My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

419. Great disparity in body shape

Kou Kou five six ③ ⑦ four three Lu Qi Wu

It turns out that all the changes I felt just now were due to the continuous reorganization and modification of Arasaka Tower.

The current Arasaka Tower is no longer a lifeless building.

It completely changed.

It has a pitch-black armor shell, and the armor shell is covered with a shiny mirror-like substance. Due to the existence of the mirror, the moonlight, which is as light as water, is reflected, making the entire mecha look sparkling, like the surface of a lake under a moonlit night.

It has four thick mechanical arms, waving with a strange and ferocious power and beauty.

Behind it, there is also something like a pair of wings.

It's just that the wings, like the Titan itself, are black and have spikes, just like the wings of the dragon in the movie.

At the top of it, close to the clouds and shrouded in dark clouds and smoke, is a square mechanical head.

At the top of the mechanical head, a burst of red light was flashing.

Gu Zhuo deduced that that was where the meteorite was, which was his target.

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This mecha composed of Arasaka Tower completely resembles a god.

It is so tall that one can hardly see its top. It stands in the clouds, arrogant among the others. As long as it lifts its foot, it can trample a tall building and crush everything that exists.

At this moment, it was bathed in the moonlight above, and everyone was afraid of it from the bottom of their hearts, feeling a sense of unreasonable fear.

In this era, this Titan represents the most terrifying state that technology can develop to, and represents the highest peak of technology. It is completely the new god of technology in the new era. No one will question it, and no one dares to question it.

"Oh my god, what on earth is this..."

"Has Arasaka Tower's technology reached this level?"

"No, that can't be the world's technology, nor can it be developed by Arasaka Tower alone. It must be the work of Paradise Island! It must be done by people from Paradise Island! Absolutely, absolutely, only Paradise Only those people on the island can create such a terrifying guy!"

"The people on Paradise Island are too scary! Who dares to resist them? How could anyone dare to resist them? It's so boring..."

Such noises kept coming from the crowd, and they were extremely frightened.

When I'm scared, I can only subconsciously worship this absolute pinnacle of technology.

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Compared with Titan, Gu Zhuo's mecha is much smaller.

It is not even half as tall as Titan. Standing next to it, it looks like a shrunken toy, and naturally it does not look as intimidating and shocking as it does.

But Gu Zhuo didn't feel scared or unsure.

He just raised his head and glanced at the Titan bathed in the moonlight.

He knew that his goal was to defeat it, blow up this Titan, and pass the so-called trial according to the meteor.

Then go up to the highest place, turn on the machine, enter the gap in time, and regain everything you have lost.

After he sat in the cockpit of the mecha, he decided to name it after its previous name: Doomsday Mecha.

Surprisingly, Titan moved first

It raised its feet and turned around. It was originally facing Gu Zhuo sideways, but now it was facing him head-on.

From the front, Titan is more full of divinity and shock.

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But its actions caused disasters for ordinary people.

When its feet came down, it crushed countless people who had no time to escape and had no idea of ​​​​escape. They were just like this, swarmed like ants, being trampled to pieces and turned into pulp.

Their bones were like sticky mud at the Titan's feet, blood and flesh mixed together, forming lumps and lumps of paste.

But God doesn't care.

No matter how many ordinary people die, it doesn't care. All it cares about is whether its goal is achieved.

It turned around and faced the Doomsday Mecha.

Gu Zhuo tried to use the mechanic's ability to dismantle all the Titans.

But what he didn't expect was that the mechanic's ability was ineffective against Titan.

Titan has no tendency to be manipulated by mechanics at all. On the contrary, it is still solid, perfect, and goes straight to its goal.

From its shoulder, something like a turret protruded.

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However, no firepower was fired from the turret's barrel. It just started to rotate and kept rotating.

As the barrel on the turret continued to rotate, Gu Zhuo found that all the heavy firepower weapons on his doomsday mecha had lost their effect.

Not only heavy firepower weapons, but also sonic weapons and miscellaneous things. All the things that Old Jack recommended him to install have lost their effect!

