The first nine hundred and ninety nine chapter hope

Chu Mo’s heart is very calm, he has no anger and no anger. This is the case in life, and the same is true of the world of God. There aren’t too many right and wrong, only what I want to do and what I don’t want to do.

For Chu Mo, his world cannot be destroyed and cannot be destroyed. Therefore, if someone oppresses, he will naturally rise up to resist. Even the final result is eucalyptus, which is a mantis trying to stop a chariot, and he will not regret it.

The universe’s void was too ruined. Chu Mo already walked for a long time, and could not find a little bit of life. Looking back, there is a lot of space in the piece of mainland debris, and the ready is gone.

The front road is vast, and the four look stunned.

Chu Mo launched Spirit Sense and looked for it in this endless void. He has no clue and no grasp of how to find the Yuanling of Yuangu.

In this way, Chu Mo is looking for.

Time may have passed directly for many years. However, here, the space ready is broken, and the time is frozen by early early. Therefore, Chu Mo’s heart is very clear, this is a world that has died. Even if you look for a million years here, in fact, for the outside world, there is no one hour in the past.

Time flies.

As soon as possible, Chu Mo walked for years in this ruined, decadent universe.

If it is calculated according to Pan Gu Nian, it should have passed at least several hundred thousand years.

This space is too big, too big to be able to go to an end.

After another million years, Chu Mo felt his heart, and the overall was very tired. He wants to stop and rest, but there is nothing to be done to stop his own pace.

In this way, he is constantly looking for it here.

He wants to find the answer, he wants to keep his own world.

He did not believe that the Yuanling of the Yuangu was completely dead.

Will there be any traces left?

The geese passed the sound and the people passed the name. Not to mention a god. Even if he really died in the past, there should always be something left in this world.

It has been a million years. Chu Mo’s powerful computing power can clearly remember every day in this broken world.

He was far from the original temple, always at an infinite distance. Even if you want to go back to the temple, it is difficult to have already. Although it can be found, it takes at least several million years.

In front, there was finally a shadow of the mainland.

Chu Mo has not seen anything for hundreds of thousands of years.

There is only decay here!

Only death!

Seeing the shadow of this continent, Chu Mo’s heart actually gave birth to an excitement.

It is the deep-rooted obsession that supports him and constantly seeks in this world without giving up. Because Chu Mo’s heart is very clear, once he gives up, it really gives up. He can think of a return to the world of the Five Days.

But if that is the case, it means that he gave up the one-hearted obsession in his heart.

He is not a person who quits giving up, at least, he will not give up on this matter.

Chu Mo didn’t even use Spirit Sense to test anything, but flew directly toward the mainland in front.

There is no trace of light in the decaying universe. So, there is only endless darkness here. Chu Mo Divine Sense moves, shines, and lights up from the sky.

The light, from the invisible, but very bright!

That light is actually the light in the heart of Chu Mo!

God said: There must be light!

Then the world has light.

The light illuminates the continent, and the mainland is very large, and it can’t be seen at the end.

It is also very broken, full of decay and sorrow. There is an endless array of people everywhere. It seems that there has never been a life here.

But Chu Mo is here, seeing the ancient riverbed, and seeing fossils that once had signs of life. He gently squatted down, picked up a fossil, and took a few glances. This fossil should belong to a creature that is only found in the ocean.

Then, Chu Mo discovered a large number of such fossils, all over the area.

This also shows that it used to be an ancient ocean.

Later, Chu Mo went on and he found traces of ancient forests. The mountain that once towered into the clouds, now there is no existing, leaving only a piece of barren hills. Other than that, nothing left.

Chu Mo still hasn’t given up, in fact, he is here, always has a lot of things he wants to know.

The geese have been screaming, and Chu Mo’s Dao comprehension is very deep. From these fossils, he can trace back to many things that have happened here.

Here, it used to be a shining world full of vitality!

There are giant beasts in the sea, with incredible cultivation. There are raptors in the mountains, ferocious beast, and the same is true.

There is no trace of Human Race on this continent, but it is like a Pure Land belonging to various animals.

Chu Mo continues to go on.

In the end, he came to the central area of ​​the continent. Then his eyes solidified.

