My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

383.Assemble Night Owl

For the past few days, Gu Zhuo has been living in the truck. He eats on it and sleeps on it. This kind of life does not make him feel uncomfortable at all.

Except for the first day, Old Jack never came back.

With the help of the mechanic and V, Gu Zhuo finally got his wish and installed a remote gravity projection device on his armor. However, due to hardware limitations, the gravity device was still not built.

But in addition to the remote gravity projection device, to his surprise, Gu Zhuo also obtained a blueprint of a spinal acceleration device from V.

Using that drawing, he used a machinist to build a spinal acceleration device and installed it on the spine line behind the mecha. As long as that device is activated, Gu Zhuo's speed can be dozens of times faster. More importantly, other people's speed will be much slower in his eyes.

Compared with before, Gu Zhuo's strength now has reached a higher level and reached a higher realm.

He also asked V in the past few days how the research on those mutated monsters was going. V sent the report. When he saw the reports with pictures and texts, Gu Zhuo felt very complicated, even very bad.

The report showed that there was no sign of the monster's mutation at all. Not only was there no warning, the monster's DNA after the mutation was completely different from human DNA.

Even between humans and bananas, the genetic similarity between them is as high as 60%. But even these monsters transformed from humans have no genetic similarity to humans.

This is simply an appalling thing.

What bothers Gu Zhuo the most is that according to V's research, there is no way for these monsters to change back to their former human appearance. Their genes have been altered beyond recognition, and even with the level of technology in modern society, they cannot be saved.

Maybe the old guys on Paradise Island will find a way, but if those old guys discover the existence of these monsters, God knows what more terrifying things they will do.

Therefore, in order to take care of Gu Zhuo's emotions, V specifically asked him how to deal with these monsters.

Either eliminate it directly or continue to observe it in the laboratory.

Gu Zhuo thought for a long time and finally decided to eliminate all these monsters.

After all, they can't change back at all. Instead of letting them stay in this world and cause new troubles - after all, they will soon attack the Arasaka Tower, and there will be no time to take care of these monsters - It would be better to eliminate them all completely without leaving any residue.

V respected his opinion and said that all these monsters would be destroyed.

And Old Jack's Night Owl was delivered by him personally after these three days.

It was the morning of the fourth day when Old Jack and Night Owl knocked on Gu Zhuomen.

At that time, Gu Zhuo was sitting in the truck eating his breakfast.

His recent food was provided by V, who was afraid that he wouldn't be able to get used to the instant cheese jerky that people in this world often eat. That kind of dry cheese tastes like sand, dry and astringent, but it contains all the nutrients that people need.

V prepared the most retro and classic breakfast for him, including fried eggs, milk, and two fried ham sausages. Generally these foods are used by retired rich people to enjoy their lives.

When Old Jack knocked heavily on the door, Gu Zhuo drank all the milk in the cup. He simply cleared the table and went to open the door for Old Jack.

I saw old Jack, he still had the pipe in his mouth, puffing away smoke, and said to Gu Zhuo:

"Boy, I've already made the night owl you want."

As he spoke, he lifted up a large object tightly wrapped in white cloth in his hand.

"come in."

Gu Zhuo opened the door and let Old Jack into the house.

The two of them ran straight into the yard as they did the first time.

As soon as he entered the yard and saw the truck that had been modified by Gu Zhuo, Old Jack was shocked and speechless.

He held the things in his arms, circled the truck a few times, and praised:

"K, in just three days, you changed this car into this?"

"Well, it can be changed."

Gu Zhuo replied.

"Damn it, this is more than possible! Now I even suspect that the nano armor you are wearing was made by you yourself. Why are you so awesome? It's too strong."

Old Jack said and looked at Gu Zhuo again.

Gu Zhuo was wearing casual clothes without changing into a war machine. Seeing that Old Jack was suspicious of him, he didn't want to expose his ability as a mechanic, so he hit him:

"No way, I'm not that powerful, I just have strong hands-on skills."

"This is no longer just about being able to do things!"

Hearing this, Old Jack was ashamed.

"Never mind this, show me the Night Owl you made."

Gu Zhuo changed the topic.

Hearing Gu Zhuo mention Night Owl, Old Jack remembered the business of coming here today.

He took a puff of cigarette, shook his hands, and took off the white cloth on the objects in his arms.

As soon as the white cloth was taken off, Gu Zhuo saw the true appearance of the night owl.

