."

Cole's voice was a bit weak, even through the phone line, Lance could feel his dilemma, but Lance smiled, "So, are you scared?" This made Cole stunned, but he didn't know that he Should you be angry, or should you relax, "Lance, do you know how serious the problem is?"

"I'm waiting for you to tell me." Lance's voice was still calm, as if he didn't feel the ubiquitous oppression at all.

Cole just felt that he couldn't take a breath, so he picked up the wine glass and poured it into his mouth, but found that the wine glass was still empty, which was really depressing, rubbed his temples, "I've asked, 'Spiderman 3' is basically confirmed , they will re-sign Sam Raimi."

"So?" Lance raised his final voice. Although he didn't expect it, he was not surprised. This also means that there are fewer and fewer options left for Lance.

"So?" Cole noticed that his voice was a little out of control. He quickly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he chose to cooperate with Lance, he was already aware of the situation they might face, so the last thing he needs now is He just got confused, took another deep breath, and Cole regained his composure, "There is no news from Sony Pictures, I found out with great difficulty, so this means that they didn't list you Scope of consideration." Paused, Cole seemed to be waiting for Lance to digest the news, and then he said, "Chaos Pictures is now cooperating with Sony Pictures on the '007' project, but there is no news at all. Come on, Lance, you should know how bad it is."

There is no "Atonement", no "Spider-Man 3", but Lance has always left the "007" project as a last resort. Between "007" and "I Am Legend", Lance chose the latter, so he became the producer of the former, and reached a trilogy cooperation agreement with Sony Pictures, which also means that Chaos The film industry has always held the initiative.

But now, "Spider-Man 3" has confirmed that the director's word is tight, which not only means that they have isolated Lance from the "Spider-Man 3" project, but Sony Pictures' position has also begun to become subtle. Could it be that after Warner Bros., Disney, and Universal Pictures, even Sony Pictures has begun to stand in line?

This is really a bit unexpected, and it is extremely tricky. Among the six major Hollywood film companies, if you add Sony Pictures, four of them are on the opposite side of Lance. Even if Paramount and 20th Century Fox are unwilling to join forces, Lance really has few choices. Yes, especially in the past two years, almost all of the important works are in the hands of Warner Bros. and Universal Pictures.

More importantly, if it's just "Spider-Man 3", then it's okay to say, but if it affects the cooperation of the "007" project... The negotiations between Chaos Pictures and Sony Pictures have never been completed. Due to Gao Wen's accident, West O also stayed in New York. He stayed in the hospital for a full week before returning to work. He talked with Sony Pictures executives in Los Angeles through a video conference. Many details have not been able to reach a consensus, so far the contract has not been signed.

In other words, things are not settled yet.

So, Lance knew, he knew exactly how bad things were. "Cole, you should know that any decision on Wall Street has risks, right?" Lance didn't panic, but remained calm. He was already prepared when he chose to reject Warner Brothers, and now the situation is just a little worse , he will not be at a loss and start to regret the beginning, this thorny road, he is ready to overcome the thorns, "So, you should also know that these works are not the guarantee of success, I am!"

Lance's understated tone made the smile on the corner of Cole's mouth unbearable. Even in the face of such a predicament, Lance still has incredible firmness and confidence, which is a good thing, "So, you mean, miss these works , It's their regret, not yours."

"You've finally regained some sanity." Lance's joking words made Cole chuckle.

"I believe in you." Cole nodded slightly, "but the problem is that you have talent, but you don't have a platform to display it." Chaos Films is still not strong enough, and there is not enough funds to start large projects independently, and now it is nearly 80% The major projects of the movie are all in the hands of the six major film companies. If they continue to exclude Lance from the crew, Lance will also be a smart woman.

"Yeah, this is indeed a problem." Lance agreed easily, "But we will solve it. The most important thing at the moment is that I need to meet and talk with Sony Pictures. Michael Leighton? Bara Broccoli? Michael G. Wilson? Who's in New York?"

It doesn't matter if you miss "Spider-Man 3", but if you miss the "007" project, it will be a fatal blow to Chaos Pictures. Even if Lance does not serve as the director of the "007" project, but still participates in the production as a producer, it doesn't matter, but the premise is that Chaos Pictures and Sony Pictures must complete this cooperation, which is no return. Refundable Last Redemption. Lance would not have such a tragedy happen.

"I need to ask Dorothy. She has more sensitive information about this." Cole's thoughts gradually became clear. The recent bad news made him have a splitting headache, but he still did not lose his sensitivity. , "Well, you will be responsible for Sony Pictures' affairs. I'm here to inquire about mid-range investment works and make two-handed preparations."

The so-called mid-range investment is 60 million to 100 million US dollars. The number of these works far exceeds the large projects with more than 100 million investment, and the scope of companies involved is also wider. This also means that Warner Bros. can control The effective range will be severely restricted.

Cole believed that even a mid-range investment would be able to use his talents in the hands of Lance. For example, "kill with a borrowed knife".

Lance thought about it, in fact, what Chaos Films needs now is a big investment not only to drive the development of the entire company, but also to break the blockade of Warner Bros. But he also knew that in the face of the menacing Barry Meyer, there is no way to solve the problem by rushing, just like facing Robert Iger back then.

The only good news is that Michael Eisner is about to step down, and Robert Iger has been busy taking over Disney recently, but it will not be completed until at least October, and after taking office, Pixar is Robert's top priority, so now he has no There is no manpower to suppress Lance in time, otherwise Barry and Robert will really be too much for Lance.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news." Lance nodded and agreed, "I'll call Dorothy now, and you can contact me anytime you have any situation."

Originally thought that the biggest competitor of Chaos Films was Diorama Films, but who knew that after Diorama Films left, giants like Warner Bros. and Disney stood in front of Lance. Lightweight became super heavyweight and it was clear that the challenge was escalating rapidly. However, from a side view, this also means that Chaos Shadow Industry has quietly entered the super heavyweight war circle, doesn't it?

When the whales fight, the shrimp suffers. But is it possible that Xiami uses his light and flexible posture to find another way to kill a **** path? (To be continued.)

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