The successful intrusion of brain-computer hackers undoubtedly sounded the clarion call for the launch of the raid. At that moment, everyone rushed out without delay.

Gu Zhuo got into the car and wanted to ask Old Jack if they wanted to ride in his car so that he could lead them in a frontal attack. But Old Jack and the others rejected Gu Zhuo's proposal, prepared their weapons, and swarmed out.

The people led by V are in the completely opposite direction.

Seeing that Old Jack and the others rejected his proposal, Gu Zhuo didn't force it. After all, it would be a bit troublesome if everyone was in the car.

Gu Zhuo waited until all the people who had been assigned tasks were almost done, then got into the truck and drove out together with Old Jack's team.

As soon as they drove outside, sure enough, they saw the originally shining Arasaka Tower outside, like a lighthouse that would never go out on the sea. Its light gradually dimmed.

First, the lights at the bottom began to go out, and then they went up one level at a time. After just half a minute, only the lights at the top of Arasaka Tower were still weakly on. Set against the dark yellow clouds in the clouds, it looks particularly lonely and terrifying.

It seems to be covered with a dark shadow of the end of the world, and it seems particularly cold now.

Gu Zhuo saw the dimmed Arasaka Tower.

This tower, which used to be like a spiritual symbol, now looks like a lonely giant in the shadow of the night. Now it's time to send this giant to the end of the twilight.

Gu Zhuo stepped on the accelerator and followed closely behind Old Jack and others.

At this moment, several security guards guarding the main entrance of Arasaka Tower had already noticed something was wrong. They immediately gathered together and formed a one-line formation to guard the main entrance.

While they were guarding, the people inside Arasaka Tower were also asking the military for urgent help.

But surprisingly, the anti-hacker intrusion system they had been proud of in the past seemed to have failed. No matter which channel he dialed or which signal he changed, he could not contact the military at all.

"There's a hacker! There's a hacker!"

Technical staff inside Arasaka Tower sounded the first level alarm.

At this time, the top management of Arasaka Tower has not left yet. They usually work overtime at the middle and upper levels until late. It is said that they work overtime, but in fact, almost all the middle and upper levels are places for people to rest and have fun. They are just here to supervise whether the employees under them are doing their jobs properly, and to burn their humble lives for the benefit of the boss.

Now, upon hearing the news that Arasaka Tower's system had been hacked and unable to seek help from the military, these senior officials did not show any particular panic.

One of them, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties or forties, but whose hair was all gray, said to the technicians who had raised the first-level alarm and came to seek assistance:

"Don't be afraid. Just try to solve the hacker's intrusion as soon as possible. Arasaka Tower is not that easy to break into, even if its internal system is invaded."

After hearing his words, the technician looked up at the middle-aged man tremblingly and said:

"Boss, the hackers' intrusion methods are very simple and brutal. We all suspect that they may have used brain-computer intrusion! If it is really a brain-computer intrusion, then they must be well prepared. This is completely premeditated. Terrorist action! We absolutely cannot take these fanatics lightly!"

"I told you, don't worry. In addition to being protected by the military, Arasaka Tower also contains many hidden weapons. We have a security system directly under Paradise Island, and besides, we have that adult protecting us."

"However, it will take at least half an hour for the security system to cover and control all systems in Arasaka Tower. In this half hour..."

Before the technician finished speaking, the middle-aged man was obviously impatient.

He waved his hand, almost driving him out:

"I said, don't be afraid. Can't we defend a huge Arasaka Tower for even half an hour? And if you can't solve the hacker intrusion problem within half an hour, I have to think about it carefully. Stop raising you bunch of useless idiots."

Hearing the middle-aged man's slightly sarcastic words, the technician was stunned for a moment. He looked up again and saw everyone around him looking at him with contempt.

There was indescribable disdain and ridicule in his eyes, as if he was just a sensational joke. It makes you laugh.

The technician immediately lowered his head again, the panic and fear just now were suppressed by shame. He finally nodded, like a embarrassed dog with its tail between its legs, and said in a low voice:

"Yes, boss, I understand, and I will pass on what you mean."

After he finished speaking, he backed out of the room where the middle-aged man was.

As soon as he exited, the middle-aged man let out a contemptuous "hum" from his nose.

"What's the use of raising these straw bags? A bunch of rice worms, raising them will only make the rice more expensive!"

His name is Jesse, and he is one of the bosses of this company. Compared with the big bosses behind him, although his power is not as good as theirs, he is still one of the best in the company. I don't know how many young people covet his position and want to take his place. Therefore, facing this unknown raid, he had to appear calmer and stabilize his absolute position.

"Boss, I have already said that all these people should be laid off and replaced with intelligent machines. At least those intelligent machines only need instructions, they will not use their brains blindly, talk nonsense because they think they are smart, and they will not resist. us."

A man next to Jesse spoke. The man looked younger than him, but his eyes revealed a kind of exquisite cunning, and there was an unpleasant smile on his face.

All in all, he looked very unpleasant.

Hearing his words, Jesse waved his hand and replied:

"Intelligent machines need to be maintained, but these humans don't need to be maintained. Just throw them away after they are worn out. They are not worth anything. Although they are sometimes stupid and think they are smart, the cost of acquiring them is lower than that of intelligent machines. a lot."

Hearing this, the man with an unkind expression shrugged his shoulders, seemingly noncommittal to Jesse's words.

Seeing this, Jesse continued what he had just said.

"Everyone, please be patient. In fact, this terrorist action also has its benefits."

"What's the benefit?"

another person asked.

“We have people disposing of some of the rice bugs for us so we don’t have to lay off workers ourselves.

"We just need to sit here and wait, waiting for those guys to attack. They will never be able to attack our upper floors, and the only ones who will die will be those on the lower floors of Arasaka Tower. Their death will also save us a lot of work. Without the expense and resources, we won’t be able to get anywhere.”

Jesse's words made everyone around him murmur, and another person raised objections:

"Some projects are already halfway through progress. If something happens to the project leader, it wouldn't be worth it. At least all their value should be consumed and then thrown away."

Hearing the objection, Jesse had a sneer on his lips and said in a cold tone:

"Don't worry, I have already asked them to make a memory backup of all the parts about the project process and store them in the company's main computer. Even if they all die, the newcomers below will have the memory fragments and can take over quickly. Their work. Human beings, this extremely cheap resource is everywhere, and we will not be short of it."

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