"He kept attacking all the way up. Under the gaze of everyone, the guy finally reached the top of Arasaka Tower. The top of Arasaka Tower is the closest to Paradise Island and is also a place that is out of reach for civilians in this life. "

Old Jack said, his eyes were deep and faint, with a dark and unclear emotion.

"He finally climbed to the top with his weapons, including these two Night Owls. He also brought with him an extremely smart brain and a beating heart that wanted to overthrow the rule of the corporate leaders on Paradise Island.

"It's a pity that he failed."

At this point, Old Jack stopped and did not speak again.

"Failed? What happened?"

Gu Zhuo asked him.

Old Jack didn't speak, just squinted his eyes.

Gu Zhuo thought of what V told him about the most powerful secret weapon belonging to Arasaka Tower, the meteor.

He then asked:

"Could it be that secret weapon called the meteor that ended him?"


Old Jack denied Gu Zhuo's words.

He put the pipe into his mouth and took a drag. Thick smoke came out of his mouth and stuck to his beard, with some gray debris.

"V told you about the meteorite, right? Boy, let me tell you, that guy didn't lose to anyone at all. He is very strong, to an absurd degree. He can be said to be the most awesome person in human history.b A genius, his adaptability to machinery is even higher than that of bionic humans.

“There is no one in this world that he cannot defeat, no one at all, not even those guys on Paradise Island.

“But he lost to himself.

"No one knows what happened at the top of Arasaka Tower, or what he encountered. In short, he gave up resisting Paradise Island. He was accepted by Paradise Island and became a member of Arasaka Tower.

"He raised his butcher knife high towards the rebels he led. He almost killed all the rebels, only a few managed to escape with their lives and escaped from Arasaka Tower. He went from hero to traitor all of a sudden.

“Since then, he has no name of his own, only the title belonging to Arasaka Tower Weapon.

"That title is called Meteor."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo was very surprised:

"You mean, Night Owl's original owner was Meteor? That's the secret weapon we're going to face?"


Old Jack nodded,

"So, boy, let me advise you to change your weapon. Night Owl is not something that can be used casually. It is very powerful, but while it is powerful, it must also require the user to have an extremely high level of prosthetic body. The degree of transformation, otherwise it will not be able to exert its full strength.

"But it is a pity that the extremely high degree of prosthetic transformation required by Night Owl is not something that ordinary people, or even geniuses, can bear. The only person who can really say that he can bear it is Yue Xing.

"Taking a step back, even if you can withstand this kind of pressure, can you really use Night Owl to deal with its original owner?"

Old Jack's words sounded serious, as if he was determined to get Gu Zhuo to give up this weapon.

But what he didn't expect was that Gu Zhuo still didn't back down and insisted on using this weapon:

"No, that's what I need."

Hearing Gu Zhuo's insistent request, Old Jack sighed and his eyes became sharp. Coupled with his already burly figure, he really looked sinister at this moment.

"You don't understand anything at all. You haven't even accepted the most basic prosthetic transformation. You are wearing an outdated exoskeleton armor, but you want to use this kind of weapon with great side effects. You are simply dreaming! How could V find A young boy like you is wasting my time!?"

Hearing Old Jack's accusatory words, Gu Zhuo was neither angry nor angry. He said to Old Jack:

"Why do we have to undergo prosthetic transformation to be able to use Night Owl?"

"Don't you even have this bit of common sense? I'm really becoming more and more impatient with you."

Old Jack obviously didn't want to answer his question.

But Elsa coughed next to her and glanced at Old Jack:

"Old Jack, tell him. Maybe after the conversation, you will change your mind. After all, this is a person that V likes very much. There must be something different from ordinary people."

Hearing Elsa say this, Old Jack spread his shoulders as if resigned to his fate, with his hands up, looking helpless:

"Okay, as a craftsman, I also have to be a common sense teacher for rookies. V is really good at saving resources and maximizing the use of talents."

After Old Jack finished complaining, he looked at Gu Zhuo and began to answer his questions:

"I don't know what your personal physique is, but if you want to wear better combat armor, you must undergo physical enhancement and prosthetic transformation. Only in this way can you bear the combat weight of the armor. Otherwise, you are like a three-year-old child, looking at a large knife several meters long in front of you, and being unable to do anything because of your weak physical strength.

"The exoskeleton armor you are wearing is the oldest style. It may not require much muscle strength or prosthetic modifications to control it. However, if you want to wear stronger armor, you must The prosthetic body has been modified.

"The same applies to weapons like Night Owl."

