My Adolescence

Chapter 465

He licked his high cheeky left cheek and stepped out of the two steps. He vomited a bloody sigh and found a white tooth in his blood. He didn’t expect that even the teeth would let me smash one, and suddenly became thunderous. stand up.

Just at this time. Suddenly there was a Harvard SUV on the road, and a sudden stop on the side of the road, like a duck out of the cage, a few men in black leather. Everyone wears black leather gloves and licks this crowbar in his hand. The person headed is awkward.

A few hand-held crows with a handful of crows surrounded me and surrounded me. Lu Hao’s face sneered at me and said: “The little bastard didn’t think I had a helper. I didn’t kill the flattering here last time. Today I buried her son here.”

Chapter 532: He is calling me

I originally wanted to lead Lu Hao to kill him. I didn’t expect him to be a sergeant of the wolves. Even I was not his opponent. To make matters worse, he actually has a helper. It seems that he has been in contact with the wolves when driving to chase me. These people are the best in the wolves. When I selected the leader last time, I once singled out with the singer, so I have a deep understanding of the strength of these gangs.

When I saw a few of them, my heart was almost like a feeling of despair. I grabbed the alloy belt in my hand, bent halfway, staring at them with my eyes, gasping with a big mouth, and now the only thought in my heart is to fight for one and two.


Almost no Lu Hao commanded. He took the lead in shouting at the three companions, and then he took the lead and rushed over. I took out the slightest alloy belt of the slightest hesitation and slammed it into his head.

The weapon was always one inch long and one inch strong. The crowbar in his hand did not have my belt length. He couldn’t resist the belt that screamed like a steel whip. He quickly shunned the belt.

But the other three wolves were rushing over with the wielding crowbar, and I stumbled to the left. I slammed into a small flat head and pointed at his elbow. The other party suddenly screamed, and retired a few meters, and the pale wow vomited a blood.

At this moment. The whistling sound of the weapon behind me, the crowbars of the other two wolves have come to my back.

I didn’t want to use it. I used a trick to sway the tail. I didn’t return to the direction behind the move towards, and just one of the opponents flew out.

At the same time. Another opponent’s crowbar has slammed on my back and hit me one step ahead. I haven’t been able to stand firm yet, and the front cymbals have already rushed over, then jumped high, and the volley slammed on my chest. The huge force directly caused me to fly five or six meters.

The bones of my whole body are like broken pieces, the crowbars squatting on the back, and the sturdy volley of the cockroaches make me feel uncomfortable. I vomited blood in my lips, my eyes were bloodshot, my chest seemed to be suffocating, and I could only open my mouth and gasp. The pain in my body made me struggle again.

There are also two people who have been hit hard by me. After the four of them succeeded, they probably feared that I would still be trapped in the backlash, so I didn’t dare to rush to chase. Instead, four people were carrying crowbars and carefully surrounded them. Preparing for the joint effort turned me.

In fact, everyone is afraid of death. I am not afraid of death. I am not threatened by real death. I saw four people approaching me like four bloodthirsty wolves. They are vigilant and fierce. The eyes made me feel that death is imminent. The strong desire to survive is raised from my heart. My pupils are magnified, and my mind is turning at a high speed, trying to find a way to save myself.

Lu Hao has been watching on the sidelines. He is also very embarrassed at this moment. His left cheek is high and swollen. It is estimated that his teeth have been knocked out. This guy looks at my eyes full of hate, from time to time. The two screamed out the blood in his mouth.

I saw this guy hate me so much, so I yelled at the four people who hadn’t shot yet, and they said to Lu: “Luo, I have the ability to single-handedly. What is the man?”

A few hearing this can not help but a slight footsteps, have a corner of the eye and glance at their instructor Lu Hao. Lu Hao seems to have seen through the little abacus in my heart, and laughed and said nothing. A few will continue to surround and prepare to give me a fatal blow.

“Lu Hao, there is a kind of singled out!”

“Luo, you damn it, smashing the goods, saying that it took me ten minutes to kill me. How many minutes now?”

“Luo, I have the ability to single-handedly go with me. Look at the Young Master’s belt. Can’t you pump your teeth and drop the father?”

A few people were holding a crowbar, and the encirclement circle was getting smaller and smaller. I was not blind at the moment. The hands of the alloy belt are ready to fight, and the move moves in the mouth to challenge. If I can provoke the anger of this guy and lead him to single-handedly with me, then I still have a chance to survive.

After all, Lu Hao is an instructor of several people. After being provocative like a street, he finally couldn’t move indifferently. His face was shouted against the four people: “Wait!”

I hear this, I can’t help but look good, but I just want to raise my crowbar to make a fuss about the four people who are going to shoot me. Several people look back at Lu Wei: “Lu instructor, you should not Really want to single out with this brat?”

