My Animation Era

Chapter 803: Happy Year of the Monkey (Subscription required)

  To this day, Gu Miao still feels that the best ending of the animation "The Prince of Tennis" is to win the national competition.

  Whether it is the U17 training camp or the World Cup, they are actually suspected of being superfluous.

How do you say that?

  Gold the lily, and the serpent.

  Traditional hot-blooded sports, if the original author does not have a deep professional understanding and rashly dabbles in the professional field, it is easy to make a joke.

  So, Gu Miao's original plan was to freeze the animation "The Prince of Tennis" directly after finishing the national competition, without considering the follow-up content.

  But the current situation is...

  The social influence of the animation "The Prince of Tennis" is too great. Even if Gu Miao wants to freeze this work, many people will oppose it.

   In other words, the sequel of this animation is expected by everyone. The audience is not allowed to refrigerate, the sponsors are not allowed, and most of the tennis centers are not allowed.

   "It feels like being kidnapped!"

  Gu Miao smiled helplessly: "Fantasy tennis is not my original intention, but things have developed to this point, it seems that I can't do without fantasy tennis."


   "The "Prince of Tennis" now has a tendency to become fantasy." Lao Zhang smiled heartlessly, "Isn't it not enough fantasy to play the game seamlessly and eliminate the five senses?"

   "You know what a fart!"

  Gu Miao rolled her eyes, too lazy to talk to Lao Zhang, a guy with short hair and short knowledge.

   Is this fantasy tennis?

  Skills such as flawless clothing and the elimination of five senses are nothing compared to the real fantasy tennis! Have you ever seen a tennis ball that glows and can destroy half a court?

   Not to mention, there are other wonderful things such as Asura Shinto, different dimension fields...

  To be honest, compared with the tennis played in "The New Prince of Tennis", the tennis played in the current national competition is a world apart.

   Look good!

  The real fantasy tennis, that is the tennis with the reputation of "killer tennis", boy, give me **** and repent!

   "Forget it, it's still early."

  Gu Miao shook her head, and decided not to think about these things for the time being, after all, the "Prince of Tennis" national competition is not over yet.

  Compared with the unattainable Xinwang Wang, it is obviously close at hand, and the upcoming Lunar Year of the Monkey is even more important.


  Gu Miao brought Lao Zhang, Huang Kun and others to the production team of the movie "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Happy Year of the Monkey".

  Here, everyone met Director Wang, who was busy with work and didn't go for a haircut for a long time, so his hair grew so long that it could be braided.


  Gu Miao pointed at Director Wang's long hair, and couldn't help complaining, "Although I'm very busy with work, I can't even make time for a haircut, right? I'd better get a haircut and refresh myself."

   "Forgot, I will cut it later."

   Facing everyone's jokes, Director Wang also blushed a little. After all, he didn't take care of his image much when he was busy. This messy long hair really looked embarrassing.

   Fortunately, he works behind the scenes, so he doesn't need to show his face.

  For him, whether the hair is messy or not is not important, what matters is whether the movie is good or not. As long as the movie is good, it doesn't matter how long or messy the hair is.

  Speaking of movies, Director Wang immediately opened up the conversation, and briefly introduced the progress of the movie "Happy Year of the Monkey" in front of everyone.

   Let’s talk about the name first.

  Because most of the four-character idioms about "monkey" are mostly derogatory, such as bathing monkeys and crowning them, killing chickens to warn monkeys, etc., and auspicious words such as "golden monkey welcomes spring" have no meaning at all to put it bluntly.

  So after consideration, the film production team simply used "Happy Year of the Monkey" as the title of the film.

  Although this naming method does not conform to the traditional "four-character idioms" in the past, there is no way to do it. During the Chinese New Year, if you give the audience a monkey crown and kill chickens to warn monkeys, isn't that pure and disgusting?

   The Spring Festival should be more festive!

  The title is not the point, the point is the plot of this movie, which to some extent refers to the saying "There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings".

   It is still a green grassland.

  It's spring, and under the advice of the sheep and sheep, the village head Man Yangyang decided to take everyone out for a "spring outing", and the destination is a mysterious forest outside the green grassland.

  The lambs are ready to pack, Lazy Goat has brought a pillow, Pleasant Goat has brought a kite, Beautiful Goat has brought a camera, Boiling Goat has brought a football...

  Everyone is looking forward to this spring outing, and is also full of curiosity about the upcoming Mysterious Forest.

  Big Big Wolf accidentally learned the news that the lambs are about to go out for a spring outing through Xiao Huihui, so he had bad thoughts.

  If the lambs are still in the sheep village, protected by walls and iron gates, it will be difficult for Big Big Wolf to catch the sheep, but if the lambs leave the sheep village, won’t it be easier to catch the sheep?

   "No, where's the monkey?"

   Huang Kun raised his eyebrows and said, "This is a big movie for the Year of the Monkey! Where's your monkey? Why isn't there any monkey?"

   "Don't worry, it's coming soon."

  Director Wang explained with a smile: "The monkeys don't live in the Green Grassland, but live in the Lost Forest."

   "The Mysterious Forest is very vast, and there are many animals living in it, and the monkey king of the monkey group is the king who rules this forest."

  The Monkey King is a usurper.

  In the Forest of Mystery, there used to be a Tiger King, who was a distant relative of Brother Tai, but this tiger fell seriously ill and was forced to leave the Forest of Mystery to seek medical treatment.

  The departure of King Tiger brought the Lost Forest into chaos.

  The monkeys who used to be law-abiding became uncontrollable for a while and became lawless, messing up the entire forest. The leader of the monkeys even claimed to be the king and asked the animals in the forest to give him offerings regularly...

   "Monkeys are villains?"

   "This is a funny animation, where does the term villain come from?" Daokuang Wang rolled his eyes.

  In the movie "Happy Year of the Monkey", the reason why the monkeys are lawless is simply because no one can control them.

  So, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf are here.

   Big Big Wolf was the first to ascend the throne of the "King of the Forest" and ordered the monkeys to cause a lot of trouble for Pleasant Goat and the others.

  But Pleasant Goat used his wisdom to fight back against Big Big Wolf, and rescued the village chief and his companions many times.

  Finally, the group of monkeys finally came to their senses and stopped being the tool of Big Big Wolf. Instead, they arrested Big Big Wolf and revered Pleasant Goat as the king of the forest.

  Pleasant Goat doesn’t want to care about the Mysterious Forest, but the monkeys are obviously mischievous. Once the manager is lost, the Mysterious Forest will soon return to its messy appearance.

then what should we do?

  Go to find the former Tiger King and treat him, so that the monkeys will be controlled, and they will no longer make a mess of the Lost Forest, nor will they wantonly tease and bully other animals.

  The ending of the animation, of course, is that the Tiger King returns from his recovery, the lawless monkeys finally surrender, the Lost Forest regains its former prosperity, and the animals gather together...

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