My 100-Day Secret Marriage With The Boss

Chapter 517: Ye Sanshao knew the consequences of the truth, so terrible!, the fastest update trial marriage 100 days: Emperor less, don't be too bad latest chapter!

"You don't need to call the president, the president's phone has been shut down, I have called several times." Secretary Liu said with a lip, "The president might be afraid that his wife would call him, and that his wife would get entangled. Holding him, so intentionally turn off the phone, hum."

Secretary Liu at the moment couldn't get out of the tip of the horn.

Xi Ji glanced at him quickly, and Xi Ji firmly believed that his third brother would never do such a tasteless thing.

However, Secretary Liu said that Sange’s cell phone was turned off, and he would definitely not be able to call Sange.

Xi Ji heard what Secretary Liu just said, thinking that Chu Wuyou divorced so suddenly, it must be uncomfortable, so the more he thought, the more worried.

Xi Ji suddenly thought of his elder brother Tang Ling, who was always special about Chu Wuyou.

However, he sees that the kind of big brother's care for Chu is absolutely not because of the feelings between men and women. It is impossible to like the big brother's as a woman like his brother.

Only the third brother thought silly that the elder brother wanted to grab a woman with him.

Xi Ji thought that Big Brother might know Chu Wuyou's contact information.

Xi Ji quickly found Tang Ling's number and dialed it out.

Tang Ling had just returned from the task at the moment and was planning to take a bath. Hearing the phone ringing, he walked out of the bathroom with a towel around and saw that it was Xi Ji’s number, and quickly answered it.

"Brother, do you know Chu Wuyou's contact information?" Xi Ji asked quickly as soon as the phone was connected.

"What's wrong?" Tang Ling's eyes sank when he heard Xi Ji's words.

"The third brother and Chu Wuyou divorced. Secretary Liu said that Chu Wuyou was very sad. I was worried..."

"What are you talking about?" Tang Ling's original laid-back expression disappeared in an instant, and in those moments, the eyes shot sharp and majestic like a lion.

At the other end of the phone, Xi Ji heard his voice and was shocked directly, but said again carefully: "The third brother suddenly divorced Chu Wuyou. Chu Wuyou will definitely be sad, so I am a little worried about her."

"Sad? Rest assured, she won't be sad, nor is she sad to be sad." Tang Ling's lips slowly pulled a sneer, hum, can they make the Tang family sad? I'm afraid it hasn't been born yet.

Okay, so good. At the beginning, he warned Lanchen to spend the night, since he was married to Wuyou, he had a good time and don’t think about the ones that didn’t.

I didn't expect this to happen.

"Brother, what do you mean? Wouldn't you like to do something to the third brother?" Xi Ji suddenly felt that he had made a wrong call on this phone. The brother's worry for Chu was far beyond his imagination, so He felt that his eldest brother might be angry for Chu Wuyou and deal with his third brother.

"What can I do to him? And I don't need to do anything to him." Tang Ling smiled lightly, unpredictably.

In fact, he had long seen that Ye Lanchen had the right relationship with Chu Wuyou. The last time he called Ye Lanchen, he originally wanted to tell him the relationship with Wuyou. As a result, Ye Lanchen misunderstood directly. Before finishing, Ye Lanchen hung up the phone.

If Ye Lanchen is not emotional, it is absolutely impossible for Ye Lanchen's usual calm to produce such a misunderstanding.

So he knew that divorce was definitely not what Ye Lanchen meant.

He was angry because Ye Lanchen gave Chu Wuyou a chance to divorce, or it should be said that Ye Lanchen created Chu Wuyou a divorce condition.

Now that they are divorced, he will definitely take Wuyou home. Originally, he also intended to let Wuyou recognize his ancestors.

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