Movie Master

Chapter 989: yellow card warning

Seeing that Lance stood up and left his position, the flashlights on the scene turned on collectively again, and it was clear that the crowd of reporters was all leaning in the direction of Lance, and the camera lenses were all aimed at the back of the person who turned away without any nostalgia, The others who were still sitting on the stage were left aside in a daze. . M

Although Lance is the only focus today, such a big difference in treatment is still too big, which makes people feel a little overwhelmed for a while.

Jeff stood up, patted Jon Rachel on the shoulder with a smile, "Let's go, today's focus is not on us." Then he took a step and left the stage.

At this moment, Robert realized that he stood up abruptly, ran after him all the way, and passed through the side door of the banquet hall. He saw the back of Lance in the distance, and two middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes stood beside him, smiling and talking to him. Lance was talking, but this only slowed down Lance's footsteps a little, and did not stop completely. Robert quickly caught up, and a respectful and polite voice came from his ear, "...Of course, welcome anytime, this is A pleasure for our hotel."

, These two men should be the top management of the Hilton Hotel, and they seem to have come here specially to say hello to Lance. Robert put his hands in front of him and followed him politely. The two men seemed to have noticed his figure. They turned their heads and nodded politely. Robert also politely returned the salute, "Well, Shi Mr. Trello, I hope that all the relevant work today can make you feel warm and welcome." The other party still expressed etiquette again, and then stopped, watching Lance's back respectfully.

Robert chased after him in a few small steps, and considered his tone, "Lance, hey." Lance's footsteps still did not stop. Robert found that the height difference caused a huge gap between the two people's progress, and he was already a little out of breath. , "Ha, now I finally know why people are always envious of people with long legs." After finishing speaking, Robert did not forget to laugh at himself twice, but Lance did not respond, which made Robert a little embarrassed, "Lance ..."

Just when Robert was about to speak again, Lance suddenly stopped in his tracks, which startled him. He raised his head, and seeing Lance's blue eyes, Robert's heart tightened, and the hairs all over his body stood on end. Getting up, the instinct/instinct to smell the danger couldn't help but shudder, but Lance didn't say much, he turned around and walked in to the left, Robert noticed that there was a man standing next to him. A staff member in a black suit opened the door of the room - Lance's exclusive lounge arrived.

Robert's footsteps stopped on the spot, and he wasn't sure whether he should follow in, but after turning his head, Jon's figure had appeared, followed by Jeff...not caring so much, he followed up bravely, The staff member in the black suit hesitated for a moment. Considering that Lance didn't stop him, he let Robert in.

"Lance, about the little accident last time..." Robert gave up his intention of being polite, and cut straight to the point.

Lance walked to the bar next to him, poured a glass of juice, and turned around while holding the glass, "Accident? Are you sure it was an accident?"

Robert's heart trembled slightly, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva. The dull feeling of suffocation was really unbearable, "Yes, it was an accident, I'm sure it was an accident." Robert clenched his hands into fists, but the wet sweat on his palms He couldn't use any strength at all, he only felt a little pain in his muscles, "Really, I'm already clean, thoroughly clean, and, I promise..." The following words were cut off because Lance waved his left hand , interrupted his words, the slightly frowning brow obviously did not intend to continue listening to his explanation.

Never trust the promises of an addiction/junkie, no matter what kind of addiction, because when the addiction is working, they cannot control themselves. What's more, Lance is not Robert's agent or publicist, and he has no intention of interfering in the private lives of the cast and crew, unless it affects the work, "You just need to know that there is no second time during the shooting and promotion of the film. "As for the rest of the time, that's not the agent's business," I don't accept the law of 'no more than three'."

The crisp words made Robert feel bitingly cold. He believed that if a similar situation happened a second time, Lance would definitely make him regret it without hesitation. Imagining what happened to George Clooney, Robert couldn't help but shudder several times and nodded repeatedly, "Of course, of course! There must be no problem."

"Go out, Jon should have some things to explain." The next main job will be handed over to Jon, just like "Queen" and "Juno", as a producer, Lance has learned let go. Jon's pre-shooting preparations are very different from Lance's style, and Lance has no intention of interfering.

