Chaoying has been in a coma for two days. During these two days, Gu Zhuo has been giving her a glucose drip to maintain her body's nutritional needs. He took care of Chaoying every step of the way. Seeing Chaoying lying on the operating bed, looking increasingly thinner, his mood became lower and lower day by day.

Jia Sheng has been comforting him, but everyone knows that when Chaoying will wake up, or even whether he can wake up, is an unanswerable question.

Not only that, in the past two days, Gu Zhuo didn't tell anyone else that Chaoying would raise his right hand and draw a new formula in the air at a fixed time every night.

Gu Zhuo would record those formulas on his mobile phone every night and then write them down on paper. In just a few days, he had already memorized four pieces of paper. He counted nearly three hundred formulas.

For him, these formulas were the only bridge to communicate with Chaoying, but he couldn't understand any of them, and he couldn't decipher any of them.

All he could do was record them and look at them a few times every day, hoping to see something different from them. Even if it ends in failure every time.

It wasn't until the night of the third day that Gu Zhuo put a new bottle of glucose intravenously on Chaoying. After changing, he went out to prepare dinner for Sam.

Sam seems to have really gotten along with the female white wolf. He evens out some of the dog food every day and takes it out of the car to share with the white wolf.

He himself had just had dinner, which Jia Sheng came to deliver.

Jia Sheng and Xia Ran also knew that Gu Zhuo was not in good condition these days. Jia Sheng cooked food on his helicopter every day and sent it over when the time came. He watched Gu Zhuo eat it before going back, leaving Gu Zhuo to continue. Take care of Chaoying.

In his words, no matter what happens, you can't stop eating and your body will collapse. The body is the capital of revolution.

When Chao Ying woke up, Gu Zhuo himself fainted again, and the two became like a pair of fateful mandarin ducks.

Recalling what Jia Sheng had said to him sincerely, he looked down and found that due to his distraction just now, the dog food in Sam's bowl had been spilled out by him.

Stopping what he was doing, Gu Zhuo put away the dog food, touched Sam's furry head, and stood up from the ground.

As soon as he stood up, he heard a slight movement from the infirmary, as if someone was getting up.

Gu Zhuo was shocked:

Now is obviously not the time to draw a formula for Chaoying!

He quickly ignored it and ran to the infirmary.

Running into the infirmary, Gu Zhuo heard it right.

I saw that Chaoying had woken up and was struggling to hold himself up, preparing to remove the glucose drip from his hand.

"Don't move! I'll do it!"

When Gu Zhuo saw this, he was afraid that something would happen to her, so he quickly ran over and held her down. Then, he gently put his hand on Chaoying's hand that was dripping, and carefully pulled out the needle.

In the past few days, in order to take care of Chaoying, he has learned a lot on his own.

He has been practicing for a long time in the past few days.

After the needle was pulled out, the glucose drip was not completely infused and dripped through the needle. Hitting the ground, it made a tiny sound.

"Chaoying, are you awake? How do you feel? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?"

Gu Zhuo asked a series of questions, fearing that Chaoying might have any questions.

However, Chaoying didn't answer. He just gave him a dull look, as if he had never known him before. Then, she got up from the operating bed and walked outside.

Seeing such a glance from her eyes, Gu Zhuo was shocked: the Chao Ying in front of him was not the one he knew!

She must be a "mathematician"!

But no matter who she was, she was still using Chao Ying's body. Gu Zhuo was afraid that something might happen to her, so he followed her closely.

Chaoying walked to the living room and took a pen and many pieces of white paper. Later, she sat in the living room and wrote something on a white paper with a pen.

She didn't turn on the light, and she didn't know how she could see so clearly in the dark.

Gu Zhuo turned on the light. The moment he turned it on, he found that Chao Ying's expression was so focused and serious, as if nothing around her could disturb her. The only thing that existed in the world seemed to be the pen in her hand and the stack of white paper.

Gu Zhuo walked over and saw that what she wrote on the paper was a dense calculation process.

Those numbers, those symbols, those incalculable amounts of calculations, under Chaoying's pen, seem to be alive, constantly jumping and jumping.

Gu Zhuo was stunned.

He remembered an analogy he had seen somewhere before. Someone compared mathematics to music. Numbers and symbols were beating notes, and formulas were beautiful musical scores. When they are all combined, it becomes a wonderful piece of music that best describes the truth of the world.

He had always felt that such a metaphor was inappropriate. How could something as boring as mathematics be compared with music?

However, when he saw the complex but extremely exquisite calculation processes written by Chaoying, the only thing Gu Zhuo could think of at the moment was that these numbers and symbols were the most beautiful music in the world. As for Chaoying, he is the greatest composer who composed this piece of music.

