Movie Master

Chapter 792: thinking jump

After hesitating, Cole said uncertainly, "Maybe we should call Lance." Cole's eyes fell on Dorothy. After all, the school's public relations is mainly Dorothy's work. He is now Asking for Lance's opinion is tantamount to dismantling Dorothy, and he doesn't know how Dorothy will react.

Dorothy didn't answer right away. She thought it was just a joke at first, but then she realized the urgency in Cole's eyes, and the smile on the corner of her mouth slowly froze, and her eyes gradually settled down into thinking, " Actually, it's a pretty good idea, Lance can always come up with outrageous ideas, can't he?"

Not to mention other things, just talking about the release plans and promotional strategies of the previous works, Lance's use of the Internet has opened a brand new world door for the entire Hollywood.

On the contrary, Dorothy's approval made Cole hesitate a bit. With his hands propped on the armrest of the chair, he looked at Dorothy's expression changes with his fingers crossed, exploring whether Dorothy was joking or sincere. Dorothy rolled her eyes at Cole's reaction, "I'm not an agent, how to maximize the effect of resources is my job."

After being taunted by Dorothy's anti-general, Cole shrugged and did not react too much. He released his hands and pressed the call button on the phone on the desk to connect to his assistant, "Ai Liana, connect me to Lance." Cole looked up at the clock on the wall, and said to himself, "I don't know how the work of the crew is going at this time." At this time, it was two o'clock in the afternoon in Los Angeles. It was past 1:00 in Namibia, and it was past 9:00 pm in Namibia. According to the normal work schedule, the crew should have entered the finishing stage.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. Percy's voice came from the hands-free receiver, echoing in the office, "This is Percy." Simple and clear, cold and indifferent, even in the face of the familiar Cole, Not much intimacy either.

However, Cole has long been used to Percy's style, and he didn't care at all, "Percy, this is Cole. Is the crew over today?"

"Yes, I called it a day thirty minutes ago." Percy's answer was still succinct. "You want Lance?"

"Is he free now?" Cole also knows Lance's habits now. After entering the crew, he devotes himself to it, forgetting to eat and sleep to the point of almost being obsessed, so even if the day's work is over, it doesn't mean that Lance is free. . Percy responded and gave an affirmative answer, but Cole immediately stopped Percy, "Wait, wait and call him again, I will ask you first. Regarding the list of Golden Globe winners, you Did you tell Lance? How did he react?"

"Interesting." Cole was taken aback by Percy's answer, "He said, 'very interesting'." This caused Cole and Dorothy to exchange a look, neither of them quite understanding Lance's reaction What happened, I couldn't help asking. Percy wasn't surprised, because when they heard Lance's answer, they were also full of question marks, and Michael Fassbender even defended Lance, "Lance said that he expected George to launch a counterattack, I just didn't expect the fireback to be so fast, and it's clear that Warner Bros. and Sony Pictures have some kind of agreement behind the scenes."

Percy didn't go into details, but Cole and Dorothy couldn't help but exchanged glances again. In fact, they all have similar speculations, not only Warner Brothers and Sony Pictures, but also Twentieth Century Fox. Since the Hollywood Foreign Press Association dares to issue such a result, it must not be afraid of media criticism. , There must be an unknown transaction behind this.

However, speculation is always just speculation. Even if it is true, they are helpless. Facing giants like the six major film companies, their room for movement is really limited.

Cole breathed a long sigh of relief. He was worried that after Lance fled to Africa, he really pinned all his hopes on "Mad Max 4" and gave up "Hard Candy". But looking at it now, it is clear that Lance also has a gully in his chest, and he will definitely not surrender easily. Thinking about it further, Lance really left the whole of Hollywood behind and let George go down the drain? This is obviously impossible, just look at the end of Diorama Films.

It appears that this call was the right choice.

"Cole?" Lance's voice came from the other end of the phone. The magnetic voice was a little tired, but the mood was very clear. It could be felt that today's shooting should be relatively smooth. Otherwise, after staying in the boundless desert for nearly two months, I have already fallen into the brink of collapse, "I happen to have something to ask you, you can go to Dorothy today, and let her go to Green Ridge Street tomorrow, and James - Corden has a meeting."

