My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

145. Reinstall the motorcycle! Finish!

The sky was slightly bright, and I saw countless dark corpses lying on the ground, just like the tragic scene after the evil ghosts in hell killed each other.

Feeling that the morning sun was about to appear, the monsters roared and fled deep into the dense forest. Only the red-eyed and exhausted Gu Zhuo was left, as well as two armed helicopters that had fired all their bullets and were now circling at low altitude.

Gu Zhuo breathed heavily and looked at the corpses stacked up like a hill. The exhaustion of his strength from a night finally made him unable to hold on any longer and he suddenly fell to the ground.

He could no longer feel the existence of his hands, only a tingling and extremely weak feeling came, as if those hands no longer belonged to him.

Two helicopters also stopped on the ground, and Gu Zhuo released the mechanic's control of the helicopter where Chaoying was. As soon as the control was released, Chaoying suddenly opened the hatch and ran out.

She ran to Gu Zhuo who was lying on the ground, squatted down, and hugged him. At this time, her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"Gu Zhuo, why are you doing this...why are you doing this..."

Chaoying kept asking him, tears streaming down the war machine. In Gu Zhuo's eyes, it was more dazzling than the black blood.

Sam also ran to him, wagging his tail and twirling around him, meowing.

The mechanical helmet on Gu Zhuo's head was automatically removed, revealing a haggard and sweaty face. He looked tired and his smile was forced.

He reached out his hand to touch Chaoying's hair, but found that his hands were covered with monster blood, and he shouldn't have used these to dirty her. So Gu Zhuo silently clenched his hands and took them back.

Noticing Gu Zhuo's movements, Chao Ying said nothing. She lifted the hand that Gu Zhuo had just withdrawn, held it gently with both hands, and placed it on her chest. She wanted Gu Zhuo to feel her heartbeat.

Gu Zhuo felt her heart beating, as if something was tapping on his heart.

The murderous aura all over his body suddenly subsided, and his voice became softer:

"I just want to protect you and Sam. There aren't many things that are important to me anymore. I don't want to lose you."

Hearing this, Chaoying's tears that were about to stop flowed down again like a river bursting its banks. No matter how hard she controls it, she can’t control it:

"I know, I know. No matter what happens in the future, we will face it together. Don't leave me alone anymore."

Hearing Chao Ying's words, Gu Zhuo forced a smile again. He was exhausted. A whole night of high-intensity fighting, even though his physique had been strengthened and there was a war machine to share the pressure with him, he still felt that his whole body was about to fall apart.

He wanted to sleep for a while, and he didn't know how long he would sleep for, but his eyelids were fighting now and he could hardly keep them open. He gathered his strength and said to Chaoying:

"Chaoying, I'm going to sleep for a while. I'm too tired. If I don't wake up before evening, please wake me up."


Chaoying promised him.

Then, Gu Zhuo dropped his head to the ground, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep in just a few seconds.

After he fell asleep, Jia Sheng, who had been standing silently behind him in order not to disturb the two of them, came over at this time.

He knelt down with Chaoying and looked at Gu Zhuo for a long time before saying to her:

"It seems that he is really exhausted. Let him have a good sleep."

Chao Ying nodded, but his eyes were staring at Gu Zhuo lovingly without blinking. She gently put down Gu Zhuo's hand and sat next to him, and Sam also sat with her.

Chaoying stroked Sam's head and whispered to Sam:

"Be good, the master is sleeping now, we have to stay by his side."

As if Sam could understand her words, he put his head next to Gu Zhuo and looked at him with a "whimper" without daring to make too much noise.

Looking at this scene, Jia Sheng felt a little emotional. He silently walked aside, picked up the gun bag, took out a few guns from it, loaded the gun, and sat down not far from Gu Zhuo and others.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, with the last few cigarettes left in it. This pack of cigarettes was also given to him by Gu Zhuo.

He lit a cigarette and smoked it, silently watching Chaoying and the others not far away.


Gu Zhuo only felt that he had slept for a long, long time, so long that his limbs and body, which were numb and weak, had returned to their original strength like a spring hibernation. Over the past few days, the fear and fatigue have disappeared.

This is such a comfortable long sleep that I haven't had in a long time.

When he woke up, he saw Chaoying and Sam sitting motionless next to him, as if they had been waiting for him for a long time.


Gu Zhuo spoke and gently called Chao Ying's name.

Hearing this sound, Chaoying, who was still holding Sam in his arms, suddenly came back to his senses. He lowered his head to look at Gu Zhuo and saw that Gu Zhuo had woken up.

"Are you awake?"

Gu Zhuo nodded slightly and asked:

"Well, how long have I been asleep?"

"It's not evening yet, it's only two o'clock in the afternoon. You didn't sleep for too long. Are you really well rested? If you're not well rested, don't force yourself."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo stood up from the ground. He already felt that all his strength had recovered and he no longer needed any rest. This wonderful feeling of rapid recovery of energy made him feel like a spring breeze.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

After he finished speaking, he thought of something, quickly got up from the ground, and walked towards the Doomsday Fortress.

Walking to the side of the Doomsday Fortress, sure enough, his time calculation was correct. He saw a motorcycle parked there at an unknown time, like a motorcycle from a science fiction movie.

Gu Zhuo walked to the motorcycle and sat on it.

The moment he sat on it, the mechanic's voice rang in his mind again. He was now used to this situation. Just listen to the mechanic say in his mind:

"Reinstalled motorcycle, completed, motorcycle armor integrity: 100%,

"Power remaining: 100%,


Gu Zhuo remembered that when Chaoying built this motorcycle, it used nuclear energy to drive it. Nuclear energy comes from uranium fission. Just a little bit of uranium can give a car enough power.

The seat of the motorcycle was very comfortable. When Gu Zhuo sat on it, the seat position on the motorcycle was adjusted very well, as if he was sitting on a soft sofa.

He tried to start the motorcycle. As soon as the motorcycle started, he heard a loud roar from the engine, like the drums of a rock band, the sound was very loud and sweet.

He noticed that the dashboard of the rebuilt motorcycle had a few more buttons than ordinary motorcycles, and the mechanic quickly informed him of the functions of each button.


Gu Zhuo noticed that the red button on the edge turned out to be a flamethrower. He became interested and pressed it tentatively. Unexpectedly, two balls of flames shot out from behind the engine of the car, mixing with the roar of heavy motorcycles. At this moment, the firelight jumped, highlighting a strange and wild beauty. , just like a movie with violent aesthetics.

"Fuck, he's so handsome!"

Gu Zhuozhen felt that he was riding a motorcycle of the undead knight as Chaoying said, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He stepped on the starting device of the motorcycle and released the clutch with his right hand. The heavy motorcycle made a low roar like a beast, and then sprang out like a tiger pouncing on prey.

Gu Zhuo rode this heavily armored motorcycle for a spin inside the observation deck. He felt as if he was following a gust of wind, and his whole body felt very light and comfortable. And the driving of this heavily equipped motorcycle is not as good as the previous motorcycles, and the driving feel is completely different.

After going around in a circle, Gu Zhuocai stopped the heavy motorcycle again against the Doomsday Fortress and turned off the flame launcher.

Chaoying walked up to him and asked:

"how do you feel?"

Gu Zhuo nodded heavily:

"Very good, this heavily equipped motorcycle is many times better than I imagined!"

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