Chapter 303 Illusionary God World


Chu Mo felt that his spirit was instantly inhaled into an inexplicable space, and the speed was so fast that Chu Mo wanted to resist, and it was completely out of reach.

Then, Chu Mo felt that he was in a rather strange space.

There is a huge red sun on the top of the head. In front of it is an endless stretch of mountains, the mountains are magnificent, the mountains are tall and straight, and several of them are more than ten thousand feet high!

A waterfall flows down the top of the mountain and flows down a hundred thousand feet!

That kind of momentum, even if it is far away, still makes Chu Mo feel swaying.

There are some towering ancient trees. A tree is like a mountain. If you don’t look carefully, it’s really hard to believe. It’s actually a tree.

In all directions, quiet, no movement.

Chu Mo’s mouth twitched, scratching his head, and then reaching for his head, the feeling is incomparably real!

This is where… Chu Mo doesn’t know at all, but it is definitely not Mortal World!

Chu Mo’s heart is very clear, his body, now lying in the dragon nest of Lonely Brush Peak, he did not really wake up. This scene can be too real.

At this moment, in Chu Mo’s mind, a sound sounded loudly.

“The blood is up to standard and opened via Divine Tool, allowing access to Illusionary God World.”

“Who?” Chu Mo shouted loudly.

Then he reached out and held Mudering Heaven in his hand, which made Chu Mo look again. He twitched his mouth and looked at Mudering Heaven in his hand, his eyes showing an incredible expression.

“Don’t tell me… I really got into the other world inexplicably?”

“How could Muduring Heaven appear in my hands?”

Chu Mo groaned in his mouth, then subconsciously bowed his head, unbuttoned the button, looked at bosom, and Divine Sense made a slight move…

Heavens’ Divine Appraising Mirror slowly emerged.

Chu Mo’s mouth is slightly open, and then his eyes are wide. Lost channel: “Don’t tell me… I really left the world? No… Impossible! I am there… There are too many embarrassments! There are still many things that have not been done!”

Then, Chu Mo crouched down, grabbed a handful of soil on the ground, and then smelled it in front of his nose.

The fresh smell in the soil makes Chu Mo feel like he really came to an inexplicable world.

“Heavens’ Divine Appraising Mirror… Tell me. What is going on?”

Chu Mo slams Heavens’ Divine Appraising Mirror with Spiritual Power. To get the answer, but to his disappointment, Heavens’ Divine Appraising Mirror did not respond at all.

How to do?

After all, Chu Mo is only fourteen years old. How mature and stable, how to be determined, but in the face of this situation, there will still be a sense of loss.

“Just the voice in my mind. Say the blood is up to standard? What is going on?” Chu Mo frowned. He really didn’t dare to make any decisions until he figured it out.

“Don’t tell me, Master used Yuan Beast blood to transform my physique and changed my blood? No, no… It’s impossible.” Chu Mo yelled and denied his guess.

Yuan Beast The blood can change, his body, it is impossible to change his blood. Otherwise, isn’t that a mess?

“This world. There is Mortal World, there is Spirit World. There is Immortal World, and Heaven World. But no one has ever told me that there is Illusionary God World in this world…”

Chu Mo didn’t know that when he was seriously injured and dying, there was a trace of purple-gold blood in his body. After he recovered, the blood, the intact, disappeared without a trace.


Chu Mo put out a long breath, the expression on his face, gradually disappeared, whispered to himself: “Now it can be regarded as a real black eye, nothing to know. Everything… depends on myself! ”

No matter what, he still has a lot of snuggles after all, even if it is a big Sect like Heavenly Sword Sect, although it is not good, it is not as embarrassing as it is now.

At this time, there was a sound of beasts in the distance.


This sound is like a fierce tiger, but it is much louder than the fierce tiger.

As if a thunder from a clear sky, suddenly sounded!

The whole forest seems to be shaking!

Then… a giant tiger with a thousand feet long, leaping high, this leaping… directly jumped out of thousand li and flew directly to a place there.


Just in the place where this incredibly huge tiger rushed past, there was also a big noise.

This voice is actually sent by humans!

Then, a figure, volleyed up, rushed over to the fierce tiger that had rushed over.

The ratio of the size of the two sides… is really too great.

The human body is like a dusty one compared to this giant tiger!

But he is not afraid to raise his hand is a punch!

Directly banging on a front paw of the fierce tiger, a loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering sounded directly in the sky.

Then… both bodies are backing up on thousand li!

Chu Mo looked at this scene with a stunned look, and couldn’t believe his own eyes.

This giant tiger, already overturned his understanding of the creatures, but the human being could block the power of such a big tiger… It made Chu Mo feel incredible.

This giant tiger’s blow, even if it is a mountain, can easily be broken into dust?

At this time, the man and the giant tiger battled together again.

The fighting between the two sides, the incomparably strong fluctuations that broke out, made the entire world tremble.

Chu Mo is here, at least two thousand miles from there, but still able to feel the kind of fluctuations.

“If I was just in front of me, it was just that kind of volatility, it would be enough to make me smashed…” Chu Mo’s mouth twitching, my heart secretly thought :ten million Don’t get me to come…

However, things in this world are always like this, and things that are full of expectations, nine out of ten, are hard to do; but the more worried, the more likely it will happen!

This person is a tiger, and the place where they fight is rounded inside thousand li, stir up complete mess, the mountain collapses, the towering old trees collapse, the original verdant and thick mountains, moments of effort, just as ready to be plowed , became a black soil…

What scares Chu Mo most is the battlefield between them, and they are approaching their own side.

“Mom… stay away from me!” Chu Mo said in his heart: “ten million Don’t find me…”

However, the two sides of the game did not hear Chu Mo’s voice at all.

The giant tiger seems to be annoyed too, and instantly becomes a human figure, with the opposite person, once again fighting!

Chu Mo was once again shocked. The powerful beast can be formed into a human being. He knows this thing. He knows that it is still unbelievable.

The battle between the two sides, Chu Mo is even hard to see.

too fast!

Chu Mo was dazzled and shocked.

“Hu Lie… I have grown up recently!” The man who was a human figure before, said suddenly said.

“Qing Feng, you are not weak, this time the opportunity of Illusionary God World, you are still my biggest competitor, but this time I will definitely win!” The man who made the fierce tiger, coldly said. (To be continued~^~)

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