"Hey, Lance." Dorothy greeted proactively.

"Oh, Dorothy, are you there too?" Lance greeted briskly, but then there was a noise around him, and Lance could be heard intermittently explaining, "Albert...rehearse again... The weight of the explosion is too small... Um, yes, yes, that's it. I have something to do now, I will talk about it later." Then Lance's voice came from far and near, "Where did we just talk?" Accompanied by The door slammed shut with a loud bang, and the surrounding noises quieted down, "Yes, a meeting. I originally planned to hold a conference call with James later to explain the matter. You will have a meeting with James tomorrow to discuss the specific situation. , but you just called now, so let me tell you first. 'Fury Road' can be finalized."


Cole and Dorothy were not ready yet, and Lance did not prepare or wait at all, and directly threw a blockbuster, which made the two of them stunned for a while.

"Fury Road" is set? The problems of the awards season have not been resolved yet, and they have already started to snipe at the box office of commercial blockbusters? Isn't their main purpose today for the prospect of "Fruit Candy" at the Oscars? What about the combination of Warner Bros., Sony Pictures and 20th Century Fox? There is also a George Clooney who is eyeing it? Is this rhythm too jumpy? Wait... "Fury Road" is about to be finalized! Is the filming over? The second wave of publicity in the early stage is still in full swing, and now is the pre-heating for the release? With such a fast pace, is the quality OK? What is Lance planning?

In the end, Cole came back to his senses first, coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, "Lance, the movie is about to wrap up?"

"No, no, it's still early." Lance laughed easily, and there is still a third of the movie that has not been shot, and this third is just the climax of the whole work, whether it is the fighting scene Or the explosion scene, it will be more magnificent, and it will also be more exciting. It is conservatively estimated that the filming will not be completed until at least late February. If the desert weather does not cooperate or the filming process is delayed, it is very normal to delay until mid-March . "Even if the Oscars are missed, not only is it not impossible, but it is very likely to happen."

Lance's words were very relaxed, and it could be heard that he had long been mentally prepared, and he was not surprised by this situation. But the faces of Cole and Dorothy are not very good-if Lance really missed Oscar?

However, Lance did not pause, and continued, "But if there is no accident, the filming will definitely be completed before the end of March. Therefore, I hope that the film can participate in the competition for this year's summer file." The original goal of the "Road" project, because 80% of the film was actually shot, and Lance strictly followed the chronological order to complete the filming process, which made the filming process extremely difficult, but the post-production It's a relatively easy situation.

According to Lance's estimate, all post-production can be completed before the arrival of June. But there are accidents in everything. In order to avoid being caught off guard by accidents, and even being forced to change the schedule, it will really be worth the candle. Therefore, after careful consideration, Lance made such a decision—

"July. The movie is best scheduled for July. I will let James discuss it internally, then test the tone of the major theaters, and finally draw up a suitable schedule. However, the best situation is the second week of July. Or the third week." Lance expressed his thoughts.

Dorothy is also a person who has seen big wind and waves, and she quickly came to her senses, "So, you want to start promoting the movie now." If it is released in July, it seems a bit early to warm up now, wait until April or May All in time. But "Fury Road" is This work has always been at the forefront of the limelight since the project was approved, and the proactive promotion during the shooting process has aroused heated discussions on the Internet. Even in the midst of awards season, the topic of "Fury Road" is still high on the Internet. As long as they can continue this kind of momentum and publicize it vigorously, by July, the expectations of "Fury Road" will reach an incredible height. But, in this case... Once the quality of the work fails to meet expectations, it will inevitably usher in an avalanche of fiasco, just like "Troy" and "Saharan Cavalry".

Will Lance make the same mistake?

What's more, this is not the only difficulty they face. "If it hits the summer schedule, what about other companies' schedules? Don't we need to inquire? Now the summer schedule should have an outline." Dorothy's thoughts turned quickly, and sparks began to burst out continuously.

"Hehe." Lance laughed lightly, and said with confidence, "No, don't worry about them. We should just focus on ourselves. After we set a schedule, they will definitely make moves. However, I will Waiting for their actions."

What? Wait, what do you mean? (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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