Chapter 269 Where to work?

Unable to get up, Ding Song could only express himself in words.

“Thank you, thank you, my aunt, thank you for coming to save me.” The 40-year-old man cried while saying, “Without you saving me, my little life would have been handed over to me.”

Facing Ding Song’s thanks, Mianmian was still very direct: “It doesn’t matter, you can repay Mianmian, Mianmian happens to have something to ask you to do.”

Ding Song was stunned: "You want to ask me to do something?"

It’s not that he is unwilling to do things for Mianmian, in fact, like Ding Yao, he has never seen a child who speaks so straightforwardly.

 After reacting, Ding Song nodded hastily: "I can do anything you want me to do. You saved my life."

Soon, Ding Song thought about the gambling agreement between him and Lu You, and asked his sister: "Where is the contract? I told you to take the contract with you, did you take it with you? Did John sign it?"

Ding Song didn’t say that the contract was okay, but Ding Yao gritted his teeth with hatred when he did.

 “You are still worried about the contract, I didn’t even want to sign it!”

Ding Song thought this meant that John didn't sign the contract and panicked: "What should I do? I signed a gambling agreement with Mr. Lu. If John doesn't sign the contract, not only will I have to resign as CFO, but I will also owe him two dollars." Hundreds of can we afford these two hundred million?"

Ding Yao also studied management, so of course she knew what the gambling agreement in the shopping mall meant. This thing was created just to deceive talents. After all, it has the word gambling in it.

 The old saying "nine times out of ten you bet will lose, and if you gamble for a long time you will lose", this old saying is not a joke, it is a portrayal of the lives of all gamblers throughout the ages!

"Brother, why are you so confused?" Ding Yao hated the iron, "I told you a long time ago that you don't want to lose face, why can't you help it?"

As expected of a younger sister, she hits the nail on the head.

The two brothers and sisters were talking, and Mianmian stood beside them, very sensible and did not interrupt.

Su Chenjin directed the fifth child, Su Chenyan, to move the small sofa next to Mianmian to sit on it, so as not to tire her sister-in-law.

Su Chenyan did as he was told, and Mianmian sat down with Chu Ye.

It is windy and rainy outside.

The nurse came in and closed the window. She took a look at Ding Song's physical condition and made sure she was fine before going out.

The two brothers and sisters stared at each other when their conversation was interrupted. In the end, Ding Song took the blame and said with a straight face: "It's my brother's fault. Brother... Brother really has too much face, so he signed this gambling agreement."

Lu You is the person in charge of the Lu Group, and the Lu Group is not a shareholder. Lu You wants to get rid of him as CFO, it's very simple.

 Ke Dingsong is unwilling to give in.

Now he understands that this unwillingness may be his downfall.

He could have stayed at Su's, even if he was not Su Chenjin's assistant, he could have slowly climbed up from a position such as director.

There has never been such a thing as nepotism in the Su family! It is recognized in the industry as an enterprise that relies on its strength to speak for itself!

Rather than accepting Lu You's olive branch, he thought he was glorious and ran to the Lu family. He worked hard to climb to the position of CFO on his own. People said that he had problems with his work ability and was not competent, so they had to pull him down.

 It just so happened that no one spoke for him yet.

In fact, Ding Song also murmured, when he first ran for CFO, why didn’t those who supported him come forward?

If there were still people willing to support him, he wouldn't be so anxious to sign a gambling agreement with Lu You.

"It's good that you know you're wrong." Ding Yao didn't give any face to her brother. She took out her mobile phone and showed the saved video to Ding Song. "Look at this again. If my sister-in-law hadn't saved you, you would really be dead now. I don’t even know how I died after being tricked.”

Ding Song took the phone and watched the video of John spreading medicated powder on the track, his eyes burning with anger. "I, let me tell you why the great sage suddenly went crazy after smelling the fragrance. He obviously ran half way."

Ding Yao continued to point to her brother: "The Great Sage is willing to carry you quietly, and it is all because of the help of my sister-in-law. Otherwise, how can you enjoy the joy of riding the Great Sage?"

Ding Song became even more grateful and thanked him again and again.

At the same time, he thought about what Mianmian said about asking him to do something, and couldn't help but said: "Sister-in-law, I was confused and signed a gambling agreement. Now I broke my leg before the contract was signed. What you want me to do, Maybe I can’t do it until my legs heal.”

Mianmian finally came back to the topic after hearing the topic, and said with a milky voice: "Who said you can only start working after your legs are healed? You can go to work with Mianmian now."

Ding Song and Ding Yao looked at each other and keenly grasped the key words: "Go to work? Where to go?"

 The only place where the people of the Dragon Kingdom can continue to talk is the underworld.

 Does my sister-in-law want him to go to the underworld?

But he was a living person, wouldn’t he die again when he went to the underworld?

Thinking of this, Ding Song quickly stopped.

If all the aunt-in-law needs is his soul, there is no need to bother saving him at all. It would be more convenient to just wait for him to fall to death and let him go to the underworld as a ghost.

"That's okay." After all, he had almost died once. Ding Song's personality had changed a bit, and he was particularly cheerful. "You can take me down now. I'm willing to do whatever you want."

Since Ding Song is willing, this matter is settled.

Mianmian nodded: "There's no need to go down now, Mianmian still has something to do."

Ding Song was curious: "What's the matter?"

Mianmian looked at Ding Yao: "Come on, come on, it's going to be twelve o'clock."

This time it was Ding Yao's turn to be confused. There was another thing my aunt said, related to her?

Ding Yao asked again curiously, but Mianmian said: "You will know later, you can't say it now."

 After saying this, Mianmian returned to the sofa. Feeling a little sleepy, she yawned greatly.

Su Chenjin saw that Mianmian's eyes were almost closed, and said warmly: "My aunt will sleep on the bed with you for a while. At 11:45, my eldest grandnephew will call you to get up."

Mianmian nodded, told Chu Ye to stay close to her, and then lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

She fell asleep, and the voices of everyone in the room naturally became lowered.

Jin Tai received Su Chenjin’s permission and walked to the hospital bed to discuss the follow-up issues of the horse training incident with Ding Song.

"Since you have been favored by my sister-in-law and will work for her in the future, you can be considered one of our Su family members. Regarding the gambling agreement, the company has ways to solve it for you, but it still depends on your personal opinion. If If you don’t want to, we won’t force you.”

 Seeing Jin Tai again after nearly dying, Ding Song's mood became even more complicated.

If Su Chenjin hadn't felt that he hired Jin Tai because Jin Tai was younger than him and didn't feel jealous of his juniors, he might not have reached this point today.

But there is no need to think about those things now. It is only right to seize the moment and change those stubborn ideas.

"I'm willing to accept help." Ding Song said, and even though his voice was lowered by him, you could still feel his gritted teeth, "It was Lu You who was plotting. Since he never thought about fulfilling the bet, I don't have to give him anything. Save face. In terms of funds, I have saved some money over the years. I will pay for the lawyer to litigate, and I will leave the rest to Mr. Su."

 Jin Tai nodded: "Okay."

Ding Song was silent for a moment and then said, "I have another piece of information about Lu You."

Since we have reached this point, of course we should find a way to completely suppress the Lu family. In the past, Ding Song might have still adhered to the workplace principle of not saying anything bad about his employer, but now, in the face of life, these principles have to be put aside!

From now on, he only recognizes his savior, his aunt and sister, and nothing else matters!

 (End of this chapter)

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