If the entire Doomsday Mecha itself was not directly controlled by a mechanic, I am afraid that this mecha would have lost its mobility and become a pile of useless scrap metal.

At this moment, both of Titan's right hands were clenched into fists and he swung down heavily towards the doomsday mecha.

This movement is very fast and the sound is very loud. Behind its two right hands are propelled by jets. Therefore, if it is hit by these two punches, the doomsday mecha is so much smaller than it, it will definitely be choked. .

Unexpectedly, the bigger the thing is and the more technological it is, the more ancient the fighting method becomes.

Gu Zhuo controlled the doomsday mecha and dodged the first punch, but failed to dodge the second punch.

When the second punch came down, it hit directly on the top of the doomsday mecha's mechanical head. The square top of the head was directly thrown away and fell heavily in the distance, destroying several buildings.

Fortunately, Gu Zhuo's cab is not located above his head, but inside the armor on his chest.

But this was not something to be thankful for. The Titan punched down, not only smashing the head of the doomsday mecha, but also knocking the small doomsday mecha backwards.

He fell heavily to the ground, overwhelming an area.

Gu Zhuo knew without even thinking that he must have crushed many innocent people to death.

They were innocent of any crime, yet they became victims in this battle between giants.

But there is no other way, we can't stop at this last moment.

In order to achieve this last step, too much has been lost. If you stop here, all your efforts will be in vain, and you will really lose everything.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhuo wanted to control the doomsday mecha to stand up again.

But before the mecha could stand up from the ground, Titan had already walked in front of it.

It raised its foot and stepped heavily on the chest of the doomsday mecha, suppressing it completely to the ground, unable to move.

Not only that, it kept stepping down hard, as if it wanted to crush the entire mecha and crush it into pieces.

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Gu Zhuo was sitting in the cockpit. He heard the "sizzling" sound of electricity coming from the cockpit and saw the blue "crackling" light of electric current. If this continues, the Doomsday Mecha's front chest will be crushed, and he will be crushed along with it.

This must not be allowed to happen!

However, his mecha is too small. In such a close-quarters combat where fists and fists come to the flesh, he is half the size of his opponent, which is basically a fatal flaw.

As the cockpit progresses, the red lines become more and more conspicuous:

The cabin is under great pressure and is about to be damaged, and the protective device is about to fail.

The temperature in the cabin continued to rise, and Gu Zhuo knew that if he didn't adopt some policies, it would really be too late to do anything.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and use one hand of the doomsday mecha to grab the foot that Titan was pressing down on, and then tried to move the foot away.

But all his efforts were in vain.

The foot that Titan stepped on was motionless, like a solid beam or the foundation that must be built to build a house. It suppressed the doomsday mecha firmly, leaving him no chance to breathe.

Seeing that the protective device of the cabin could not last for the last few seconds, Gu Zhuo became angry.

I absolutely cannot die at the feet of this thing, and I absolutely cannot fall at the last step!

"Mechanic, absorb nearby materials! Upgrade the doomsday mecha!"

Gu Zhuo shouted.

He knew that even if he didn't need to shout out loud, he could achieve the same effect by just telling the mechanic in his mind.

But now, he must shout it loudly.

Only by shouting out can he have the confidence to defeat the huge Titan in front of him.

Only by shouting out will he not be afraid and know that he will always have the most solid backing.

The mechanic always saves him in desperate moments, every time.

Sure enough, after Gu Zhuo shouted this, the mechanic started to move!

It absorbed all the materials it could from the vicinity - this is where the companies gathered together, and materials were almost everywhere - and attached them all to the doomsday mecha.

These materials began to be quickly installed on the doomsday mecha, adding new armor to it, installing a new mechanical head on it, reinforcing it with a thick layer of defense, increasing its body shape and strength...

The mechanic's speed was very fast, completely exceeding the speed at which the doomsday mech's cabin was damaged.

Finally, after a few seconds, the temperature in the cabin gradually dropped, and the deadly sound of electricity stopped.

"Report to the host that the Doomsday Mecha has been upgraded."

The mechanic's voice sounded, and to Gu Zhuo's ears, the voice sounded like the sound of nature.

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