In front of him, in the central area of ​​this ancient continent, there is a black soil with a square circle. Black soil above, growing a plant that is one foot tall.

The plant is green and green, as if it was carved out of jasper. It does not have any breath, and it looks like a fake plant. Because on it, you can’t feel anything that can be called a life.

But Chu Mo’s face finally showed a long-lost smile.

For this day, he has been working hard for millions of years!

Just to find such a touch of life in this world.

Even if it is not a spirit, at least it can explain a problem and give Chu Mo a little hope.

Because he confirmed Chu Mo, even though the world has become so broken, even though it is full of decaying atmosphere, even though it has not been seen for a few million years. But… it still has life!

Chu Mo walked cautiously as if he was afraid of disturbing it.

Soon, Chu Mo came to the black soil. Surprisingly, the black soil here was actually kept in the water. It looks wet, as if there has been a rain here.

Chu Mo reached out and touched the black soil gently. A faint breath of life. Pass Chu Mo’s finger and pass it directly.

Then, Chu Mo began to carefully look at the green plant that is one foot tall.

It has a main stem, three branches, and each branch has a green leaf.

The lines of the leaves are strange, and Chu Mo has never seen such strange grain lines. The texture seems to be intertwined by Grand Dao Rune. If you don’t look at it, you don’t feel anything. If you look carefully, you can feel the powerful rhyme from that!

Later, Chu Mo took a little refining water from his body. He let the person condense directly into a water polo, and then gently pour the water polo down the green plant.

Next, something amazing happened.

This plant… actually began to wither!

It is so fast that it is so fast that it is too late to react.

It is like snow that is illuminated by glare, almost all of a sudden… it turns into a pool of water. This green plant was turned into nothingness in the shortest time.

Chu Mo’s face is still very calm, he does not seem to have any surprised expression. Later, he reached out and gently dug it in the roots of the plant. The next moment… a seed appeared in his palm.

This kind of sub-body is white, and when it is dug out of the soil by Chu Mo, it suddenly exudes endless vitality!

This vitality instantly passed through this lonely and cold… the continent full of decay, and then… the entire continent, the time of the glow of a strong vitality. There are countless grasses and trees… I have drilled out of the land.

They grow very fast, growing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

The light in the sky also began to radiate warmth and warmth. Shining on this land.

Then, the original decaying atmosphere on this piece of land began to retreat quickly, and it continued to decrease. Soon… it completely disappeared.

Although there are no other creatures here, it is completely covered by this green plant!

All kinds of grass, all kinds of flowers, all kinds of trees… There are low bushes, and there are some of the most common and common trees in the world, and there are some huge incomparable, like the towering trees that go straight into the sky!

They all grew up at this moment.

At the same time, this vitality continues to impact in the in all directions.

Wherever it goes, the whole universe is still dark, but the rotten atmosphere there is directly impacted!

The silver-white seed in the hands of Chu Mo is still emitting horror. That life is too strong. Even the tired spirit of Chu Mo has been restored by this vitality.

This restores the spirit of a god, what it needs…not a little bit of energy, but an enormous amount of energy that is hard to imagine!

But for this seed, these seem to be no problem at all.

Chu Mo took a deep breath, he knew, he found the answer!

This seed, whether it is the one left by the ancient gods, is not important.

The important thing is that he already found the seed.

This is a common hope of endless living, a seed that has condensed into. It is not a tangible life, but a symbol, a spirit!

As long as there is it, then even if the world becomes extremely ruined, even the whole world is full of decay.

But one day, it will still break out of the ground, and it will still make this world re-encouraged by the light of hope.

Yes, as long as there is hope. There will be a future.

What the world is most afraid of is not destruction, but hopeless.

Chu Mo stood there with a faint smile on his face. Then he bent down and planted the silvery white seeds back into the black soil.

Then, his figure flashed and disappeared directly into the universe.

Among the temples that are infinitely far from here, the blood pool, buzzing and bubbling began to bubble. Then, the bloody man once again came up.

His face was a little bit incredible, and his eyes were full of deep shock.

He muttered to himself: “I actually found it? No, it is too much!”

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