My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

336. The God’s Tease

Zuo Qing and Huck were fighting each other. Both of them were on the thin side. When they were crowded into a car and fighting, they accidentally made a lot of noise.

Wansui was stunned for half a second before realizing what happened.

She sighed and pulled the two people apart with her hands:

"Stop fighting, can you be more mature!"

Zuo Qing listened to her words and stepped back a little distance, but Huck was completely crazy and turned a deaf ear to Wansui's words.

He also wanted to rush over and attack Wan Sui and Zuo Qing again. Zuo Qing saw this and hurriedly came to block Wan Sui. He received a solid punch from Huck.

That punch hit him in the face, making one of his eyes black and swollen, as if he had been stung by a bee.

Zuo Qing was beaten so hard that he fell back, his head hit the seat, his vision went dark, and he passed out.

Wansui had no choice but to see Zuo Qing lying on the ground unconscious, and Huck couldn't stop, so he had to take action himself.

She stepped forward and was about to take action.

When Huck saw someone coming, he wanted to punch the old master to death, and waved his fist casually to try to fight off Wan Sui. But Wan Sui moved very quickly and dodged several times. Then, she hit Huck on the back of the neck with a palm.

The palm struck down and knocked Huck unconscious. There was no movement anymore. He and Zuo Qing fell into the car together.

"Tsk, how could this happen?"

After Wansui knocked Huck unconscious, she felt heavy in her heart when she looked at the two men who were still alive and well just now but now fell motionless in front of her.

What's even more pity is that after Huck fainted, he lost control of the cyborgs. The cyborgs stood still, and those who were close were sucked in by the huge suction force of the space crack as usual.

At the same time, the numbers on Hacker's tablet jumped significantly slower. If it was just a bunch of lively and active codes, now, this pile of things is meaningless garbage data.

Nothing can be researched.

"What on earth could turn you into this, Huck?"

Wansui lowered her head and looked at Huck who had fainted on the ground, his expression extremely serious and heavy.

She didn't care about anything else, got out of the car, and shouted to Chaoying a little sullenly:

"What on earth did you let Huck watch? Why did his whole person change after watching it? He was like crazy!"

"It's not my fault, it has nothing to do with me. It's because he is too smart, but at the same time, his mental capacity is too low. He can't accept the reality, so he goes crazy."

Chaoying answered her unhurriedly.

"What reality?"

"I asked him to scroll up to the previous data. Those data that could have been brought into the formula. Now they have all been disrupted and reorganized. It's like a complete deck of poker cards with consecutive numbers that was suddenly shuffled a lot. Every time, all the cards are messed up, and even the corresponding suits are messed up. Similarly, these new numbers cannot be substituted into the formula at all, and the calculation cannot be completed at all.

"If the code that appears later is so confusing because of technical reasons, then what is the reason why the numbers that have been recorded and substituted with formulas become chaotic? If I must think that it is my fault, can I change it? What happened in the past?”

Hearing this, Wansui understood. Huck's expression changed so quickly just now. It turned out that he had encountered something that he couldn't understand at all.

"So, what you are saying is that the space crack data we finally obtained has changed inexplicably. And this kind of change is impossible for humans to do."


Chaoying nodded and continued to explain:

"The man next to you probably thinks that there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved by algorithms, and since he values ​​his code so much, he probably thinks that code is the lowest level of logic that runs our world.

"This logic cannot be destroyed. If it is destroyed, it will prove that all the codes he has researched can be destroyed. For what he believes in and his passionate belief, this is a very scary thing.

"So he couldn't accept it and went crazy."

After Chaoying finished speaking, he added:

"Of course, these are all my guesses. I don't know what kind of person he is, how he views his codes, and whether he regards them as the basic logic of how the world operates. But if I were in his place, I guess I'm probably going crazy."

Hearing what Chaoying said, Wansui sighed helplessly.

Chaoying guessed right, Huck was that kind of person. I regard these codes as more important than my own life, and I feel that having the right to interpret the codes means I have everything.

But now it seems that nothing can be done.

Nothing works.

She thought she would be able to find some useful information, but unexpectedly, the door was slammed shut, making it impossible to enter. There wasn't even a window left.

"Then there's really nothing we can do?"

Wansui continued to ask a little unwillingly.

How she longed to hear a different answer that could give her psychological comfort.

But Chaoying's words severely shattered her dream:

"No, there is no way. We were supposed to find out some useful information, and the formula was obviously in our hands. But later, all the information became chaotic and out of order, and..."

Chaoying was stunned for a moment, and his face turned pale.

"And it's like He didn't want us to know the truth behind it on purpose. At the moment when He was close to the truth, He changed everything. And He wants to change the operation of the world. It's so simple, just like us Changing a sentence on a piece of paper is as easy as moving your index finger.

"It's so simple and casual that it makes me feel that our world is just a drop of water casually shaken off His sleeve."

After Chaoying finished speaking, Wansui gave up completely.

"I know, everything is useless. It's all useless. I still want to create a utopian world that belongs only to myself. It's a joke, a big joke."

Wansui murmured and took a few steps back.

She didn't want to escape reality, she just wanted to be alone for a while.

But they all forgot that Hao Yuanshan was still here.

"So I said, are we completely helpless now? Are we waiting here for our destined death?"

"I don't know, maybe."

Chaoying shrugged and answered him frankly.

Hearing this, Hao Yuanshan didn't move much. He said "hehe", took a rare cigarette out of the bag and put it in his mouth.

He lit the cigarette and started smoking slowly.

"I didn't dare to smoke before. When I was young, I would smoke a little with my friends, but I quit later. Because I wanted to live longer and live until the moment when I can take control of the power. I have been strategizing for so long, but I didn't expect that it would finally come to an end. Shit.

"It's all fucking fake."

Hao Yuanshan said as several of his subordinates followed him.

These subordinates no longer want to figure out what reality is like. They are small people with no ability and no background. After hearing the decadent speeches of the big bosses in front of them, they know that they are destined to die.

The few people were silent, and Wan Sui sat back in the car.

She looked at the tablet that Huck had thrown on the ground. The numbers were beating so slowly because no new cyborgs had been put into it.

Wan Sui looked at it, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt that the numbers could be connected together to form a funny smiling face.

The smiling face was taunting her ferociously at this time, laughing at her arrogance, laughing at her for daring to speculate on Tianli's intentions, laughing at her for being in vain in the end.

They were all fooled.

Being fooled by the superior "god".

Wan Sui didn't know how to call Him, or it would be most appropriate to call "Him" God.

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