Wang Zhian looked at the report handed over by his assistant. He had heavy dark circles under his eyes, like a workaholic who hadn't slept for hundreds of years.

He drooped his lower lip, but was completely unaware that he made such an expression.

He recalled how high-spirited he was when he first took office. He felt that standing on the shoulders of giants, he would become the best and most outstanding leader. No matter what difficulties he faced, he would not be stumped.

But now, he feels that he is carrying the weight of a mountain on his back, and he is simply unable to bear this responsibility. He didn't even dare to open the report in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Zhian mustered up the courage, took the report in his hand, frowned, and started reading.

At the beginning of the report, it was reported on the damage caused by the strange typhoon to the troops sent to the ground. He looked at those numbers numbly. Although they were shocking, they could no longer make any waves in his heart.

The report did not mention the cause of the typhoon. Obviously, meteorologists and geographers have not detected the occurrence of cyclones in the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean, and the climate conditions required for the occurrence of typhoons have not been met recently.

It seemed to come out of nowhere.

God said there was going to be a typhoon today, so he sent down a typhoon.

"What's the use of raising such a group of guys!"

Compared with the fear just now, Wang Zhian now feels more helpless and headache. None of these so-called experts and scientists have really made reasonable explanations and predictions about disasters.

What follows is the casualty statistics of the Prophet's attack on their armed forces. It shows that from the first day they declared war with the Prophet, they have continuously shot down Chinese planes and captured the government's elite troops.

Even their transport planes transporting ordinary people were not spared.

Up to now, the military strength of the Huaxia Kingdom's bunker has been weakened by more than half. If anyone finds the location of the bunker at this time and takes advantage of the situation, Wang Zhian will become a big fish caught in the fishing net, unable to break free and can only be caught without mercy.

By this point, Wang Zhian no longer wanted to read any more.

He began to flip through the document hastily, sneering inwardly, wondering how much worse the current situation could get.

The next information was nothing more than panic in the bunker, and everyone was fearful and frightened.

The first group of people to enter the bunker originally thought that they were the favored ones of heaven, the group of human elites chosen to survive, and they were also very satisfied with Wang Zhian.

But since accidents happened frequently, Wang Zhian not only failed to realize the safety and warmth he originally promised to them, but he also kept attracting new survivors from outside the bunker.

This made this group of "human elites" continue to complain, and they also had many criticisms of Wang Zhian.

There are even many extreme people among them who believe that it is the survivors who have robbed the resources that originally belonged to them, and it is precisely because of them that their originally safe lives have been turbulent and threatened.

And among the survivors who were absorbed, only a small half were truly grateful.

Most of them are dissatisfied with being treated as pawns of the government. They have to be sent wherever Wang Zhian tells them to go. If it loses its use value, it will be ruthlessly abandoned.

The war within the class is on the verge of breaking out at any time.

"They're all a bunch of idiots, idiots, idiots...!"

Wang Zhian spread his fire on these people. If he could, he would completely abandon them now.

After cursing several times, I remembered that there was still the last page of the document that I had not read.

Wang Zhian's lips were trembling with anger, and he impatiently turned to the last page of the document.

The content on the last page is information from Baipu.

Since Linda's broadcast was broadcast, the domestic crowd in Baipu has been excited. Every ground survivor still alive wants to find where the government bunker is hidden. They try to locate the bunker through Linda's broadcast.

However, the location of the bunker is absolutely hidden and safe. Even if a signal can be emitted, it will be refracted and distorted countless times by the special wall material of the bunker, making it impossible for outsiders to determine the exact location.

However, it was only a matter of time before the bunker was found. The people went crazy and no longer feared the end. They only wanted to punish the incompetent rulers.

What's more, there are some terrifying supernatural beings among them.

Originally, this was just something that should make Bai Pu anxious, and should not appear in this document about China's intelligence.

But unfortunately, Linda's broadcast is a global signal segment. Soon, the environment of several other countries in the United States will probably become what the United States is today.

Chaos, chaos that cannot be suppressed at all, the largest riot in the history of the people.

"Go to hell!"

Wang Zhian threw the documents in his hand heavily into the trash can, and then kicked the trash can over with his feet.

He rubbed his temples, unable to calm down at all. He feels that his political career will soon end, and what is worse is that his life will also end with his political career.

He was randomly grabbing his hair with his hands. He had long lost the maturity, stability and majesty of a leader that he had in the past.

An idea suddenly popped into Wang Zhian's mind:

He wanted to negotiate with the Prophetic Cult again, and this time he went in person. No matter what the other party asked for, he would agree to it.

I'm afraid this is the only way to prolong his political and personal life.

And this must be done behind the back of the contact country.

Thinking of this, with trembling hands, he dialed the phone number of the most loyal officer under his command. That officer almost had as much military control as he did.

As soon as the call was connected, he directly ordered the officer to send a helicopter over, it was needed now.

But this time, except for helicopters, don’t bring any weapons, and don’t bring armed helicopters. The only thing needed is to put a white flag on the helicopter’s pylon.

He was going to get on that helicopter and go to Clearwater himself.

After hearing Wang Zhian's order, the officer instantly understood what he meant. The officer wanted to say something, but Wang Zhian stopped him first:

"Just do what I say. If you don't, you and I will not be able to survive. Time and means are of the essence. Don't ask any more questions."

The officer was silent for a long time before he asked:

"So are you really going to talk to them in person?"


Wang Zhian answered him.

The officer asked cautiously again:


"What if something happens?"

"I will record a video in advance and appoint you as the next chairman."

After saying this, there was a long silence.


"I understand, your pilot, which one should I send?"

"It's up to you, as long as you can get me to Qingshui, the rest doesn't matter."

After Wang Zhian said these words, it seemed that he had exhausted his last bit of strength.

This was a huge gamble, the most extravagant gamble in Wang Zhian's life.

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