Night Owl's body is black and red, and the silver, shimmering blade is covered with red mechanical armor. The mechanical hard armor protects the weak sides of the blade bit by bit, so when viewed from the side, the sword appears to be particularly thick.

But looking at the blade of Night Owl, it is extremely sharp, like a very thin thread, which can cut people's blood and put their throats invisibly.

At the bottom of the Night Owl, there is a hilt curved. The handle of the knife is made of black mechanical armor with some strange patterns engraved on it, making the whole weapon weird and beautiful. As expected, Gu Zhuo fell in love with it at first sight.

The two Night Owls are each one meter and three meters long, but if you include the curved handles, the length reaches an astonishing two meters. This length is enough for Night Owl to deal with various enemies at long range or close range.

Old Jack threw the white cloth on the ground, carefully handed the two Night Owls in front of Gu Zhuo, and said to him:

"Boy, take out the nano armor on your body, and I'll put these two Night Owls on you."

After hearing Old Jack's words, Gu Zhuo pressed the watch on his wrist and immediately covered his whole body with the nano armor.

Seeing Gu Zhuo's nano armor covering his whole body so quickly, Old Jack raised his eyebrows but didn't say much.

He walked up to Gu Zhuo, held up a night owl in one hand, and then asked Gu Zhuo to stretch out his arms.

After Gu Zhuo stretched out his arms, Old Jack held up two Night Owls, pointed them at the places he had measured before, and pressed them directly.

What is surprising is that after pressing down directly, the two Night Owls actively connected with Gu Zhuo's arms. The mechanical hard armor at the bottom of the knife handle was like a fine spider thread, wrapped around Gu Zhuo's arm, and Old Jack pressed down hard.

The pipe in his mouth trembled moment by moment, and he said while moving his hands:

"Boy, just thank the person who made you this nano armor. Otherwise, if you want to wear Night Owl on your body, you have to see if your body is suitable for it. If it doesn't suit, just wear it directly. If you add additional equipment, you may end up dead, and the death will be ugly.”

After listening to Old Jack's words, Gu Zhuo looked at the two night owl handles on his arms that were merging with his arm armor, and asked:

"Why do you still emphasize adaptability? I thought all machines could be installed directly on the human body. I see that your mechanical prosthetics have a high degree of modification."

"That's different, damn, don't you know this?"

"have no idea."

Gu Zhuo's reaction was very sincere.

"Damn it, you kid, why don't you even have any common sense? You couldn't have come through time, right?"

Old Jack's words made Gu Zhuo slightly startled, but he didn't show it so obviously that Old Jack noticed his abnormality.

Old Jack just said it casually, and naturally he didn't expect that much.

Gu Zhuo coughed and asked:

"Tell me, why do you need to pay attention to adaptability, otherwise you will pay the price with your life?"

"Because the human body can accept a limited degree of prosthetic modification. It's not like you think, you can change as much as you want. If that were the case, wouldn't it be great if people all replaced their body parts with mechanical prostheses? ?

"What's the saying? Oh, I think about it. Flesh and flesh are weak, and machines can ascend. If it were so convenient, everyone would have ascended long ago. Count each one of them, and I, old Jack, would have ascended long ago! Who else? Become a blacksmith!"

After hearing Old Jack's words and feeling the heavier and heavier weight on his arm armor, Gu Zhuo knew that the two Night Owls would soon be successfully installed.

"If it exceeds the level of human body prosthetic transformation, will you die directly?"

Gu Zhuo asked.


At this time, Old Jack let go of his hands and kept staring at the two Night Owls on Gu Zhuo's armplates. They unexpectedly did not fall down and still maintained the same state as when Old Jack was fixed.

"You won't necessarily die, but you will go crazy.

"K, the human brain has its limits. The metal ions brought by the prosthetic transformation will corrode your brain. A certain amount is acceptable, but if it is installed or used without restraint, then your brain will become like Like an old woman riddled with holes, she allowed those toxic metal ions to come in and out.

"You know what I mean, right?

"You don't want to experience that feeling. The last user of Night Owl was a person who thought he tolerated it very well. That guy was filled with various modified prosthetics. What was the result?"

Old Jack was halfway through his words, took a step back, looked at Gu Zhuo, and then nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Very good, it has been successfully assembled."

"How is the last user you just talked about?"

Gu Zhuo asked.

"He went crazy, and then, boom! My brain exploded like a firework, and blood and flesh splattered all over my face. Believe me, you never want to encounter that scene."

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