My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

304. Undercurrent surging

It's so bright, who can believe that it's already eight o'clock in the evening.

An hour passed, and still no survivors came.

If he hadn't known that Chen Haidao had no need to deceive them, Gu Zhuo might have given up and left.

Waiting in the Salt Lake Prison, since rejecting Chen Haidao, the three parties have fallen into a strange silence. Chen Haidao didn't stand in the open space all the time. After all, he couldn't last long under such harsh sunlight.

He returned to the prison. It seemed to be a little cooler inside, at least there was something to cover it and the sun couldn't get in.

Wansui glanced at the car's oil dial and saw that the car still had half of the oil left.

"You should bring spare oil drums."

She asked Zuo Qing and the others.

"Bring it."

Zuo Qing answered hurriedly. At the end, he did not forget to add,

"If the oil in the spare oil drum is not enough, I can ask my corpses to find some and bring them back."

"No, there should be enough in the spare oil drum."

Wansui said lightly.

"Okay leader, I understand."

Zuo Qing closed his mouth again.

The corpses he called for have all arrived from a distance. However, under the long-term exposure of the two sets of sun, even the fresh corpses, those that have just died, have rotted away and emitted waves of odor. Stink.

The stench filled the outside of the Salt Lake Prison and lingered in the noses of several prison guards, causing them to cover their noses in disgust.

"Damn it, where are there so many moving corpses!"

The guards couldn't stand the stench of the rotting corpses, so they raised their guns and fired many shots at the corpses.

"Get away from me, this smell really makes you sick."

While they were shooting, trying to drive away the living corpses, they suppressed the feeling of vomiting in their chests.

Zuo Qing heard gunshots, rolled down the window, and saw guards from the Salt Lake Prison, shooting at the corpses he called for.

"Stop! Don't touch my body!"

Zuo Qing shouted to the guards.

His noisy voice attracted the attention of the guards, and they all looked towards him. When they saw that he was from the Prophet's religion, they did not show any awe at all.

One of the bald men sneered and said to Zuo Qing:

"These babies of yours stink to the sky. If you don't shoot them away, we will be stunk to death soon!"

"Hmph, why do you care about my business? Don't hurt my corpses, otherwise, you will be happy!"

Zuo Qing gritted his teeth and threatened them.

"Hey, stupid."

The bald man cursed, thinking of Chen Haidao's warning to them that it was best not to conflict with people from other forces, and that everyone should cooperate first. If there is a conflict and it becomes unpleasant, it will not be good for anyone at that time.

He ignored Zuo Qing, but also asked the other guards to put down their guns:

"Put your guns away, don't fight, find something to cover your nose with, and then talk about it. The boss has told me not to be acquainted with them. If you go against the boss's wishes, you all know the consequences, right?"

After he finished speaking, the other people had no choice but to endure the stench and discomfort, find something to plug their noses, and try their best to forget the smell of corpses.

But those corpses were still scattered around, and the scene was somewhat shocking.

In particular, they were all rotting corpses, which could be said to be even more disgusting than disgusting.

"Damn it, these guys don't understand anything. They don't understand at all that the most loyal and useful people are only dead people."

The guards stopped arguing with Zuo Qing, but Zuo Qing was still cursing, obviously very dissatisfied with the guards.

Huck is typing codes on the side. He has not been idle until now. He is still controlling his cyborgs and robots, looking for the Desert Eye in the desert.

He was taking a chance. If he could find the Desert Eye in advance, he wouldn't have to cooperate with anyone, which would save a lot of trouble.

Zuo Qing kept mumbling and cursing in a low voice, which made him feel irritable.

Finally, he couldn't help but said to Zuo Qing:

"Okay, stop talking. Your corpse does have a disgusting smell. No one can stand it. If I were them, I would be much more rude."

This sentence directly ignited Zuo Qing's anger. Like a dead man, he turned his head and looked at Huck with his eyes hanging, revealing the whites of his eyes:

"What do you mean?"

The two of them have never dealt with each other, and this is actually a matter of fact.

Two people with the same neurosis cannot stay together.

"That's the literal meaning. Your corpses are rotten, smelly, and disgusting, just like you."

Now that Huck had made it clear, he simply scolded him even more harshly.


Zuo Qing immediately became furious. Sensing his anger, the corpses he controlled began to move, and their bodies swayed, as if they were puppets whose strings were pulled.

"Stop it, okay?"

Wan Sui sighed and stopped the two of them.

She sounded helpless, as if she were a teacher coaxing a child.

Many times, she seems to be shouldering this responsibility.

After hearing Wan Sui's words, the two stopped insulting each other, but there was still an atmosphere of tension between them, just like gunpowder, it only took one point to ignite.

The most obvious evidence is that the corpses controlled by Zuo Qing are still shaking, and the shaking frequency is more intense.

There was no other way, Wansui could only change to another tone, another one that had everything under control, a very confident and authoritative tone:

"Are you going to fail at the last step because of your internal conflicts? Are you going to make it obvious in the eyes of others and let them see the jokes of our prophets?

"Even if you don't deal with each other anymore, you have endured each other for so long, aren't you just waiting until the last day, the last moment? You have waited so long for that moment, and now you are even dependent on others, why are you still messing around?"

After saying that, Wan Sui used both hands to gently pat Zuo Qing and Ha Ke on their legs:

"do not let me down."

After hearing Wansui's comfort, the two of them calmed down.

"I see."

Huck lowered his head and continued to fiddle with his code.

Zuo Qing also nodded slightly, and the corpses stopped shaking. It seemed that Wan Sui had indeed comforted them both.

Seeing the two of them immersed in their own world again, Wansui sighed inaudibly.

She always felt uneasy, as if a thousand-weighted thing was caught on a thin line. The thin line was trembling at this moment, and she didn't know when it would break.

There are too many unstable factors and too many things that can cause this thin line to break.

Even the two people around him were like uncontrollable electricity.

She just hoped that this wouldn't come back to bite her.

I must not let myself slip in the last step, at the critical moment.

There was always an unsteady feeling in her heart, as if something was surging under the surface, and there was a feeling that the building was about to collapse, and it was crumbling.

Unlike the situation on Wansui's side, Gu Zhuo didn't feel anything at all.

His thermal imaging display had completely failed.

The damn weather was too hot. The thermal imaging display was all red, indicating that the surrounding area had exceeded the observable temperature range. He didn't know if there were any other forces approaching nearby.

Fortunately, the water and supplies in his car are completely sufficient, and the air conditioner has been turned on until now.

He just took a look and found that the energy reserve in his car was enough to run the air conditioner all day and night for more than half a year.

What's more, the only benefit brought by the two-wheeled sun is that Gu Zhuo's solar charging panel has received the most and most abundant sunlight since its installation.

These sunlights provide crazy energy storage for his doomsday fortress, and he really doesn't have to worry about any energy issues anymore.

So he can wait, as long as it doesn't exceed that time, he can wait.

He knew that there were many people who were more anxious than him. Recently, the people on Chen Haidao's side looked very agitated.

Gu Zhuo speculated that they really had no water reserves.

He just saw with his own eyes that a prison guard fell down under the sun, but no one came to save him or give him water.

After he fell, the other guards turned a blind eye and still stood where they were, letting the fallen man fend for himself.

Of course Gu Zhuo would not sympathize with that person. He just sighed, if this situation continues, how many more people will die?

After all, scorching heat, like freezing cold, is most likely to kill vulnerable humans.

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