Movie Master

Chapter 993: throw bricks and start jade

In just one second, Barry's mind was filled with vicissitudes, but he was not overwhelmed by the excitement. On the contrary, he became calmer and calmer. As the helm of Warner Bros., Barry clearly knows that the core focus is the exchange of interests and the distribution of power when confronting an opponent of Disney's level. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

"Oh? Why?" Barry was slightly surprised, "You should have quite a few choices."

The implication is that the right to adapt DC comics is firmly in the hands of Warner Bros. They have never planned to cede it to others. In the past ten years, they would rather let the copyright of comic adaptations accumulate dust there than hand them over Give it up to competitors. But Marvel Comics, Dark Horse Comics, etc. are different. Their adaptation copyrights are scattered everywhere. If Disney wants to develop the potential of comics, it is definitely wiser to choose other comics. After all, choosing DC not only has to head-to-head with Warner Bros. Moreover, the cession of interests is not in line with the original intention of large companies.

"Oh, but the others are not the best choice." Robert is not an idiot either, he showed all his cards before in-depth negotiations, but answered with the most high-sounding reason.

As Robert said, in the past two decades, DC Comics has been the king of the film field, and Marvel Comics has suffered too many setbacks and has repeatedly failed. Not to mention, the "Iron Man" and "Invincible Hulk" that Chaos Films is developing are not Marvel's ace characters. Failed miserably. Relatively speaking, the popularity and popularity of "Superman" and "Batman" are much stronger, not to mention Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, etc. that have not yet been developed.

However, the fact is that Robert has also encountered disagreements and controversies within Disney. The development of comic projects requires too many risks. Some people support it and think it is a new attempt to expand the territory; but more people oppose it and think it is too radical. , this is exactly how the Michael Eisner era was handled, and they must avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Meanwhile, Robert was approached by Marvel Studios, who turned down a proposal to partner with Disney. After insinuating, Robert learned that Marvel Films and Chaos Films signed a long-term development cooperation plan. Although the details are unknown, it is certain that regardless of whether "Iron Man" is successful or not, they still have cooperation plans in the future. .

On the one hand, it is the controversy within Disney, on the other hand, it is the avoidance of Marvel Pictures. Robert chose DC Comics. This is also a last resort decision, and it is also a tentative attempt.

Robert has a slightly different perspective from others. From the success of "X-Men" and "Spider-Man", he has seen the huge profits of peripheral development. Leaving aside the different degrees of decline in the movie box office, heroes' dolls, costumes, Props, etc. all have huge commercial value hidden. Robert believes that "Spider-Man" can develop peripheral products that are widely circulated like "Star Wars", not to mention the source of theme park projects.

Of course, Lance's single-minded focus on developing comic projects also has an impact on Robert. Robert knew that Lance was an ambitious man as well as a smart person. Before he was sure enough, Lance would not put all his eggs in one basket. True geniuses, even if they fly to the flame, it is because they have found the persistence in their hearts, and they have seen the shining points that others cannot understand, such as electric lights, such as airplanes.

In the past period of time, Disney seemed to be calm, but Robert has been secretly investigating. Robert also has a preliminary understanding of Warner Bros.'s recent actions and internal rumors. He has judged Barry's scruples, Barry's ambitions, and Barry's hesitation. After comprehensive consideration, he made a call today.

Robert is well aware of the risks. If he is not more than 30% sure, he will not act rashly. Otherwise, it is very likely to make a wedding dress for a competitor.

"For me, Superman has always been the representative of superheroes in comics and is irreplaceable." Robert's slightly excited tone sounded like a little boy who saw an idol, "This summer's 'Superman Returns' I will specialize Walking into the movie theater, although it was said that Louise married someone else and had children, it really made me sad for a long time. Clark and Louise made me believe in the existence of love, but at least, Superman returned to our field of vision again, That's a good thing."

"It's a pity that the audience didn't buy it." Barry felt Robert's politeness, and slowed down his tone in a timely manner. This little bit of regret guided Robert to continue speaking.

Robert didn't disappoint Barry either, he took the initiative again, "But I always think that whether it's Superman or Batman, they are still the most famous superheroes on the planet. If they are developed properly, the benefits contained in them will go far. Far more than Harry Potter."

