And these ignorant **** actually deceived themselves for the ancestors who didn't know if they existed, and wanted to be reprimanded by their masters? It's unforgivable...

Algernon's voice softened a bit, "Ask him, where is their ancestral holy place?"

Algernon's ability is not strong, so he can only look at the other party's memory fragments by inducement... When you ask the other party a sentence, even if he denies it, he can't help but think of the real answer of that sentence.

"Ancestral spirits are the gods who have sheltered our tribe for generations. I will never tell you the location of the Holy Land!" Moras shouted angrily.

"I already know all about it!" Algernon smiled, turned his head and walked away, saying as he walked, "They are useless, clean them up, let's go to finish our mission!"

As Algernon's words fell, flames spewed from the muzzles of the mercenaries. After a burst of gunfire, there was no more living person in the entire tribe...

Moras' eyes widened, staring at the sky without a god. He may be resentful at this time, resenting why he didn't tell them what these devils wanted to know, why his ancestors didn't protect him this time...

It's a pity that he can't find the answer anymore. His unique merchant-style cunning and worship of ancestor spirits ruined the entire tribe...

But Algernon doesn't care about these things. He only cares about the supreme leader of Umbrella, his great master, and the tasks assigned by him...

As the people in the entire village were cleaned up, a convoy consisting of more than 30 off-road vehicles, four armored personnel carriers, and three logistics support vehicles quickly started... Under the command of Algernon, they headed towards the location of the meteorite, Zu The Holy Land gallops away...

Dongfang Fenger, the chief maid in Lagos at the moment, also received news from Algernon. She was very satisfied with Algernon's efficiency. As for those niggas, Dongfang Fenger said that **** Are you also human? She knows that her master is a pure Hanist, and to her master, a **** is not a human...

Chapter 164

California - Mangrove Hills...

Zhou Ye lay leisurely on the edge of the private beach in his villa, with his head resting on Shangguan Yinyin's big lap, while Shangguan Leilei gently helped him apply sunscreen...

On the beach, the girls were splitting into two groups and playing beach volleyball... Poor Yuriko Xiaoshan was sitting beside Zhou Ye, as meek as a Yamato Nadeko...

Who let so many people, she is the only one who is able to recover, with super physical strength and kung fu, if she is allowed to play, I am afraid that all the girls will not be able to play...

So poor Yuriko Koyama could only accompany her man to watch them play there... But soon, Zhou Ye will be pulled away...

"Dad, I want to make a big castle..." Orolo, who was almost ten years old, ran over, grabbed Zhou Ye's hand and shook it, and said coquettishly, "Help me, please, Qin's castle. It's almost piled up..."

"Okay..." Zhou Ye smiled and hugged Orolo: "Let's go, let's build a castle!"

"Oh, papa, we must build a castle higher than Jean's!"

"no problem……"

Xiaoshan Yuriko watched Zhou Ye take Orolo away, smiled, and didn't care. In fact, she was very satisfied with her current life.

There are so many of her kind here, and she can continue her childhood dream of making a metal skeleton, which was actually designed for herself...

Because she was a martial artist, she had this idea after discovering her abilities, and wanted a metal skeleton... That's why she chose biological science and material science as two subjects that seemed to be irrelevant. Now her goal is almost reached.

News came from the African branch a few days ago that a new type of alloy has been discovered in meteorites. This alloy is in liquid form at first, but when it is fully shaped, it will be indestructible... especially after the red After further optimization, after adding other elements, this metal even has the effect of absorbing energy...

Zhou Ye laughed like it was, the real Edman alloy...

With the help of Umbrella's technological capabilities beyond the times, and the super-computing function of the Red Queen, Yuriko Koyama has completed all the design of her metal skeleton... Now it's just waiting for more Edman alloys to be shipped from the African branch... …

At this time, Zhou Ye's face was a big? Trent frame?

When he came to the beach castle complex of Orolo and Jean, he was speechless...

In front of him, a magnificent sand castle with a height of five meters is standing on this small sandy beach surrounded by reefs and forming an independent kingdom...

The sand is like flowing water, under the command of Qin, it is evolving from the sand castle to the sand palace group...

"Dad... Come and beat me!" Seeing Zhou Ye being led over by Orolo, Qin said with a naive smile, "You two can go up together..."

"Uh—baby, it's immoral to cheat with your own abilities!" Zhou Ye is really shy Holding the hat, the vertebrae, the vertebrae, the tides and the tides, relying on the stubbornness of the Lun Yuehe and the cranes, taking the sway of happiness?

