He wiped Xia Ran's forehead with alcohol cotton. After wiping away the blood, he put a bandage on her forehead. Looking at Xia Ran who was still in a coma, Jia Sheng sighed softly.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the day, he was the one who was safe and sound in the end.

Xia Ran didn't know when she would wake up, so she hugged her and put her on the single bed. Jia Sheng sat on a chair nearby, waiting for Gu Zhuo to tell him to leave.

The helicopter had already refueled enough, and I'm afraid Gu Zhuo didn't even think about refueling now.

After waiting for a while, Gu Zhuo took care of all the wounds on his body. Although he didn't know when they would heal, at least he had stopped the bleeding and disinfected them first, so it wouldn't be a serious problem. He glanced at Chaoying again and touched her forehead, which was still so hot.

Sighing and giving her a serious look, Gu Zhuo clenched his fists and walked towards the cab.

Sitting on the cab, Gu Zhuo was in a low mood and spoke to Jia Sheng through the intercom with a somewhat cold tone:

"Come on, let's get out of here and go back to the base."

After saying that, he thought of something else and continued to ask,

"By the way, is your helicopter filled with enough fuel?"

Jia Sheng didn't expect that Gu Zhuo was already thinking about the helicopter's fuel at this time. He nodded and replied:

"That's enough."

"Okay, then go back. You don't need to fly the helicopter. You can just take care of Xia Ran as you did when you came here."

After saying that, the two mechanical arms of Doomsday Fortress stretched out.

The difference from the past is that these two robotic arms have become thicker, stronger, and more intimidating. I am afraid that the power of a single robotic arm is now enough to lift a heavy tank.

Lifting Jia Sheng's armed helicopter and placing it on the roof of the car, without Jia Sheng's control, Gu Zhuo drove the Doomsday Fortress, reversed the car, and drove back towards the base.

Along the way, Gu Zhuo saw that the scrap cars or various things containing metal materials around him had been emptied, and they were all absorbed by Gu Zhuo's "mechanic". Now that these materials are all installed on the body of the Doomsday Fortress, it is difficult to imagine how advanced the technology is, or how terrifying the power is to accomplish this feat.

The streets were empty at this time, and the rain of flesh after the explosion of the five huge infected people even exploded and hit these streets.

This scene makes people wonder if they have suddenly arrived in hell.

I'm afraid that in addition to this disgusting scene, there must also be a stench in the air, the stench of blood and rotten flesh.

"It seems that Qidong has no need to come back in the future."

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo murmured in his heart.

The excitement of these scattered flesh and blood made the hidden monsters in the building ready to move. They poured out from various dark corners and swarmed in front of the building, but they did not dare to take a step forward because of the sunshine outside.

They could only linger at the exit of the building, waiting for the night to fall. Gu Zhuo could even imagine that scene in his mind.

These monsters stepped on the ground full of flesh and blood, greedily licking every piece of rotten flesh on the ground. If this place has become hell, then they are the messengers sent by hell.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhuo just wanted to leave here quickly.

Sure enough, as Jia Sheng said before, that base has now become a harbor-like existence in his heart. As long as that base remains, it seems to represent security, stability, and hope.

While driving back, Gu Zhuo also discovered that although the mechanic did not tell him the extent of the special area that absorbs metal, when he drove back to the place where the black market was, he found that all the metal materials along the way were actually there. It is absorbed cleanly.

Gu Zhuo speculated that the metal absorption area of ​​the mechanic was at least as large as Qidong City.

This can also explain why he was able to have enough materials to build such a huge mecha in a short period of time.

If the mechanic's metal absorption area is smaller, I'm afraid there won't be enough materials.

When he thought of that mecha, Gu Zhuo couldn't help but feel a sense of security in his heart.

Although the reason for the sudden upgrade of the "Mechanic" is still unknown, no matter what, this time it did save the lives of Gu Zhuo and his party.

He thought about it and decided to give that mecha a suitable name. It might as well be called the Doomsday Mecha.


On the other side, on the armed helicopter, Jia Sheng has been taking care of Xia Ran. Although Xia Ran was not seriously injured, she didn't know when she would wake up.

He poured a glass of water for Xia Ran and put it on the table, thinking that if she woke up and was thirsty, she could drink it directly. In addition, he also found a few painkillers and placed them next to the water glass.

After doing all this, Jia Sheng looked at Xia Ran lying on the bed, but what he was thinking about was Gu Zhuo and Chaoying. He couldn't help but sigh softly:

"I don't know what happened to those two people. Chaoying's condition looks really bad..."

Just as she was worried, Xia Ran suddenly moved slightly on the bed. She raised her hand and touched the bandaged wound on her forehead. She turned her head and saw Jia Sheng sitting beside her.

"you're awake?"

Seeing Xia Ran wake up, Jia Sheng quickly picked up the water glass and walked over.

"Are you thirsty? Do you want some water?"


Xia Ran nodded gently. She felt a little dizzy, her forehead hurt, and there was a numb feeling on the back of her neck.

At this time, when she saw the glass of water handed over by Jia Sheng, she did feel a little thirsty.

She took the water glass from Jia Sheng, put it in front of her mouth, and took a few sips. The cool water slid down her throat and she felt much better.


Xia Ran handed the water glass back.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you want to take some more painkillers?"

"No, am I on your helicopter?"

"Yes, Gu Zhuo asked me to take care of you. He wants to take care of Chao Ying wholeheartedly, and he may not be able to take care of you."

Jia Sheng explained to her.

Hearing this, Xia Ran quickly asked with concern:

"What happened to the two of them, what happened to Chaoying, and the high priest of the Prophet Cult, where is he now? When I took care of Chaoying for Gu Zhuo earlier, before I could realize what happened, I was directly killed I was knocked unconscious and I don’t know anything about what happened next.”

She pushed herself up and sat up from the bed. She asked a little urgently, and the blood on her forehead oozed a little more.

Jia Sheng hurriedly asked her to lie down again:

"Don't worry, you are also a patient who needs care now. I will slowly tell you what happened, but I don't know much. After all, I have been dealing with one of the infected people."

With that said, Jia Sheng told Xia Ran everything he knew in detail.

He heard clearly the previous conversation between Fang Yuqing and Gu Zhuo. He could probably guess what happened.

Fang Yuqing, that scumbag, controlled Chaoying to threaten Gu Zhuo, but then something unexpected happened, his control failed, and Chaoying was hurt. Gu Zhuo also went berserk and modified a super powerful mecha, completely defeating Fang Yuqing.

He didn't know too many details. He only knew that when he rushed over, both Gu Zhuo and Chao Ying were not in good condition. Gu Zhuo was covered in blood, while Chao Ying fell into a coma with high fever.

After listening to Jia Sheng's story, Xia Ran felt heavy.

Although Fang Yuqing's troublesome problem was solved, it sounds like they also suffered heavy losses.

After a while, she continued to ask:

"Then where are we going now? Going back?"

Jia Sheng nodded:

"Yes, go back, go back to our base."

After saying that, Xia Ran stopped making any sound. She lowered her head and looked at the white sheets of the single bed, wondering what she was thinking.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Jia Sheng was worried about her and couldn't help asking, and handed over the glass of water in his hand.

"I'm fine, I'm just thinking about something. I'll tell you when I'm done thinking about it..."

Hearing this, Jia Sheng stopped talking, and the two of them fell into silence.

The Fortress of Doom is still driving, driving back to their base in this empty, dead city.

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