The first thousand nine hundred and thirty-one chapter orc messengers

Chu Mo flies in the void, in the direction of calling him. Soon, he came there. I saw a person, to be precise, a humanoid creature. His body exudes a wild atmosphere that is not concealed.

This is an orc!

Chu Mo, who has seen more people in the world, recognized his identity at a glance. The other party has no intention of disguising it.

This is a big man with a big eyebrow and a tall figure. He looks very domineering.

He looked at Chu Mo and looked at it first. Then open, using the language of Human Race: “Chu Tiandi?”

Chu Mo looked at the big man and nodded: “It’s me.”

“I have seen Chu Tiandi.” Although this big man is a wild and overbearing atmosphere, he is very polite. After confirming that the person is really Chu Mo, he directly directed Chu Mo to hold a fist. Although it is an orc, it has made the Human Race’s etiquette very comprehensive.

Chu Mo holds a fist and gives a gift. Whether it is an enemy or a friend, if people are polite to you, you must always treat each other with courtesy.

On the body of Dahan, there is a huge ancient race.

He is very cautious in his words and is particularly polite. Not mentioning too many things, not even the kind of Condescendingly overlooking.

He saw Chu Mo, and there was only one central idea.

The orc family of the gods, and don’t want to be enemies with the creatures of the lower bounds, also don’t want to directly destroy the endless creatures and build a new perfect god.

“Of course, not all orcs have such thoughts. But our orc, because this time the gods collapse, gave birth to a lot of feelings at the same time. It is also reflecting on the mentality of the past, we are many People think that some practices have been wrong.”

Dahan did not say his name, but his direct words made Chu Mo somewhat surprised. Even some doubts, the creatures of the gods… will they really reflect?

“Chu Tiandi does not need to doubt our feelings. If there has been no such change in the realm of the gods, maybe we really will not reflect on anything. After all, things that are invisible… it is difficult to make such a deep feeling.” Dahan explained: “But this time, the whole god world collapsed in the blink of an eye. Once the immortal eternal world became a ruin in an instant. I can’t deny that there are too many gods in the world. Chu Tiandi’s heart gave birth to strong resentment. He believed that Chu Tiandi ruined the realm of the gods. Even at the beginning, I thought about it.”

Chu Mo looked at the man in silence and did not speak.

Dahan continued: “But not long after, a wave of reflections came. We began to think seriously. Is this really the cause of others? Or those who have been oppressed by the gods for too long, and finally endured Can’t live to resist? Is this really driven by the lower bounds? I found out that this is not the case. If only Chu Tiandi is alone, then in any case, the gods are impossible to collapse. Although the Emperor of Heaven has unparalleled combat strength, he has not yet been able to make this place of the gods collapse.”

Chu Mo smiled lightly, regardless of whether the orc’s big man said it was a heart, but this sentence is true. Although his Chu Mo is unparalleled in combat strength, he really hasn’t reached the point where he can smash the entire world of the gods. If he has that ability, he will not wait until today. I have already hit it.

“We believe that the reason for the real collapse of the become a god world is that since the indiscriminate robbery, the divine world has extracted the life energy of the world below. It has accumulated to a critical point. Even if there is no Chutian emperor, then in the future, maybe There will be others, or other ethnic creatures, to detonate this critical point. At at that time, the realm will still collapse and ruin in the blink of an eye. We are all rethinking this matter, if there is no previous damage, this will happen. What kind of phenomenon? Of course not.” Yan Han looked calmly at Chu Mo: “So, this time, I came here, not wanting to form an alliance with Chu Tiandi, and conspiring to build a perfect realm again. Although, this sound is now full of the entire community of survivors of the gods, but the masters of the rule, but don’t want to re-establish a perfect realm.”

“What do you want to do?” Chu Mo asked quietly.

He does not believe that the gods of the past will be willing to enter the lower world, the dirty, dirty and low-level world in their eyes. This is like the aristocrat who used to live in the mansion courtyard, how can he willingly enter the thatched cottage in the mountain village?

Not to mention that the relationship between the gods and the lower world is hundreds of times larger than the gap between the mansion and the thatched cottage! There is not even any comparability at all.

In this case, Chu Mo can hardly believe that there will be different voices in the realm of the gods.

If he says reflection, he believes. After all, there are wise people who are compassionate. But with compassion, not exactly will do things according to your own heart. After all, this is inconsistent with their vested interests.