"This is just a perfect assumption." Barry's words revealed a trace of embarrassment and worry, which seemed to imply that he also wanted to continue developing comic projects, but there was no suitable candidate. In addition to Lance, it is really not easy to find another candidate in Hollywood who has absolute confidence in comic projects. Bryan Singer was the best choice, but "Superman Returns" failed, which is simply inexplicable.

"As long as the project is put in the right hands, it's no longer a hypothesis." Robert followed Barry's words. The two actually understood each other's intentions, but they were unwilling to speak out on the stage and kept secretive "I was deeply impressed by 'Sin City'. Because of this movie, I went back and read the original comics. I have to say that Frank Miller is a rare comic genius."

Frank Miller?

Barry began to think seriously. Frank is a cartoon genius. There is no doubt that his unique understanding of pictures and colors has made the work "Sin City". Lance almost brought the essence of the original comics to the big screen. It has achieved unbelievable great success, and this is also the second only to "Spider-Man" comic book adaptation since the 21st century. However, now Robert is hinting that Frank will take over the power of adapting the comics into movies?

During the promotion of "Sin City", Lance once responded that Frank is one of the important contributors to the success of the film. Frank has unique views on the operation of the film camera and the control of the rhythm of the story. This is also the first time Frank has entered the film industry, and it can be said to be a blockbuster.

Hollywood has never lacked such cases. With the success of a work, a sparrow becomes a phoenix, and directly becomes a top-level big-budget director—this is how Lance came over. In fact, Frank's Hollywood road is indeed starting to smoothen, he and Zack-Snyder (Zack-Snyder) "300 Warriors" has been completed and is about to be released-this work just happens to be produced by Warner Bros. It was produced and released, but the film has not yet undergone internal test screenings, and the quality of the work is temporarily unknown.

Could it be that Robert has also heard of "300 Warriors"? Otherwise, how could he mention Frank?

"He is not only a comic genius, but also a master of color, and his visual style is really impressive." Thoughts were raging in Barry's mind, but there was no pause on his mouth, "In fact, he is working with our company I have not seen the finished product yet, but I heard that he is still amazing."

"Telling comics and telling movies may have a lot in common, at least I think Frank is a good storyteller." Robert also expressed his point of view in circles, "Many times, an excellent movie , just need a great story."

For comic book adaptation movies, there is currently not much experience in North America as a whole, but judging from those successful works, in addition to the necessary visual effects, climax, etc. of commercial popcorn movies, the stylized influence and unique The story of "Batman" is indeed irreplaceable. Even if we go back to the last century, the success of works such as "Batman" and "Batman Returns" cannot be separated from Tim Burton's stylization and Joe Schumacher's sharp rhythm. There are also otaku stories suitable for comic fans.

"There are many good stories, but there are only a few people who tell good stories." Barry said meaningfully. The reason why Lance was able to get so much recognition is because he told those seemingly impossible stories. And brilliantly told, "Fury Road" is certainly the pinnacle. However, Frank Miller, the unexpected has to be somewhat appropriate. "So, Disney just wants peripheral development rights, or are you going to make a movie with us?"

Finally, Barry also released a positive and friendly signal, but Robert did not get carried away, "Then it depends on what Warner Bros. thinks. Of course, I will not deny that we have inherent advantages in making two-dimensional movies," Pirates of the Caribbean 2 'The performance of this year's summer file is still good." Not bad? This is just modesty. Although I have no temper after being squeezed by "Fury Road", the global box office of one billion is enough to make everyone envious.

"Ha, of course." Barry nodded, "I heard that Disneyland plans to readjust the park recently?"

"The plan is just a plan. However, we are more inclined to develop the Chinese market and hope to set up the third park in Asia in the mainland."

"China/China is a huge market." Barry once again sensed the deep meaning in these words. Could it be that Disney intends to use Disneyland as a base to further tap China/China's movie market? There are a total of 1.2 billion people in that land, as long as one-third of them are willing to go to the cinema, this is a cake that Hollywood cannot give up.

"That's why the difficulty of development is even more difficult, isn't it?" Robert's tone was quietly confident. In this regard, Disney does have the capital that Warner Bros. envied, but then changed the subject, "Phew, we've been talking for so long , I have another meeting next time, so let's talk about it next time, what do you think?"

"No problem, I'll ask you out to dinner next time." Barry released his kindness and put an end to the call.

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