Lu Hao did not answer a few words, but took two steps before, looking at the face of me, like laughing and laughing: “Chen Yu, you brat is really powerful, dead to the end is still in danger, actually still Know how to use the radical method. Since you want to single-handedly with me, then I will…”

At this moment, my heart is very happy. It seems that Lu Hao is obsessed with face and temper, knowing that I am using the radical method, but he still has to single-handedly with me! As long as he is singled out with me. Even if I don’t necessarily win him, I can delay a little time. When Zhang Qingqing got out of the car, I told her to tell this thing flatteringly. I feel that as long as I delay one more minute, I will have more chances to live.

But Lu Hao, this guy is far less shameful than I thought. I thought he would say that since I wanted to single-handedly with him, he would come to me with a heads-up that made me die, but I didn’t think about him. A turn, a slap in the face with a smile: “Since you want to single-handedly with me, then I will not let you be satisfied. I will not single out with you, Hahaha…”

I hear this startled, then a face suddenly filled with anger, without waiting for me to talk, Lu Hao has already smiled and looked at me and said: “Is it very mad, I like to let you see a little hope, then I hope that I hope that you are very angry and desperate now?”

“Luke. I fuck your mother!”

I only knew that I was being played by Lu Hao, and I couldn’t help but anger.

Lu Hao sneered at the sneer and waved his hand and ordered: “Don’t kill him, I called to find the Zhang Qingqing. I tried to catch her before she let us reveal our secrets.”

A few of them no longer hesitate, four people holding me with a crowbar. I can only whip a desperate alloy belt, forcing a few people to temporarily approach me. However, the time is a little longer, and when I am not able to continue, it is bound to be the end of the tragic death.

At the time of my life, I suddenly remembered the butcher guy. This guy has been ordered to secretly protect Zhang Qingqing. Now I don’t know where this guy is. Is it still protecting Zhang Qingqing, or is he coming over when he sees Lu Hao chasing me halfway?

I don’t know the butcher guy now. But I feel that butcher secretly protects Zhang Qingqing today, and it must be secretly followed by me and Zhang Qingqing to the tea house. Even I put Zhang Qingqing down to the suburbs, but she will not be able to follow.

I am now like a drowning man catching a straw. Regardless of whether or not they can save lives, while defending against the siege of the four people, they shouted at the scorpion: “Teacher instructor”

Lu Hao is now taking out his mobile phone to call the wolves, and is going to send someone to chase and kill Zhang Qingqing. When I heard my voice shouting at the instructor, he couldn’t help but look back at me and grinned. “What’s the matter, is the instructor shouting? Do you want to ask me for mercy?”

I don’t have the energy to deal with him, but he’s left and right, and he’s screaming at the four people, and he’s desperately shouting: “Instructor!”

When Lu Hao saw that I was still calling the instructor, I opened my mouth and wanted to ridicule me again. However, at this time, there was a loud and powerful voice that was a bit silly: “Welling the wool, I just saw a charming person to pick up your wife, Zhang Qingqing, and I turned around and rushed over.”

Lu Haohe and other people heard the rough voice of this awkward man and couldn’t help but be shocked. He looked back in the direction of the move. I saw a sturdy man wearing a cheap casual shirt standing on the side of the road with a cigar. The two buttons on the neckline were not buckled. The clothes were loose and sloppy. I could see a majestic figure on his chest. Eight-faced Buddha, not my doorkeeper butcher Who else?

Butcher, after finishing my boss, turned to the face of Lu Wei’s heartless grin. “Sorry, the instructor he called is me, butcher, not your little recruit.”