Yan Dahan looked at Chu Mo with sincerity: “The master of our seat, sent me here, hope to negotiate with Chu Tiandi, can you leave us in those spaces beyond the five days? A space. We can build the space ourselves. Then we can sign a contract with the Emperor Chu, and the creatures of our orcs will never invade the world of the Five Heavens.”

“Just this?” Chu Mo was a little surprised.

“Yes, we feel that this kind of request, alreadyy is a bit too much.” Yan Han looked calm and looked at Chu Mo: “So, we are willing to pay the corresponding price. However, the specific cost, this will be Specific discussion. At the same time, we must also look at the attitude of Chu Tiandi.”

“In fact, outside the five days, there is still a lot of space in this world, which can be built. But…” Chu Mo looked at the big man, and said: “But you can completely avoid looking for me, you can circumvent it directly.” Any creature of the Five Days. Go to build on your own. In this way, you don’t even have to pay any price. Moreover, with the power of the five days, you can’t attack you.”

“You said this, some people mentioned it.” Yan Han is very calm, he looked at Chu Mo: “You said this, it should be a bit like a sentence in Human Race, called ‘bearing weight’, sorry, I The culture of Human Race is not so advanced, I don’t know if it’s right.”

Chu Mo nodded. “It makes sense. It is self-respecting. Well, it makes sense. The ruler of this seat will certainly have a very strong fighting power and endless life. If you occupy a region, I will I believe that no one in this world can stop it.”

“There are several reasons why we can’t do this.” Yan Dahan looked at Chu Mo and said seriously: “First, doing so is morally inconsistent. Because we are aware, once the gods, the creatures of the lower bounds.” It caused too much harm. This kind of injury is completely a time that cannot be remedied. Therefore, since we give up the idea of ​​building a perfect realm, we should not oppose the creatures of the lower bounds. Because of this, it is equal to I completely isolated myself.”

Chu Mo nodded, and he understood the meaning of the words of Dahan. If their orc really gave up building a perfect realm, it would be on the opposite side of all other protoss. Then at this time, if you follow the other things in the lower bounds, you will be right. For example, forcing a space, it really means to completely isolate yourself.

“This is one of the most important reasons.” Yan Han looked at Chu Mo sincerely: “Second, it is considered from the long-term relationship in the future. Because in the future, it is very likely that the world of five days, because of our Exist, become six big days, when there will be some exchanges between each other. We don’t want to directly establish a powerful enemy at the beginning. Perhaps…”

When Dahan said this, he paused for a moment and looked at Chu Mo: “In the eyes of many gods, the lower bounds are weak. But in fact, I don’t think so. Among the creatures in the lower bound, the ecotic Human Race is the most. A powerful race, good at learning, creating, perhaps not for many years, Human Race can be truly powerful. By then, other races will look awkward.”

Chu Mo listened and couldn’t help but laugh. He lamented in his heart: If the other party is talking about the heart, then it can only be said that the master of this orc is really a profound and profound existence. Because of this point, for other reasons and reasons, Chu Mo already does not need to listen. Because he has a complete understanding of the mentality of these orcs.

The simplest reason for all is that they don’t want to build a perfect realm and want to integrate into this world. Then, I hope to get along with the creatures of this world in a peaceful way. They are not willing to have a war, they just want to survive in a glimpse.

Chu Mo looked at the big man and asked: “Although the world is unreasonable, the truth is cruel. But it is a real eternal and immortal land. It gives up this eternal and immortal, you really Will you be willing?”

“To tell the truth, it is a bit unwilling.” Yan Dahan’s face showed a thick smile: “We grew up in the realm of God, grew up in the realm of the gods, and rose up in the realm of God. Our feelings about the realm of the gods are like Chu. Heavenly emperor has the same feelings about this world. It is all about the emotions of your hometown. Especially eternal and immortal, this is almost the common pursuit of all living beings. After all, wisdom will think, think will fear, and death… … Losing memory and losing awareness of everything is the greatest source of fear. Therefore, losing eternal and immortal is really not reconciled.”

Chu Mo looked at him and didn’t speak.

Dahan himself sighed: “Can the gods be really eternal and immortal? Once… I thought so. I think the gods will never change. This is a true perfect world, no. Any change will happen. No tragedy…can be found in the realm of the gods.”

He looked up and looked at Chu Mo: “But when that moment comes, I understand. There is no eternal and immortal in this world.”

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