Chapter 292 Mianmian hasn’t touched the Golden Crow wings yet~

Seeing Su Chenjin standing up, Mianmian patted his sword and commanded with a sweet voice: "Go! The higher you fly, the better!"

Feijian received the master's order and suddenly increased the distance.

Su Chenjin almost lost his balance, but fortunately, he followed the example of the small **** and sat down directly.

“Planes can also fly very high.” Mianmian added.

  When she was participating in a program with Su Chenfei before, she was sitting on the plane, and she was mentally comparing the difference between flying by plane and flying by flying sword.

"Yeah." Su Chenjin was not sure what her sister-in-law meant, so she could only answer in a deep voice. The sword flew into the middle of the clouds, and his face touched the clouds, making half of his face wet.

"But you can't touch the clouds." Mianmian recommended to Su Chenjin with a sweet voice, "You can open your mouth like the seventh nephew, ah ah ah ah, you will be happier~"

Su Chenjin was still thinking about what it meant to open her mouth like the seventh grandnephew, when the clouds on both sides of her body suddenly accelerated and retreated.

The wind that was blowing on my face just now turned into a strong wind and it was hard to open my eyes.

Mianmian used the fastest speed, not afraid that Su Chenjin behind her would fall.

They passed through white clouds, hovering in the sky, swaying from side to side, and even falling down like a roller coaster.

Su Chenjin’s hair was messed up, and she felt like she was in heaven.

 It’s so…so **** exciting!

No wonder my aunt said that if Lao Qi opened his mouth and flew like this, Lao Qi's timid character would make it impossible not to be afraid!

“Grand nephew, are you embarrassed to call out?” Mianmian suddenly asked, “It’s okay, Mianmian will call out with you~”

After the little girl finished speaking, she really said "ahhhhh" loudly.

 But she was not afraid at all, which seemed particularly fake.

It made Xiao Naituanzi feel embarrassed: "Oh, Mianmian's shouting is different from that of the seventh grandnephew."

Su Chenjin couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha."

Hearing the happy voice that his great-nephew finally made, Mianmian smiled even brighter.

She continued to fly with Su Chenjin in the sky, then suddenly slowed down and said to the sun in the sky in a cloudless place: "Great nephew, actually I have always wanted to get close to the sun, but my mother said no."

Xiao Nai Tuanzi’s voice was full of yearning: “In mythology, it is said that the sun is a three-legged bird, the child of the ancient emperor of heaven and earth. Mianmian really wants to see what the Golden Crow looks like.”

Su Chenjin was originally not interested in these things and knew very little about them, but after his sister-in-law got home, he would take some time to read ancient myths and modern myths.

 The origin of the myth is unknown, and the versions are also different.

One version is that Emperor Jun and Xihe gave birth to ten golden crows. The ten brothers originally took turns to watch the sun in the sky, but because of being bewitched, they fought with each other and began to appear in the sky at the same time.

The human world was miserable. Emperor Jun killed his relatives out of justice and asked his subordinate Dayi to bring the divine bow to persuade his sons. But the sons were unwilling to listen. Finally, Yi took a bow and shot an arrow, killing nine golden crows, and finally left the last one for the sake of all the people in the world.

 So, the only sun in the sky is the incarnation of the Golden Crow.

 No matter what version, this is the final result.

 But what did my sister-in-law suddenly say about Jinwu?

Su Chenjin asked about her doubts.

Mianmian turned to look at Su Chenjin, blinked her eyes, and said cutely: "This is Mianmian's wish, Mianmian wants it to come true."

As soon as Mianmian finished speaking, the sun in the sky rushed towards her. The fiery red ball gradually approached, and it turned out to be a three-legged flaming crow.

Su Chenjin was startled.

The golden crow flapped its wings, and a pair of golden bird eyes blinked twice, staring with confusion.

The huge divine bird stands in the void, as if it has traveled through time and rushed from ancient times.

“Wow, there really are three legs!” Mianmiankai happily brought Feijian closer and reached out to touch Jinwu’s feet. The Golden Crow raised its head and neighed, and a man's low magnetic voice came out of the bird's mouth: "My feet, you... deserve to die!"

  After cursing, Jin Wu actually stood there obediently and stopped moving.

Golden Crow's body is covered with flames. Legend has it that it is the true fire of the sun, a flame more powerful than the true fire of Samadhi. Su Chenjin is very worried that her sister-in-law will be burned, even though they are not in reality now.

 “Sister-in-law, be careful if you burn it.”

 Su Chenjin finished speaking, and her small hands had already touched the flames beside Jin Wu.

 “It’s not hot.” ​​Mianmian chuckled.

Little breast dumplings were touched carefully, with bright eyes.

Jinwu didn’t seem too happy, he flapped his wings again and said sternly: “You little girl, have you touched enough? My feet fascinate you so much?”

After hearing this, Mianmian looked up at Jinwu, shook her head to indicate that was not the case, and replied softly: "Mianmian just wanted to see if there was any difference between Jinwu's feet and crow's feet. Now they feel the same." Yeah, you just have one more leg than Xiao Hei."

Xiao Hei is one of Mian Mian’s monster friends, the crow spirit.

The crow spirit is born with the ability to say things that will bring bad luck to people, so other monsters don’t like to play with Xiao Hei.

Jinwu was very angry when he heard Mianmian comparing him with a crow: "What are you comparing me to? A crow? As a bird, can my feet be the same as his?"

As he spoke, he seemed to have opened up his chatterbox and became more and more angry: "Also, what kind of crappy place is this? Isn't I sleeping? How could the real spirit come here?!"

"Because Mianmian made a wish." Mianmian replied seriously to Jinwu, "Mianmian made a wish to see Jinwu, so you came."

Jinwu stared at Mianmian again: "You? Make a wish?"

 Can you see him just by making a wish? If you make any other wishes, wouldn't it mean that all the gods from ancient times are here?

 Jin Wu wanted to say something more, but the power that supported him to come here suddenly dissipated. He returned to the sky again, becoming a round ball as before.

Mianmian felt it was a pity and sighed: "Why so fast? Mianmian hasn't even touched the Golden Crow wings yet~"

Su Chenjin was confused: "How do I know that I can see what I wish for?"

Mianmian held Su Chenjin's thumb, squinting her eyes and smiling like a little fox: "I just know that if you make a wish here, Mianmian can see it. Come on, grandnephew, let's go back."

 The flying sword flew back to the mountain, where the Jiang family lives.

 The whole mountain became silent, as if there was no one at all.

Mianmian held Su Chenjin's hand and walked through the pavilions. It was so quiet that her footsteps even echoed.

The little breasted dumpling just walked and walked until he saw the person sleeping on the bed.

 Those were her parents. She had seen them sleeping before, and now she saw them again in her dream. But it was different from the first time she saw it. When she saw it for the first time, she was panicked and anxious. Now...

Mianmian squeezed Su Chenjin's arm and suddenly let out a whimper and burst into tears.

“Dad, Mom... why did you fall asleep again? Wake up quickly!”

That look is completely different from the way it looked when it was flying in the sky just now.

Su Chenjin was stunned for a moment, and her thumb was pinched hard by Mianmian again.

He frowned, and after reacting, he began to speak in a sad tone: "Uncle Zeng, Great-Uncle Zeng, why are you..."

When the two of them were crying, a loving and compassionate voice came from the sky: "Don't cry, your parents will wake up again."

 (End of this chapter)

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