Chapter 533: Duel

卢曦几个见到butcher 之后,都忍不住面面相觑,虽然butcher 看起来又点儿傻憨,但是无论是他魁梧的身材还是他身上狰狞的纹身以及眼睛里不经意闪过的凶光,都昭示这家伙不是善桩。  “干掉他!”卢曦对着祁琛几个努努嘴,without the slightest hesitation 的下命令说:“Chen Yu 那brat 交给我来处理。”  祁琛四个人如同四头野狼般掉头就move towards butcher 扑了过去,其中两个刚才被我重创的家伙动作稍微慢了一拍,祁琛和另外一个麻子脸手持甩棍冲在最前面。  butcher 简直眼睛一眯,凌厉的杀机闪过,猛的把手中的半截雪茄掷了出去。雪茄如同大号子弹般呼啸砸在了麻子脸的脸上,啪的一声火星四溅,烫得那家伙“Āiyā ”一声惨叫,动作也为之一滞。  butcher 如同猛虎般蹿出,一个虎扑硬是把祁琛给扑倒在地。祁琛turn pale with fright 的想用甩棍给予还击,可是他还能抡起甩棍。就已经被butcher 一双强而有力的大手抓住脑袋,狠狠一拧,一声清晰可闻的脖子软骨折断声响起,祁琛就被硬生生的拧断脖子挂掉了。  剩下三人狼群成员看得惊骇欲绝,祁琛在狼群里面已经算是佼佼者了,但是一照面竟然就被butcher 拧断了脖子,顿时把他们吓得满脸煞白。如果是一般社团组织的人看到这种情形,早就吓得掉头逃窜了,狼群纪律估计非常森严,剩下三个狼群成员虽然知道butcher 非常厉害。但是还是不顾一起的拎着甩棍冲上去。  卢曦这时候也跟我在对峙着,他既想上来先干掉我,又想抽身去帮那三个狼群成员,一时两难。  事实上,狼群的人身手还是非常强劲的。刚才butcher 一照面就击杀了祁琛,其实是祁琛有点大意了,就跟颜良遇到关羽一样,一照面就被关羽斩于马下。并不是说颜良不厉害,而是他大意了。高手过招生死就是瞬间的事情。  剩下三个狼群成员拼死一搏之下,强如butcher 也挨了两甩棍,受了一点轻伤。不过受伤之后的butcher 却像是一头动物园的老虎回到了森林被野狼咬伤,从而激发了他沉睡了我残酷天性,变得更加terrifying 了。首先是麻子脸吃了butcher 一记冲拳,胸口都深深的凹了进去,喷出一口混合着肺叶碎片的鲜血,倒地而亡。  其他两个狼群成员也被butcher 用暴力手段先后击杀,这说来话长其实打斗的时间不足一分钟,跟我对峙的卢曦见到这一幕,也不由自己的露出害怕之色,他脚步慢慢的往公路边奥迪车挪去,明显是想逃跑了。  的确,他这是一个神秘组织的教官,但是butcher 确是炼狱的教官,butcher 以前专门教导的都是一些雇佣兵、高级杀手,如果没有实打实的强悍实力,怎么震慑和教导得了那些五花八门的炼狱特训生?  上次,在Chen family 宗祠已经让卢曦逃跑了一回,这次在butcher 出现之后。我就死死盯着他呢。看见他想逃跑,我就立即拦住了他的去路,反手抹了一把嘴角的血迹,冷笑的说:“怎么了,这会儿轮到你害怕想逃了?”  卢曦转头又想从反方向钻进荒郊野外逃窜。但是却发现butcher 已经foul-mouthed 的堵死了他的退后,butcher 这会儿估计太久没有受伤了,今天受了点轻伤让他脾气格外的不好,在那里黑着脸骂道:“混蛋,这都什么工作,比老子在炼狱时候辛苦多了。必须加薪水,混蛋!”  卢曦看看地上祁琛四人的尸体,他深深的吸了口冷气,一边小心翼翼的戒备butcher ,一边对我说:“Chen Yu ,你不是想跟我单挑吗?我现在给你机会,有种想个男人一般堂堂正正的跟我来一场生死较量!如果不敢的话就躲到你这个络腮uncle 胯下藏起来吧,免得等下我跟你uncle 打起来伤到你这个窝囊废。”  我hearing this 就被这个无耻之徒的话给气笑了,他刚才有祁琛几个帮手的时候,不但不给机会跟我单挑。反而还故意的给我有点希望又狠狠掐灭,猫逗老鼠般戏耍着我玩。到了现在有利的天平开始倾向我这边的时候,这家伙居然又想跟我单挑了。大约怕我不鸟他,他就故意讽刺我只能依靠butcher ,有事永远躲在butcher 后面,企图刺激我的自尊心,让我冲动的跟他单挑。  我学着他刚才戏耍我的模样,嘴角微微上翘,露出一抹似笑非笑的表情,扬扬眉头学着他刚才戏耍我时候的口吻说:“卢曦,你真厉害,死到临头还临危不乱,居然还懂得使用激将法。既然你那么想跟我单挑,那我就……”  卢曦一听我这话跟他刚才的话几乎一模一样,眼睛里就闪过一丝绝望。他昂起头说:“够了,你是想说不给我机会是吧,我知道你想戏耍我,别白费心机了。”  “你错了!”我冷笑的说:“我是说既然你那么像跟我单挑,那我就给你一个机会。让你死得瞑目!”  卢曦hearing this 睁大眼睛,就连butcher 也忍不住惊愕了一秒,但是他旋即又摇摇头笑了笑,因为他知道我的性格就是这样,跟所有的热情青年一样,冲动,要强,渴望证明自己。  我见卢曦一脸的不敢置信,因为他刚才都没有给我机会,但是没想到我现在占据有利局面之后,反而会给他机会,这是他这种达到目的不折手段的人不敢想象的。我走到祁琛尸体身边,把地上的一根甩棍踢到卢曦脚边,我自己也捡起另外一根甩棍,冷冷的说:“捡起地上的甩棍。我要堂堂正正的给陈叔报仇。”  卢曦瞄了一眼不远处抱着双臂冷目旁观,似乎真的不打算插手的butcher ,然后就咧嘴笑了,弯腰捡起地上的甩棍,熟练的耍了个棍花。对我说:“东星prince Chen Yu ,Lihai City 名声显赫的单挑王,我原本都不拿你当回事,但是现在我都忍不住有点佩服你了。”  “hehe !”  