"What about V? What do you want to say, and what do you know?"

Gu Zhuo heard that Yue Xing took the initiative to mention V to him, so he quickly asked him.

"V has been lying to you all this time. You, including your dead companions, and the bionic robot that has always been with him, have all been deceived by him."

"What do you mean?"

"He told you that there is a connection between him and Xuesui. He also told you that Xuesui is his supporter behind the scenes, providing him with manpower, financial resources, and various weapons."

"Yes, so what?"

As soon as Gu Zhuo finished asking this question, several new images flashed in front of him.

In these images, Gu Zhuo saw a face that he was very familiar with. That face is enchanting and beautiful, just like the singer who danced in the palace in the past. It can be described as a disaster for the country and the people.

That was Xuesui, also known as Wansui, the founder of the Prophetic Cult as Gu Zhuo knew it.

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Next to her, there was a lot of information about her, all listed in detail by Yuexing.

"This woman, I know everything she does. She thought she could hide it from others and do it seamlessly, but she was wrong. In this era, there are invisible eyes and ears everywhere, and nothing is perfect anywhere. safety.

"She thought her anti-surveillance system was very good, but she didn't know that all companies in the world, all company founders, and their heirs are under my control and surveillance.

"I know their ideas clearly, every step they will take, which company they will annex, and which company they will form an alliance with. Do you think that under such circumstances, Xuesui might hide her thoughts from me? ?

"What's more, she is already a key target of attention with a criminal record. Her father is an extreme religious fanatic, and she is no worse."

What Yue Xing said was absolutely correct, at least it was similar to the information Gu Zhuo learned. He couldn't help but ask:

"So, what does this information about Xuesui have to do with V?"

"They are the same people."

Yue Xing said, changing the image in front of Gu Zhuo to a new one.

Gu Zhuo saw V's information and Xuesui's information put together.

The original text comes from Yuta\u0026Read Novel~\u0026

V's life is no different from what he told himself. The talented boy from the underground city relied on his own ability to climb to the highest company in the world step by step, and gained wealth and status that he could not have in the theater industry in his life. .

He did not lose himself in wealth and status, but wanted to rebel against the entire world and overthrow the current dark society.

It’s a whole Dragon Quest royal story without any problems.

"V didn't lie to me. There is nothing wrong with what you showed me."

Gu Zhuo said.

"No. You only see the surface, and I know everything. I know what the truth is."

"So, you tell me what the truth is."

Gu Zhuo was a little impatient.

"V and Yukiho, they both want to change the world. Because they hate this world, Yukiho hopes to break the rules of the entire society and destroy everyone who disagrees with her, thereby creating a new one that plays by her rules. world to come.

"But V, he just very simply hopes that this world will be destroyed. All people, all living things, everything, all will die. Let the earth return to its most primitive form, and rely on the power of nature to derive the next batch of species.

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"Both of them are such extreme people that they can come together. Boy, you must have passed the outer ring of the world on your way here, right? You must have wondered why the outer ring of the world is so noisy and noisy, even Were people from the military dispatched?"

After hearing Yue Xing's question, Gu Zhuo thought about it carefully.

He thought of Cat explaining to himself that it was V that cut off the energy supply there, which was why there was such a large-scale commotion and chaos. He didn't think much about it.

Now that Yue Xing asked about it, he felt that there was something fishy in this and asked further:

"What do you mean by this nonsense? Just say it clearly. Don't be a riddler here."

"The meaning is very simple. It was not a simple chaos at all, but a targeted, small-scale human eradication campaign."

"Human cleansing campaign?"

"Yes. He released a group of monsters into the outer ring of the world, allowing those monsters to slaughter ordinary people and use them as food for the monsters. In this way, some of the military can also be restrained and let them focus here. Not Arasaka Tower, which is so far away from the scene of the incident.”

Yuexing said, and Gu Zhuo saw the scene at that time unfolding in front of him.

On a brightly lit street, all the lights dimmed in an instant.

After the darkness subsided, several dark monsters with extremely ugly faces quickly ran out from the shadows of the city.

They were bigger, stronger, and more ferocious than when Gu Zhuo first saw them.

This image looked like a bloody horror R-rated movie, but Gu Zhuo was very familiar with those monsters, so he knew that this was definitely not a fake movie.

Gu Zhuo couldn't bear to look at the next scene, so he turned his face.

"As you can see, it is clear who is lying to you. You think he is a warrior who pursues fairness and seeks welfare for the people, but he is actually just a poor conspirator, swinging his sickle at the people at the bottom. to achieve his own purpose.

"Are you still willing to call such a person your leader?"


Gu Zhuo was silent.

He didn't speak, and he didn't know what to say.

He clearly recognized the monsters in the image.

V clearly told himself that they had all been wiped out, and he also told himself that these monsters would not pose any threat to current people.

But the pictures that Meteor is showing him now are all proving a naked reality:

V really lied to himself.

He clearly remembered that V told him that night that even if they succeeded, he would not leave the world and the people to the heretic Yuki Sui to rule. What he said at that time was so sincere that Gu Zhuo thought that he was really fighting for everyone's happiness.

Unexpectedly, he just kept hating the world and hating everyone equally.

Poor old Jack, he is the real warrior who persisted until the end and thought he was liberating the world.

"V also extracted a virus from the bodies of those monsters. Now, those viruses have spread first in the world of the dungeon. Soon, everyone in the dungeon will turn into monsters, and they will swarm into the world. Fight and fight with the people in the world until they both die together, until everything goes according to his plan.

"And you are the final link."

"Am I the last link?"

"Yes, he believes in you. He installed the original virus matrix on the memory chip he gave you. When you follow the method in the memory chip he gave you and invaded the terminal leading to Paradise Island, the virus will It will spread to the whole world, including Paradise Island.

"Everyone will be infected with this virus. At that time, there will only be beasts on the earth that keep eating each other. There will no longer be such creatures as humans, and there will no longer be any evil or beauty. .

"In the end, the group of eating beasts will die in droves, and the earth will return to silence and become desolate. Plants and flowers will grow again on the scorched land, and the dry riverbed will once again overflow with rain. Everything is as it was when our ancestors were born.

"This is the world V wants to see."

After listening to Yue Xing's words, Gu Zhuo was silent for a long time.

Meteor stayed silent with him, as if waiting for him to speak first.

"Why are you telling me this? Do you also want to use me?"

Gu Zhuo asked calmly.

There were too many reversals at once, and he suddenly fell into a strange state of mind.

"I think."

Meteor replied.

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"What are you using me for?"

"Before I tell you, you might be able to ask some more questions you want to know. I will answer you very honestly so that you don't end up feeling deceived by me."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo asked without hesitation:

"I want to know, can the machine at the top of Arasaka Tower that V mentioned really be able to open the time rift?"

"Yes. It's true. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

After Gu Zhuo asked this question, he felt that nothing else mattered.

Sure enough, he is still not suitable to participate in these things. His current wish is very simple, which is to open the time rift, return to his own time, find Chaoying, find Sam, and then stay with them whether they live or die. .

As for the rest, where the world in this timeline goes has little to do with him.

However, to be on the safe side, Gu Zhuo still asked:

"Then why are you telling me these things? You can obviously just come up and deal with me - if you really have the strength."

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"Because V and I are different, V may not even think about it until he dies. I, Qiuxing, am the real revolutionary from beginning to end.

"I just waited too long."

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