"No matter...I don't limit your ability, Dad!" Qin pouted her little scorpion and said with a dissatisfied look: "Anyway, if you lose to me, you have to promise me a condition!"

"...Well, my dear, I admit that I lost..." Zhou Ye raised his hands, expressing that he was admitting defeat.

A man who is hundreds of years old, does he have to cheat with his own psychic power and earnestly compete with his daughter to win or lose?

Zhou Ye isn't that cheap yet... Besides, Zhou Ye doesn't think it's embarrassing to lose to his daughter in the game...

"Then close your eyes... When I don't say you open your eyes, Dad, you are not allowed to open your eyes!" Qin jumped up and didn't care about her sandcastle. Anyway, she was going to take her own bet...

"Okay..." Zhou Ye closed his eyes as he said, "Is that so?"

"Yes, Dad, don't open your eyes!" Qin said, came to Zhou Ye, her body slowly floated up, and when she was level with Zhou Ye, she stopped and thought about what she was about to do , my whole body is shaking with excitement...

Zhou Ye only felt that his nephew suddenly touched a soft thing, and that thing even spit out a soft~soft sweet~ sweet little snake head into his mouth, making waves...

Zhou Ye couldn't help but open his eyes, it was the little girl like Qin... It seemed that he was being deceived, but Zhou Ye didn't care, the fun of cultivation was here, he showed With both arms, I hugged Qin, and I used my well-trained eloquence skills to teach this little ~ Luo ~ Li what a mouthful is...

After a while... Qin was completely lost... Until Zhou Ye put her down, she was still in a daze as if she was in an illusion...

Orolo watched enviously from the side... Zhou Ye naturally couldn't favor one over the other, and waved at the little loli... Orolo came to Zhou Ye's side obediently, and snuggled into Zhou Ye's arms, with a small head slightly He raised his head and offered his first words to Zhou Ye...

And this scene was clearly seen by Ashley, who was playing with her friends in the sea... "I envy Qin and the others, when will my ability be fully controlled, it seems that I can't be lazy anymore, I must Control your power as soon as possible and play with your father..."

At this moment, a water polo smashed over and just hit Ashley's head. In the distance, Vanessa kept waving her hands and shouting, "Aisley, hurry up and throw the ball over here..."

"Now have a good time!" Alice swam twice, came to the water polo not far away, picked up the ball and threw it at Vanessa...

Zhou Ye, who was playing the ~ kiss ~ kiss game with two little loli, felt a flash in front of him, and Dongfang Fenger in a black and white maid costume appeared in front of him, "Master, the Edman alloy has arrived at the laboratory, Feng'er is lucky not to be humiliated!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work!" Zhou Ye let go of Orolo, who had fallen into a state of distension, and then picked up Qin again, holding two little loli on the left and the right, and brought Dongfang Fenger to the Shangguan sisters. Leave the two little children who are still a little confused to take care of the Shangguan sisters...

Zhou Ye greeted Xiaoshan Yuriko and said, "Yuriko, what you were looking for has arrived..."

"Really?" Yuriko stood up happily, came to Zhou Ye, and said expectantly, "Then can I start now?"

"Hmm—!" Zhou Ye nodded with a smile. He knew too much about himself, a strong woman. Even if she lost to him, she was still looking for a way to become stronger.

"Anada, thank you!" Koyama Yuriko happily pecked at the corner of Zhou Ye's mouth, hugged Zhou Ye's arm and left the beach with Zhou Ye...

Chapter 165

Zhou Ye took Xiaoshan Yuriko to a naturally formed hole not far from the beach. This hole is more than ten meters high and fifty meters wide, and the water depth is more than thirty meters. It is a natural hidden submarine base...

An entrance to the main base of the Umbrella mangrove forest is opened here. How could Zhou Ye have only one gate in his main base?

Zhou Ye and Xiaoshan Yuriko rode a cable car hanging on the roof of the cave, and went directly to the depths of the cave... After a dark journey, the lights in front were bright, and a platform with a full 50 square meters appeared in the parking lot. the end of...

Zhou Ye walked down the cable car with Yuriko and walked to the edge of the rock wall on the platform... As soon as Zhou Ye got here, the rock wall opened automatically, and what caught his eye was a metallic channel...

After Zhou Ye took Lilyzi into the passage, the rock walls slowly closed again... At the end of the passage was a shuttle, and the two of them walked directly onto the shuttle... "Go to the 74th test area in Area A!"

Following Zhou Ye's order, the red queen's voice sounded. "As you wish!"

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