My Adolescence

Chapter 204

The old traffic policeman gave her a slant and said, “Is confiscate your key?”

Li Mengting said coldly: “Do you want to do it?”

The old traffic police hehe laughed: “Hey. You have been raised by a rich man in a private car with a small white face. I have seen more, and threatened me not?”

Li Mengting hearing this, I was so angry that I pushed the door open and the door directly knocked the old traffic police down. Another small traffic policeman and all the traffic police in front of the car rushed over, surrounded us and said that we The attack was about to arrest us, and I was scared that my face changed.

But Li Mengting but coldly snorted took out his cell phone and made a call. Li Mengting said two words to the person on the phone, and then handed the phone to the old traffic police who had just been helped by the police.

Chen Bureau may have many in various departments of Lihai City. However, there is only one bureau in the traffic police department of Hedong, that is their director, so the old traffic police heard the word of the bureau and it changed a bit.

I don’t know what Chen Bureau said to the old traffic police on the phone, but the old traffic police changed his face after the phone was very ugly. He came over and returned the key and mobile phone to Li Mengting. With a smile, apologize: “Miss Li, sorry, misunderstanding. All are misunderstandings!”


Li Mengting took back the keys and the mobile phone, then re-entered the sports car with me, started the engine and slid the smoke to the front, and in the face of a ticket to the police, the speed of the instant sports car has been added to more than 120.

The little traffic police with a white complexion widened his eyes: “She is speeding again.”

The old traffic police suddenly rose red and the face roared: “Super mom!”

The sports car flew all the way, and finally stopped on the Lijiang River embankment. Li Mengting followed me to the station and blew the evening wind on the bank of the river to enjoy the night view of the Wan Family. Li Mengting Seeing my face and admiring her, she smiled and asked, “Why are you looking at me like this?”

I honestly said: “Sister, I feel that you have unique skills.”

Li Mengting hearing this Immediately faint question: “Would you like to have such a skill with me in the future, and get mixed?”

“Of course I think!”

Li Mengting said after a moment of silence: “Chen Yu, actually I am looking for you tonight to have something to discuss with you. If you like, this may change your life.”

Chapter 213: Purgatory

“Change my life?”

I looked at Li Mengting with a bit of a mistake. At the moment, she didn’t have the equipment to dress up. The expression was serious. The night wind picked up her hair. Although it was still so beautiful, it was a little charming and a little cold. Hey.

She nodded and said, “You already know that I am the Vermilion Bird owner of one of the Chen family’s four lobby owners. In our Chen family. Every year, each church owner can pick one of the best people, for a total of four lucky. Children will be arranged by the family to a private training base in the jungle of Myanmar to carry out various professional trainings in physical fitness, fighting, weapons, etc. This is the way our family trains a new generation of elites.”

I am hearing this a little wide-eyed: “This…this seems to have nothing to do with me?”

Li Mengting glanced at me and said slowly: “I am the owner of the Vermilion Bird Church. I also have a quota in my hand. I want you to go.”

I am hearing this a bit of a heart, this is basically a bit like being sent to a mercenary base training. I guess I can learn a lot when I go, but although I am surnamed Chen, but I don’t have anything to do with the Chen family of one of the four major families, and I am not Li Mengting, I shook my head and said: “Is not going to be inappropriate?”

Li Mengting said: “There is no suitableness. The quota is mine. I said who is going to let anyone go. The old people in the family will not intervene in how the churchlors handle daily affairs. But…”

“But what, is it time to go there for training, if you want to be three or two years, then you will not talk, I have to study. If it is two or three months, it is almost the same.”

Li Mengting gave me a deep look and said: “In fact, the days of training elites are really only two months, but according to previous experience, our family went to the four men who trained, usually only half of them can come back from there. In fact, there is a nickname in the training place, called Inferno Purgatory. It is definitely a super cruel training base. We call the best young man a knife embryo. If the knife embryo can come out from Inferno Purgatory, it can withstand it. The forging and washing of purgatory is definitely a blade of invincibility. If you can get out of it, you can lay a solid foundation for you to mix this road.”

I heard that I went to the “Inferno Purgatory” training. Although it was only two months, half of them could never return. They died in a foreign country and suddenly they were scared. Without the slightest hesitation, I refused to say, “It’s no wonder that it is purgatory. It turned out to be a place to die. I don’t want to go. I am practicing my guns every day, chatting with my bunch of brothers, small days. It’s not bad, there is no need to die. And, I have to put my beautiful teacher in my hand, I am still a first brother, I don’t want to find the dead end.”

