My Animation Era

Chapter 906: The past four hundred years ago (seeking subscription)

   Hellgirls episodes are rare.

  Because of this, this is also the first TV animation to end this summer, earlier than "Super Cool Cat" and "The Wilderness".

  The first season of animation has only 26 episodes.

  The first 23 episodes can be said to be unit dramas, that is, one episode with one incident, no continuous plot, and no explanation of the origin and identity of the **** girl Enma.

  But from the 24th episode onwards, the plot has changed. There is no new client, but a flashback perspective, to explain to the audience the mystery of the identity and origin of "Hell Girl".

  Yan Moai!

  This **** girl did not appear in modern times, and the urban legend about her did not only appear in recent years.

  In fact, she appeared a long time ago. Although she looks like a young girl, Xiao Ai's real age is definitely beyond the audience's imagination.

   More than four hundred years ago, in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties.

  In a small village named Liudaoguai, the young Yan Moai was considered an ominous person because of her special abilities. She was often bullied by her peers in the village, thanks to her cousin's protection.

  In the blink of an eye, spring passed and winter came, and it was the day of "sending seven" in the village again.

  The so-called sending seven means that in this remote small village, the villagers will worship a seven-year-old girl to the mountain temple every seven years in order to pray for no disease, no disaster, and good weather.

  The elders in the village have decided that this year's seven recipients will be Xiao Ai.

  They persuaded Xiao Ai's parents, saying that it was a very honorable thing. Although Xiao Ai's cousin tried to dissuade them, they still couldn't change the elders' decision.

   Seeing how caring and caring her cousin is for Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai's parents hope that after Xiao Ai is sent to the temple in the mountain, her cousin will regularly send her food and clothes to protect her.

  My cousin didn't want to agree, but seeing Xiao Ai's innocent eyes, he nodded and agreed.

   In the blink of an eye, six years have passed.

  The harvest of the crops this year was poor, and the villagers were worried about the coming winter. At this time, the news that Xiao Ai was still alive was discovered by the villagers.

  My God!

  No one was excited about this, everyone showed angry eyes, because everyone thought that Xiao Ai's family violated the sacrificial customs, which angered the mountain god, resulting in a poor harvest this year.

  The villagers knocked Xiao Ai's family unconscious and tied them up. They dug a pit in front of the temple and planned to bury them alive. Because Xiao Ai's cousin helped Xiao Ai survive, he had to fill the soil with his own hands.

  At this time, Xiao Ai has actually woken up.

   Looking at those ignorant, crazy, cruel and unknowing villagers, and her cousin who started filling the soil, tears of resentment flowed from Xiao Ai's eyes.

   "I hate you all!"

  Xiao Ai's last blood and tears seemed to be a curse, and also hinted at the final fate of the villagers.

   It was the spring of the second year.

  On a full moon night, Xiao Ai's cousin couldn't bear all this, so he decided to leave the village quietly.

  But not long after he left, he turned around and suddenly saw a fire lit up in the direction of the village. When he looked carefully, there was a dead little love in front of the fire.

  Cousin couldn’t stop laughing, and ran in the mountains and forests without looking back, completely ignoring the wounds on his face and hands that were cut by thorns.

  Later, my cousin returned to Liudaoguai, and settled here, and gave birth to children and multiplied offspring.

   Many years later.

  Cousin Xiaoai's descendant, Cai Tian, ​​an independent reporter, learned that her daughter could occasionally see what the Hell Girl sees, so she decided to use this ability to report on the truth about the Hell Girl.

   But during the investigation, Cai Tian changed his mind when he learned that the Hell Girl is not a so-called urban rumor, but a real existence that will send a person to hell, and that the client will also be doomed.

  Compared with news reports, he wants to prevent people from using **** communication to seek revenge, and find the **** girl herself, and tell her that it is wrong to do so...

  With the deepening of the investigation, the events of four hundred years ago gradually surfaced, and Xiao Ai's dusty memory is also slowly awakening.

  Cai Tian's daughter advised her father not to stop the Hell Girl, because the Hell Girl sent away all the bad guys.

  By sharing the vision of Hell Girl, Cai Tian's daughter Xiaodong learns that the next victim is a nurse. Based on her previous experience, she judged that this nurse was only pretending to be kind and enthusiastic, but she must be a villain secretly.

   But she was wrong this time.

  Through observing Xiaodong, she found that this nurse was really a good person, but she was sent to **** in the end, while the client was an out-and-out pervert.

  Finally, the pervert committed suicide by taking poison, and his purpose seemed to be to go to **** with that nurse...

   "Sent to **** by such an inexplicable person, do you still think the **** girl is the embodiment of justice?"

  Father's words made Xiaodong realize that the **** girl is not necessarily the messenger of justice. All she accepted was a commission of resentment, but was the object of the client's resentment really a bad person?

  The truth of four hundred years ago surfaced, and Yan Moai, who remembered everything, also learned that Cai Tian's father and daughter were actually descendants of his cousin, so he decided to kill her, but this also violated the taboo.

  The three-eyed spider rescued Cai Tian and his daughter, and also took away Yan Moai.

  Back to the dilapidated mountain temple, Cai Tian and his daughter, who were lucky enough to be saved, expressed their views respectively.

  Xiaodong said that he could understand Yan Moai, but Cai Tian said that he could understand Xiaoai's cousin. The positions of the father and daughter seemed to diverge again.

  At this moment, Xiao Ai, who was about to be brought back to **** by the three-eyed spider, broke free from the shackles and returned to the world because of her strong desire for revenge.

  This time she came in front of Xiaodong, and showed her the scene of Xiaodong's mother's death, in an attempt to arouse Xiaodong's resentment towards her father and take revenge.

   "Isn't it hard to live without a mother?"

  Xiao Ai handed the scarecrow tied with a red rope to Xiaodong, trying to control Xiaodong's consciousness, untied the red rope, and sent herself and her father to hell.

   Just when Xiaodong put on the harness and was about to untie the red rope, Cai Tian rushed back in time and woke Xiaodong up, and the father and daughter got back together.

  The red rope scarecrow sent by Xiao Ai returned to her intact for the first time.

  Looking at the father and daughter who were embracing and crying, Xiao Ai seemed to understand something. Under the cherry blossom tree, she remembered every detail of how she got along with her cousin four hundred years ago.

   "Your cousin must have always liked you, that's why he regretted it and went back to Liudaoguai to build Qitong Temple."

   Qitong Temple!

  Seven children...

  Holding the red rope scarecrow that Xiaodong handed back, listening to her words, facing the cherry blossoms flying all over the sky, Xiao Ai burst into tears.

  When the illusion disappeared, the three came to the Qitong Temple built by Xiao Ai's cousin, but Xiao Ai reached out and destroyed the temple.

   This move not only means that Hell Girl has completely let go of the resentment of the year, but also represents the end of the first season of the animation "Hell Girl".

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