He can't disturb Chaoying, and no one can disturb Chaoying. In order to ensure Chaoying's absolute concentration when calculating, Gu Zhuo drove Sam back to his room.

At this moment, no matter who she is, Gu Zhuo has a vague feeling that these things she is calculating will be important clues to the truth.

Chaoying's pen was like a dragon, and soon, the stack of draft paper was all used up. She became anxious and even wanted to continue the deduction on the table.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo quickly brought a new stack of white paper and handed it to Chao Ying.

Chaoying didn't even raise her head to look at him. She took the white papers and continued to make calculations.

It was as if God was controlling her pen, and her strokes did not stop at all.

Her body seemed to be emitting a faint white holy light, but the holy light only appeared for a few seconds. Gu Zhuo rubbed his eyes and found that the holy light had disappeared. There is only the figure of Chaoying without finishing his writing.

The two of them sat together in tacit understanding. Chaoying ran out of draft paper, so Gu Zhuo handed over a new stack.

It lasted from night to early the next morning, and the white paper in Gu Zhuo's car was almost used up. Chaoying finally completed her calculations.

When she put down the pen in her hand, the black pen that was originally full of ink was completely used up, leaving only an empty white ink tube.

Extra scraps of paper were thrown all over the floor, leaving only the last blank piece of paper in front of Chaoying.

That piece of white paper was not like other draft papers, with a lot of things densely written on it.

There are only one plane circle, one three-dimensional circle, and a few lines of formulas of different lengths drawn on it.

Looking at the white paper, Chaoying sighed.

This was the only sound she made all night.

"What's this?"

Gu Zhuo finally couldn't help but ask.

However, the next second after he finished asking, Chaoying fell directly on the table again. He didn't know whether he fainted or fell asleep.

"Fuck, why are you here again..."

I originally thought that Chaoying would return to normal after finishing the calculation, but she didn't expect that she fell straight on the table again, hitting her head on it with a loud "bang".

Gu Zhuo didn't sleep all night. When he saw this scene, he was almost mentally exhausted. But he had no choice but to help Chaoying up from the table and wanted to take her back to the infirmary to see how she was doing.

Unexpectedly, just a few minutes after he picked up Chaoying, Chaoying opened his eyes again.

"What's going on!? For God's sake, are you kidding me?"

Gu Zhuo cursed in his heart. Before he could ask Chaoying how she felt, she took the initiative to speak:

"Gu Zhuo, why am I here? Why do I feel so tired? How long have I been unconscious?"

When he heard her ask him, Gu Zhuo knew that Chaoying had really woken up this time.

He let out a sigh of relief, feeling that the worries that had been accumulating in his heart for so long were finally relieved.

"You finally woke up. If you don't wake up, I'll be worried to death."

Gu Zhuo spoke to her aggrievedly, but there was no blame or anger in his tone, but only concern and distress.

"I seemed to have had a long, long dream. In the dream, I seemed to be locked in a computer, surrounded by black. Apart from that, there were only a lot of green codes that were constantly changing. Those codes seemed to It was like a living thing, surrounding me, and it wasn’t until just now that these codes were scattered and I woke up.”

Chaoying explained to him while recalling his extremely magical dream. It seemed like another world, and it seemed like a sea of ​​imaginary numbers. In short, no one knows where exactly it is.

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo looked a little serious:

"Maybe you're not dreaming."

"What's the meaning?"

Chaoying asked him.

"Look down and see, these are your masterpieces."

After hearing Gu Zhuo's words, Chao Ying, who was still in his arms, looked down and saw densely packed draft paper covering the floor. Chao Ying recognized the handwriting on it as all her own.

"This is..."

Chaoying was a little confused.

Gu Zhuo frowned, put her back on the sofa, and told her everything that had happened in the past few days in detail.

Including the formulas she drew in mid-air while unconscious, and the calculation scene last night that could be called a miracle.

After listening to the story told by Gu Zhuo, Chaoying himself couldn't believe it.

She lowered her head and looked at the neatly placed piece of draft paper in front of her.

When she saw the three-dimensional circle and the flat circle, her breath froze, and incredible light emitted from her eyes.

When she looked down further and saw those pieces of different lengths, but arranged very neatly, with a formula of extreme symmetrical beauty, she started to tremble all over.

This tremor involves many factors:

Fear, excitement, disbelief...mostly joy.

She raised her face, grabbed the scrap paper, looked at Gu Zhuo, and it took her a long time to stammer out a sentence:

"You are right, this is a miracle."

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