Movie World Traveller

Chapter 288: : Arrest

Jiang Hao took out tōupāi equipment, put it on his body, and adjusted the angle to find that there was no problem. It was like a button in the pocket position, which was extremely difficult for others to find.

Ok, go.

Jiang Hao came outside and stood around the station for a while from time to time, filming the surrounding situation. After more than ten minutes, the two players on the stage finally won the game, preparing for the next game, two new boxers, Jiang After watching it, Hao followed the crowd to the betting point.

"Who will win?"

The man inside the iron railing window asked.

From the window, Jiang Hao could see a pile of money on the table inside the house. Jiang Hao said, "Buy that Tekken King to win. Is it 1 to 2.5?"

"Yes, how much to buy."

"Buy two thousand." Jiang Hao handed over two thousand dollars.

The people inside issued a ticket to Jiang Hao. Jiang Hao took off and stood by the fist. There were no acquaintances here. Jiang Hao walked around without any problems. He shot from multiple angles and tried to capture all the faces of everyone.

"Next game, Tekken vs. Steel Leg King ..."

Jiang Hao's name for this era is extremely confusing. It is always the king and the king. He played a game before and is also known as the fight king. The **** of soil is very attractive to people in this era. .

The battle started, and the two men on the stage fought. This was a real fight. They did not keep their moves. Sometimes a slap, being caught by an opponent, was a savage meal, and blood was inevitable.

The gamblers around shouted loudly, and the atmosphere was very high. The two men on the stage fought for more than ten minutes, and finally separated. The Tekken King was superior, and finally the Steel Leg King could not be beaten.


Get back your gambling money, two thousand to five thousand.

In the next game, Jiang Hao continued to bet. After the bet, he continued to move around, and the time slowly reached 11 o'clock.


Suddenly a loud noise came from the outside, Jiang Hao was startled. He really did not expect that the police would make such a big movement, and it would not be to directly open the door.

He couldn't guess more than ten.

Although it was not a blast door, it was a powerful one. The police directly destroyed the security access door with heavy equipment, and then came down layer by layer.

Although the speed is slower, the effect is really good.

Someone shouted at the casino, the police came, and the gamblers immediately exploded and started to flee, but here is a closed underground garage, there is only one exit, and where can they escape.

Later people knew that this time they could not escape, and then they could only deny it.

Even more anxious is the casino side. The people in Fuxing hurriedly destroyed dǔjù, small tickets, and most importantly, gambling money. In the end, the management here was fierce, and bundles of big bills were directly thrown into the sewer.

I hope the police will not search here.

When they closed the watercourse, they didn't find three yellow figures rushing to the money pile.


These big bills were wrapped in rubber bands, and they were 10,000 yuan in a stack. A few little ones started to work as porters.


The third security door was finally smashed open. A group of police officers rushed in. There were hundreds of people. The leading policeman shouted with an electric horn: "We are the Royal Police of Hong Kong. Everyone should not move in place, otherwise we will use force on the spot. control."

Jiang Hao smiled slightly and did a good job in a seat. They are just gambling, not gangsters. The police will take them back for review at most, and will not use any violent means to deal with gamblers.

Police officer Huang and several police officers came in and looked at the situation here. The opponents said, "Gather evidence, look for gambling funds, find out the organizer to control, other uniformed police put the gamblers together, don't sāoluàn."

Everything goes well,

Gambling sticks scattered on the ground were collected, and the casino's accounts were still too late to be destroyed. They were also taken away by the police. The casino organizers were very easy to find. Anyone who was a Fuxing gang was temporarily identified as the organizers. They People are recorded at the police station.

The only thing I didn't find was gambling money. The police rummaged through the entire underground casino and found only a few hundred thousand dollars. "It's impossible to have so little. I need to find three feet of digging for me," said Huang.

But he was right, digging the ground three feet is not necessary, a policeman opened the underground manhole cover, and found the banknotes scattered below, and called out, "Sir, there is money here."

Send someone to make money, and they took over 300,000 in total. They were stained with a lot of dirt, and all were packed in plastic bags and taken back.

Police Officer Huang asked the Fuxing assistant, "Is this just a little money, where is the other money?"

The steward is not stupid. The more he pleaded guilty, the more he said bluntly, "It's just the police officer, are we gambling?"

"Little gambling Yi Qing, think I believe it, continue to search." Officer Huang ordered again.

I have to say that police officer Huang really got it right. After a more detailed search, I found a wallet in a very inconspicuous corner. There was a stack of checks in the wallet. After calculating the amount, it was probably worth it. At more than 2.3 million, Constable Huang was satisfied.

"Close up!"

The gamblers were pushed back, Jiang Hao came to the police station, and when he got out of the car, he also saw Officer Huang. The two just separated each other after watching each other for 0.5 seconds.

The casino staff and the gamblers were questioned separately. Because of the large number of people, the entire Tokwawan Police Station was noisy and chaotic. Someone took Jiang Hao to a room on the third floor. After entering, only Police Superintendent Huang was present.

The uniformed policeman exited, the door was closed, Jiang Hao came to sit opposite Opponent Officer Huang, and Officer Huang handed him a cigarette and said, "Did you shoot it?"

Jiang Hao took out the set of tōupāi equipment from his body and handed it to Superintendent Huang. Superintendent Huang took out a small box of video tapes, played it on a device, and nodded while watching, "Yes, there is enough evidence to deal with it. They're out, they won't be able to resist. "

Jiang Hao spread his hands. "Sergeant Huang, I can retreat."

"You are a gambler now, pay the bail before you go." Police Officer Huang said.

"Do you want to be so troublesome?" Jiang Hao suddenly felt a toothache.

"You have to talk about the rules ~ ~ Go out and make a transcript, admit that you have gambled money, and find someone to bail yourself." After finishing Sergeant Huang, he asked the uniformed police to come in and take Jiang Hao out.

In an interrogation room, Jiang Hao honestly made a confession, signed the picture and was taken to the detention room. He called and called A Kun, "A Kun, my brother was caught by a note for gambling. Tokwawan Police Station Come and redeem me out. "

Then Anwen sat in a chair and waited for Akun to come over.

An Oji inspector took the gambler's record, checked the situation, and suddenly found a name, "Jiang Hao, which Jiang Hao." The inspector asked his opponent.

"Jiang Hao, the 'Tyrannosaurus' who is particularly famous recently."

"you sure?"

"OK, I've seen his photos, and I asked him, he admits to be Tyrannosaurus."

The inspector thought about it, and found Police Superintendent Liu with Jiang Hao's materials. After Supervisor Liu had seen it, he held Jiang Hao's materials for a long time, and suddenly stood up and said, "Go, bring the Tyrannosaurus to the interrogation room. . "

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