我sneered 不再多费口舌,往前一个滑步,手中的甩棍对着他的脖子左侧猛抽过去。  卢曦coldly snorted ,手中的甩棍迅速一磕,就格开了我的甩棍,同时他左手一拳move towards 我胸部打来,我没想到他动作这么快。不小心挨了一拳,蹬蹬的退后两步。  卢曦得势不饶人,疾步追上来,整个人高高跳起,举起甩棍就move towards 我的脑门狠狠砸下来,我仓促间慌忙横起甩棍格挡。  “铿锵”  一声金铁交击的声音响起,我只感觉握着甩棍的手虎口一麻,手中的甩棍差点被传来的巨大力道震飞,我虽然勉强格挡住了他这凌厉一棍,但是却被他趁机飞起一脚。蹬得我又倒退出数步。  卢曦跟我两次照面,都是他占据了主动和上风,他就得意的笑了起来:“你的动作太慢了。”  我脸色铁青的又冲了上去,挥舞这甩棍再次跟卢曦战至一处,被他嘲讽我动作慢之后。我就憋足劲,把手中的甩棍挥舞得跟狂风骤雨一般急,但是卢曦也不是省油的灯,他的甩棍就像是一条翻飞的Flood Dragon ,每次都能恰到好处的拦截住我的棍子。两支甩棍以非常快的频率碰撞交击,发出一阵急雨敲打铜盘般的“铿锵”之声。  “bang! ”  我左肩胛上挨了一记狠抽,疼得我趔趄退出几步,我furiously shouted 再来,然后又飞扑了上去。  “锵!”  我被卢曦抓住一个破绽,手中的甩棍差点被磕飞。胸口也挨了一脚,脚步踉跄再次退出几步。我感觉自己五脏六腑都在翻滚,强忍着内伤不适,“嘶”的的撕破了右手衬衫衣袖,利用布条缠绕把甩棍死死的绑在自己右手上。红着眼睛低吼:“再来!”  卢曦格斗技术比我厉害,所以占据了主动权,但是他有不急着一下把我击杀。我能察觉到他的意图,他想把我打成重伤之后,再突然把我擒住当人质。这样才能从容的从butcher 眼前逃脱,不然他杀掉我自己也逃不出这里。  他在算计的时候,我也一直在算计,我胸口已经挨了他好几下重击,五脏六腑都在疼痛。好几次喉咙一甜要口喷鲜血,都被我强行忍住了。  这次,我冲上去的时候跟他用甩棍过了两招,就再一次露出中门破绽,卢曦看见我中门大开。几乎是without the slightest hesitation 的撞入我怀里,狠狠的用手肘砸在了我的胸膛上。  我groaned ,喉咙再次一甜,一口鲜血涌了上来。但是我脸上虽然全是痛苦之色,眼睛里却露出了狰狞的笑意,卢曦察觉到不妙,本能的想后退,但是我这时候已经张嘴噗的一声一口嫣红的鲜血喷在了他脸上。  他被鲜血溅的满脸都是,眼睛也睁不开。  我在心头大吼了一句就是现在,然后抡起甩棍追上去,一下就砸在了他的脸门上,卢曦顿时发出一声惨叫……

Chapter 534: Winning and Losing

Lu Hao, this guy was too late to be covered by my mouth spurt blood. I didn’t wait for him to erase the blood on his face and see what was going on. I rushed up and slammed it on his head. .


Lu Hao’s whole body was like a thunder, his body trembled, and then he collapsed involuntarily.

However, this guy is also powerful enough. Even if the head is stunned, the tremors are still struggling to get up. I will fly with the slightest hesitation. With a slap in the face, holding a crowbar with red eyes, he roared at him: “Bastard, go on!”

Lu Hao was still crawling and crawling with a crowbar. Shaking his dizzy head, and then moving towards my head, but he has been hit hard. Although he has a fighting technique that is better than me, but he has not resisted the ability to fight, but after the brain smashed me, he did not have any thoughts on his actions. Instead, he was sent to my crowbar and then squatted at him. On the right shoulder, let him hold the stick unstable, and the crowbar fell to the ground.

“You are too slow!” I learned that he just taunted me and said something to him. Then he hit his face with a punch in his back: “This punch is for my mother!”

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