Han Ruoxing pricked up her ears and said, "Who?"

Gu Jingyan handed her the phone, "I'm the 'mistress'."

One sentence burned Shen Qingchuan's CPU on the other side of the phone.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Han Ruoxing glanced at Gu Jingyan and took the phone from his hand. Gu Jingyan read the word "appreciation" from that look and breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Qingchuan excitedly fluttered in the melon field, "What are you two doing? You mistress, how dare you speak so confidently in front of your wife?"

No one in the couple paid any attention to him. Han Ruoxing decided to spy on the enemy. Instead of replying to Song Jiayu's words, he asked, "Jiayu, are your injuries better? Does it still hurt?"

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched, "It's passed! Am I so disgusting?"

Han Ruoxing thought about it, so she deleted "Does it still hurt?"

Gu Jingyan was still dissatisfied, "Don't be so friendly. The last time I met Mrs. Qin, I told her that I would never contact her again. You responded like this. When I met her later, she thought I had relaxed my boundaries and was clingy to her." what should I do?"

Han Ruoxing then deleted "Is the injury better?" and changed it to "I have no plans. Do you have any good suggestions?".

Gu Jingyan shook his head, "Discussing how to celebrate a birthday is something that people with close relationships only talk about. If you ask her this, what do you think she will think?"

Han Ruoxing's forehead twitched, "Shut up and don't talk! We agreed at the beginning that I would come and go with your mistress, so why are you dissatisfied here?"

Gu Jingyan said, "I promised you to come back, but you can't come back randomly. You have to be realistic."

Shen Qingchuan was almost dying of anxiety, "Sister-in-law, what's the mistress? When did Gu Jingyan have a mistress? Male or female, how old are they? Do I know each other? How did we get together?"

After saying that, he started to scold Gu Jingyan again, "Hey Gu Jingyan, your wife is pregnant, and you are still looking for a mistress, and you even hide it from me. Where is your masculinity?"

The corners of Gu Jingyan's mouth twitched, "Shut up! What's wrong with you!"

Shen Qingchuan was extremely righteous, "Sister-in-law's business is my business. Don't think that you are my brother and I will wear the same pants with you. This is a matter of principle! Come on, sister-in-law, tell me the mistress's information and I will help you clean it up. She! What's wrong with her at such a young age? Being a mistress and destroying other people's families is so immoral!"

Shen Qingchuan was eager to give it a try. Whether or not he would deal with it was secondary. The main thing was that Gu Jingyan was looking for a mistress. It was so exciting that he had to take advantage of it.

Gu Jingyan's face was dark, and Han Ruoxing couldn't help laughing.

"You really want to know?"

Shen Qingchuan said, "I finally brought you two together until we were reunited. I haven't even drunk the wine as the witness. Anyone who wants to break up you is my sworn enemy!"

Gu Jingyan couldn't hold it back at that time, "You bitch! What did you do to win me over? You're just trying to cause trouble for me!"

Shen Qingchuan argued, "I was willing to sacrifice myself to be the touchstone of your relationship. You got it too easily before, so you were always angry with my sister-in-law. Look at it now, do you still dare?"

Gu Jingyan was so angry that he couldn't speak. How could he become friends with such a piece of shit!

Han Ruoxing teased Gu Jingyan, "Look, if you dare to flirt with women, I don't even need to do anything. Your brothers can escort you to me. This is the charm of personality."

Shen Qingchuan was almost dying of anxiety, "You two should reply to me, who is the mistress?"

Just because Gu Jingyan didn't dare to offend Han Ruoxing didn't mean he didn't dare to offend Shen Qingchuan, a wallflower. He sneered and said, "I won't tell you, I'll kill you!"

After saying that, I hung up immediately.

Gossip! Go ahead and lose your insomnia!

Han Ruoxing struggled for a while and finally replied, "I don't know."

But what she didn't know was that Song Jiayu had been watching "The other party is typing" for a long time.

She thought that Gu Jingyan must not know how to face her because of what happened in Furongzhai before. In addition, she was injured by his aunt later, and he must have felt very guilty, so he had to think twice about his reply.

Gu Jingyan glanced at the dialog box, "What did you reply to?"

Han Ruoxing was not angry, "You can't do this and you can't do that. How do I know what to reply? I don't know."

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Jiayu's message came back, "Brother Gu, actually, it was my mother who was aggressive about what happened in the restaurant that day. I know you had no choice but to respond like that. I don't blame you."

Han Ruoxing and Gu Jingyan looked at it and fell silent.

The other party directly succeeded in self-defeating, and there was no need for them to argue here.

Han Ruoxing replied, "How is your health? I'm sorry about the Zhong family."

Song Jiayu was even more sure that this was the reason why Gu Jingyan hadn't contacted her these days, so she hurriedly replied, "I'm fine, Brother Gu, just don't blame me for making my own decisions."

Han Ruoxing, "Take good care of your injuries."

Song Jiayu sent a cute emoticon.

"Brother Gu, don't you have a party for your birthday?"

Han Ruoxing said, "I can't open it anymore. I'm not in the mood."

Song Jiayu was a little disappointed, he actually wanted to see him.

After typing out all the confession words, thinking of Su Wanqin's advice, she deleted them one by one, and waited to kick Han Ruoxing out of the company.

Song Jiayu was still typing when the message from the other side was sent.

"I heard from Han Ruoxing that your company has some kind of competition recently. Are you very busy lately?"

Song Jiayu, "Yes, there is a fragrance competition and registration has started."

Han Ruoxing, "I wish you a good ranking."

Song Jiayu, "[laughing] [laughing] Brother Gu, I didn't participate. Only senior perfumers can participate. I haven't gotten the certificate yet, so I can only participate as a perfume assistant. A perfumer can lead If an assistant participates, it can barely be considered a team championship, but I will be eligible to participate independently next time, so I won’t need to do this by then.”

Han Ruoxing said, "It seems that your teammates are very strong and you are confident enough to win the championship."

She had checked the background of several senior perfumers in the company, and the most powerful one only won third place. Why was Song Jiayu so confident that he could win the championship this time?

Song Jiayu, "My mother said that someone will be hired in a few days. With her as the champion, we will be sure."

If she remembers correctly, this champion will not only receive a bonus of five million, but also get a membership qualification from the International Fragrance Association. This qualification is rare in the country, but people who play fragrance and those partners still value this very much. , such as Mrs. Qin and others.

Su Wanqin has superimposed all the buffs on Song Jiayu, so she must win this championship to support her appearance.

Han Ruoxing was so worried that she wasn't even interested in watching Gu Jingyan take off his clothes and walk back and forth in front of her.

Gu Jingyan was dissatisfied that the muscles he had practiced for so long were cold, so he came over and knelt down by the bed and called her, "A Xing."

Han Ruoxing said "hmm" without even raising her eyes.

Gu Jingyan reached out and took her phone away, "Axing, look at me."

Han Ruoxing finally looked up, but pulled the phone back, "Don't make trouble, let's play."

Gu Jingyan gritted his teeth, took her hand and put it on his abdomen.

Han Ruoxing was stunned, and then she noticed that Gu Jingyan was sitting on the bed in suit pants. His waist was thin and strong, and his muscles were just right. The slightly raised blood vessels on his arms looked so sexy, and the shallow scars on his waist and abdomen were so sexy. Han Ruoxing thought it was seduction.

The things she was worried about just now were instantly put aside. She looked at Gu Jingyan with burning eyes and asked in a low voice, "Where is your belt?"

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