Robert couldn't move his footsteps, he looked at Lance's expression carefully, and caught that handsome eyebrow slowly relaxing, and then he felt a little relieved, hesitated for a moment, "Lance, believe me, I I will definitely not disappoint your trust. I will do my best to cooperate. Thank you, thank you for giving me a chance." After speaking, Robert turned and left the room.

Standing outside the door, when a gust of wind blew, Robert realized that his entire back was soaked with sweat.

Robert has a great personal relationship with George Clooney, and last year he cameoed in "Good Night, Good Luck," so he knows a little more about George's current situation than anyone else.

Since the Oscars ended, George has almost disappeared. This is not about George hiding on some deserted island and disappearing. In fact, George is still in Los Angeles, but he seems to have disappeared. Not to mention the attention of the industry, even the news media did not pay any attention. For seven months, George did not find any job opportunities, just like Mel Gibson last year. Refrigerated George, as if "George Clooney" had been completely forgotten.

Robert didn't know how long this situation would last, maybe George would find a job soon, maybe not, but Robert knew clearly that Lance was not a kind angel, never was.

For a long time, Robert thought he would never get the role of "Iron Man" because of "good night and good luck", so that when he learned that he had successfully won the role, he burst into tears of joy. Therefore, he clearly knew what Lance's words just meant. He only had one chance, and he had already squandered it. If he didn't grasp it, he had no doubt that Lance could easily fulfill his promise.

"Robert." Jon walked over with a smile and patted Robert on the shoulder. Obviously, he knew nothing about the previous "hemp accident", "Go back to the lounge first, we need to accept it later A few interviews, and then how about we exchange characters in the afternoon?"

Robert took a deep breath and nodded to Jon, but found that his throat was so dry that he couldn't speak a word. However, Jon didn't wait for his answer, knocked on the closed door, and after getting permission, pushed the door and walked in, leaving only Robert standing in the corridor, he smiled at the black suit staff After a moment, he quickly walked towards their lounge.

Perhaps, "Iron Man" can really be a turning point in his career. He will never let go.

"Our crew members will be interviewed by the media in a while, are you sure you don't want to join?" Jon asked, with a cheerful smile on his face, not at all frustrated by repeated ignorance at the press conference, "This work From the preparation to the present, you are the real core, and your understanding of the project far surpasses mine."

The corners of Lance's mouth slightly pursed, "There are enough focuses on me." This slightly arrogant and arrogant statement made Jon laugh, because it was true, "I will leave immediately , you continue to work.” The interview is a physical job, and it can’t be finished for a few hours.

"Don't worry, I'll leave the job to me." Jon said confidently, and Lance asked after hesitation, "Are you really not going to participate in the Golden Globe Awards? Again this year?" Jon and After all, Lance's time with Lance was short, and his understanding of Lance was limited, so he couldn't help but gossip, but Jon didn't understand the meaning of Lance's slightly raised eyebrows, and continued, "I mean , I really like the work of 'Fury Road' If I have the qualifications to vote for the Oscars, I will definitely vote for this work! It would be a pity to miss the Golden Globes... "

"I will write down this vote." Lance said politely with a smile.

Jon is still unwilling to give up easily, "I'm serious, I think the Golden Globes owe you a proof, they should give you an award. If you attend this year, believe me, countless loyal movie fans will cheer for you , I am one of them."

Lance couldn't help but smile, and slightly closed his jaw, "Your most important task should be to shoot 'Iron Man' well. As for the awards season, let those who have voting rights worry about it." Jon suddenly became embarrassed, and laughed loudly, "That's right, after today's press conference, the whole of Hollywood is probably going to be a sensation, I have to prepare in advance." While talking, Jon left the room.

As Jon said, although Lance was sure that he would not direct "Iron Man", after the press conference ended, the whole of North America fell into a frenzy, and the shocking reaction of the mountain and tsunami spread continuously. , let people once again witness the powerful influence of Lance. Announcement: This site recommends a free novel APP, bid farewell to all advertisements. Please follow the WeChat official account to enter the download and installation: appxsyd (press and hold for three seconds to copy)

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