Li Mengting’s expression is also hesitant. It seems that I want to go, but I don’t seem to let me go. She said, “You don’t have to rush to answer me. I opened the door from Inferno Purgatory. We have been sending new people for some time. It’s probably the time when you started the winter vacation. Chen Yu, you are good. Considering the decision, the purgatory is cruel, but none of the people who survive there are very powerful elites, and the huge risks have huge benefits. I was a little girl. After returning from Inferno Purgatory, I got the re-use of my wife. Now I am the owner of the Chen family. The annual salary is already 17 million. If you can get out of purgatory, I firmly believe that you will have more achievements than me.”

I hear this and take a breath, because most of our company’s presidents are one or two million, even hundreds of thousands of annual salary. Li Mengting This achievement is indeed amazing, very enviable.

Li Mengting glanced at me, standing like a big old sister, standing up and helping me to organize my collar. The red lips squirted in my ear and said: “As for you, you are still a brother. If you decide to go to Purgatory training, I promise to give you your body the night before you go to Purgatory. Sister Ting I am a lot older than you, but still finished…”


I am hearing this with big eyes, sister Ting said that she is still complete, my heart is a little itchy, after all, Li Mengting is already thirty years old, the whole person is already fully ripe peach, if she can get her first It’s so cool.

However, I have not completely lost my mind. I have a person in my heart who wants to protect my life. That is the goddess Zhang Qingqing in my mind. Although Zhang Qingqing is fierce to me, my temper is a big woman, I will give me a face if I don’t move, or I will bite me if I don’t agree, but I just like her. That kind of helpless love. She is about my princess, I am her knight, how can I ride this knight to the purgatory without death, throw away the princess?

Therefore, I am still very sure to say: “Sister Ting, I still won’t go to the purgatory training with a mortality rate of up to 50%. I have my brother, my friend, the person I like, and mine. Family, I can’t leave their wayward adventure.”

I don’t know why, Li Mengting heard a change when she heard me say about her family. She nodded and said, “If you change your mind, let me know.”

Li Mengting finished this sentence and turned to look at the Wan Family lights in the distance, no longer talking. I think she seems to be a bit of a customer-like taste, so I said nothing, I went back first, she snorted, did not say to drive me back. I looked at her and glanced at her riverside winds, let her go back to rest early, then I left by bus.

Not long after I left, a man in a suit and a trousers came out from the darkness. It was Zhang Chenghe. He came to Li Mengting and stood up and hesitated. He asked: “sister Ting, Young Master, he promised to go to Inferno. Is Purgatory training?”

“Not for the time being, or we should not have the idea of ​​sending him to purgatory. According to the wife’s dying, find the Young Master, but can’t let him return to the Chen family, let him calm down the life of ordinary people.”

Zhang Chenghe disagreed: “When the wife died, she didn’t expect the Chen family to evolve into this terrible situation. The dragon is almost out of order. The woman who is charming has basically controlled most of the Chen family’s business, as long as When the dragon is dead, this Chen family will be changed to a surname.”

Li Mengting seems to think of something. Asked: “Long Ye went to the hospital for emergency treatment at night, how is the situation now?”

Zhang Chenghe said with a sad face: “Now it is dangerous now, but the situation is not optimistic. The doctor said that Longye can only live for a maximum of one year. Sister Ting. Time is waiting for people. We must speed up training Chen Yu, Inferno Purgatory is the fastest place to reincarnate. If Chen Yu can get out of it, he will be able to take up the post when he is experienced. It is a bit of capital and flattering this woman to compete for the Chen family.”

Li Mengting shook his head and said, “We are just a family member. We can’t force Young Master to go to Purgatory. We can only let Young Master choose to go or not. We wait for him to answer quietly.”

At 10:30 in the evening, I got off at the bus stop near the school, then walked towards the second middle of a few hundred meters away.

However, after a somewhat remote section, I suddenly found out that there were more than five, six or twenty-year-old men behind me. Several guys walked a little faster, as if they were on the road.

If I am walking alone, I don’t think there is anything wrong with it, but a group of people quickly catch up and I can’t help but be suspicious and look back. I saw that a few guys were numb, holding a rectangular newspaper in their hands, and the newspaper seemed to be bulging. Even a newspaper in the hands of a guy could still see the outline of a handle.

The bread in the newspaper is a fruit knife!

My heart throbbed and I was nervous, and I quickly accelerated a little bit, because I had a bad feeling, and this group of people might be coming to me.

Sure enough, after the few people saw me stepping up, one of the guys with a mustache shouted: “little brother, how does the Cathay Pacific Mall go?”

Cathay Pacific Mall?

Guotai Shopping Mall is more than ten or twenty kilometers away. As soon as I heard it, I was sure that this group of people was coming to clean me up. I didn’t return to say that you left and walked a hundred meters away. I said that I ran away.

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