As Old Jack said, he pulled out the drawings of Night Owl, projected them in front of the three of them, and continued:

"As you have seen yourself, Night Owl has no handle, because it is not an ordinary knife at all. The original intention of its creation was to be used as a simple, sharp killing machine like the two forelimbs of a mantis. .

“So it is installed directly inside the human arm, and when needed, it will break through the human arm and extend out.

"To achieve that effect, if you don't carry out prosthetic transformation and install two thick and large enough mechanical arms, how can you equip it? Do you expect it to directly break through your flesh and blood and remove your body?" Are both hands useless?"

Old Jack made it very clear.

But Gu Zhuo almost blurted out and asked him:

"Then what if I put Night Owl in the arm of my mechanical armor? Wouldn't it achieve the same effect?"

Hearing this, Old Jack stroked his forehead and determined that the person in front of him was undoubtedly a rookie:

"Did you listen to me carefully just now? Even if you want to install Night Owl into mechanical armor, you still need strong enough physical strength to control the armor, and you still need to undergo prosthetic transformation.

“Furthermore, the special programming of Night Owl can only exert its full power if it is directly controlled by your brain, just like a mantis and its two forelimbs, becoming a part of your body.

"Otherwise, it can only be regarded as an ordinary, more powerful weapon."

Old Jack tried his best to explain clearly, but he was already a little impatient.

Gu Zhuo was silent for a moment and continued to ask:

"Wait a minute, I have another question. If I am wearing nano-armor, the weight of the nano-armor does not require physical enhancement and prosthetic transformation, right? It only requires the normal physical strength of an adult to afford it. .

"And I have a special program. Even if Night Owl is installed in the armored arm of the nano-armor, instead of being installed in my body, it can still directly connect to my brain. So, can it exert its full power? This Is the idea feasible?"

Hearing Gu Zhuo's question, Old Jack glanced at him suspiciously:

"Abandoning any difficult factors and looking at theory alone, this idea is indeed feasible."

After he finished speaking, he shook his head firmly:

"However, the weight of nano-armor is indeed light, but nano-armor is more focused on three-dimensional defense, rather than being able to do both defense and offense like alloy or mechanical armor.

"The situation you are thinking of is absolutely impossible to succeed, because the core of nanotechnology is to be close to the body to achieve all-round defense. If you want to add any weapons to the nano armor, it will completely destroy the nano armor. The advantage is that it is not as practical as directly using mechanical armor.

“Furthermore, nano armor is something only worn by the rich’s exclusive military, and has little relevance to ordinary people.

"Boy, you're not going to tell me that the suit you're wearing is nano-armor, right?"

Seeing the doubtful look on Old Jack's face, Gu Zhuo answered him frankly:

"That's right, I'm wearing nano armor."

"No way, kid, you're kidding."

Hearing Gu Zhuo's answer, Old Jack smiled instead of angry, a little helpless, as if he was talking to a child who didn't understand anything,

"As the best craftsman in the world, I have actually seen nano armor. I can tell you clearly that it is definitely not what you are wearing! Boy, if you really want to make a joke about this kind of thing, It’s not funny and it just makes you look stupid.”

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo still asked Old Jack calmly:

"Then how can we confirm what I said and make you believe that what I am wearing is really nano armor."

Hearing Gu Zhuo's confident tone, Old Jack felt a little stir in his heart:

Could it be that this kid is really wearing nano armor?

Quickly, he dismissed his thoughts:

Impossible, if nano armor could be made like this, it would be as thick and thick as mechanical armor and look so textured. That must be the ideal situation, with no material loss and no unnecessary polishing steps.

But this situation, as well as this manufacturing method, even Old Jack thought it was a fantasy, and he didn't believe that anyone else in the world could make such armor.

To put it another way, if it really existed, then he would already be wearing a pair of armor like this, and there would be no need to ask him to forge weapons.

Old Jack guessed that this naive boy must have been deceived by some second-rate craftsman, and really thought he was wearing a set of nano armor.

"I have a way to verify whether what you said is true, but this is not necessary, because it must be impossible."

Old Jack, who had figured it out, also answered Gu Zhuo calmly.

"So be it,"

Gu Zhuo suddenly thought of an idea,

"You come to verify whether what I say is true. If what I am wearing is really nano armor, then give me a chance to use Night Owl.

"If what I said is false, then I will never mention the Night Owl again, I only want the Achilles."

Hearing this, Old Jack felt that the boy in front of him was so innocent that he dared to challenge him with such a thing.

If that's the case, then he should let this kid wake up from his simple dream.

"Okay, then I suggest you prepare in advance and hold Achilles' sword handle."

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