Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 185: Go back! 【188】

Chapter 185 retreats! 【188】

Lin warms the opening.

Today, Lin’s accident, Liang Shu’s mental condition looks very bad, and Lin’s warmth can’t be done without Liang Shu.

It is always good to do anything without mentioning it.

Liang Shuming understood Lin’s heart and reached out to hold her little hand: “It’s not that Mom doesn’t leave you, the situation at still have a clear line with your family!”

"Mom! I want to stay with you!"

This mother-in-law's deep-seated scene stung Lin Biao's heart. She pretended to be disdainful and didn't look at it. She still didn't say the same irony as before, or made a big noise.

"Tonight I went to Jincheng in the night and I will come back tomorrow morning..."

Jincheng, Lin Biao must go.

Lin Jia can go to this step today, mainly relying on the second uncle Lin Jinghui is not fake, but Lin family is not without other doors, Lin family still wants to stand in Haicheng, it is necessary to let others know that Lin Jiashu is deep.

Lin Wen also stood up and sent Lin Biao, but Lin Jingquan waved to Lin Wen: "You two are accompanying your mother..."

Lin Jingquan put the cigarette **** in the ashtray and got up. He told Lin Biao to go to the door and talk. There was obviously something he didn't want Liang Xiao to hear.

Lin Biao stood up and went upstairs without a word.

"Mom, let me go upstairs to rest?!" Lin warm put the bag on the sofa and walked to the sofa to lift the arm of Liang Shu.

Liang Shuo took Lin's small hand on his arm and rubbed it hard. He stood up in tears and stood up with Lin Wen.

Lin Biao and Lin Jingquan said something, Lin Wen did not hear it all, just on the upstairs, deliberately slowed down, vaguely heard Lin Biao said...

"...I really went to that step. It would be a particularly difficult lawsuit. There are not many lawyers who are outstanding in this area. Plus, there are not many people who are squeezing... dare to pick up."

Lin Wen did not know why, I thought of Fu Huai'an in my mind.

I heard that Fu Huai'an was on the lawsuit... not to be defeated.

Outside the door, under the lamp, the moth flapped its wings and stumbled around the lights. The shadows were mottled in the forestry as a sculptural resolute facial features, and the shoulders under the shirt and vest were broad.

Lin Biao sent a cigarette to the corner of the lips to ignite, took a deep breath, and after the white mist lingered, it was Lin Biao’s inscrutable twilight. He faintly opened his mouth: “Dad, after this event has come to a close, let’s go back! My mom has lived the life of ostriches."

Looking at Lin Biao, Lin Jingquan suddenly felt that he was old.

Lin Jingquan hands in his pocket, the bottom of his heart is not faintly relieved. After the incident happened, he thought... It was looking for a way out, but his son, but he was facing the hardship and survived, and he really refused to accept the old.

Looking at the Lin Jia, who was carrying Lin Biao, Lin Jing’s full length exhaled breath...

If there is still a life after the storm, he will hand Lin to his son and spend more time with Liang Shu at home. I remember that Liang Shuo used to say that he wanted to travel around the world with him. In a few years, Liang Shuo did not mention this matter. If he is alive, he wants to plan.


The next day, when Lin warmed up, Lin Biao had already returned from Jincheng. Lin Wen asked the situation. Lin Biao only said that she should not worry, and then went upstairs to take a shower.

Liang Shu and Lin Jingquan probably talked late last night and haven't started yet.

Lin warmed a person sitting at the table, playing with his mobile phone in his hand, and absent-minded.

(End of this chapter)

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