My Beautiful Agent Wife

Chapter 126: Life energy

Chapter 126 Life Energy

"Inner strength refers to the life energy that is condensed in the martial artist's body and can be transferred at will after practicing the martial arts mentality. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is very mysterious, intangible, invisible, but in the world of martial arts, it It is the guarantee of the strong warrior!

I will introduce you directly, I am afraid you don't understand, then I will give you an example.

For example, a mother who loves her son suddenly saw her child fall from the balcony on the street tens of meters away! At this time, maybe you will see an amazing scene-this great mother can cross a distance of tens of meters in an instant, and catch her child!

For another example, a person with a thin body can burst out astonishing power when experiencing a dangerous situation, allowing him to successfully escape from the desperate situation!

There are many more such examples. Scientists have studied these phenomena in the past and have not found any suitable answers. But in the eyes of the warrior, this answer is obvious!

These people, when they were in desperate situations, stimulated the potential life energy in their bodies and prompted them to possess superhuman abilities! These life energy are inner strength! "

It turns out that inner strength is the life energy contained in the human body?

This statement made Lin Chen more engaged.

"Boy, after understanding the concept of inner strength, let me introduce the ranks of inner strength!

There are nine levels of internal strength.

A heavy internal strength, can exercise the body, so that you have stronger strength, speed and reaction.

With dual internal strength, it can close breathing for a long time, forming a cycle of strength in the martial artist's body. By then, he will be able to hide underwater for a long time, or walk through a drug barrier without harming his body. Of course, during the battle, the martial artist with double inner strength can also burst out the circulating inner strength in the body in an instant, increasing the power of martial arts several times or even ten times!

Triple internal strength can change a little shape of the body. Some ancient martial arts require extremely different power points, and triple internal strength can maximize the power of these martial arts.

With four levels of internal strength, you can achieve external strength. In ancient times, there were many such warriors, but in modern times, this kind of warriors... as far as I know, there are no more than five fingers. Of course, I am not in the list.

As for the internal strength after the fourfold..."

Speaking of this, Xia Xiahen stopped. His eyes are full of complex emotions. There is yearning, some unwillingness, and some loss.

Lin Chen couldn't help asking: "Old lady, what happened to the internal energy after the fourth layer?"

Xia Xianhen gave a bitter smile and sighed:

"I just said that. People who can possess four levels of internal energy are already rare in modern times. Then...people with five levels of internal energy, at least I have not heard of it. Our Chinese martial arts , Has experienced two great fault eras. The first time was when Shang Zhou died, and the second time was when Emperor Qin burned books and confessed to Confucian scholars. After these two faults, modern martial arts spread to modern martial arts, both in terms of quality and The quantity is greatly reduced.

A martial artist, who has spent his entire life, can only wander in the realm of one level of internal energy for a lifetime, and those who can train to the second level of internal energy can be regarded as martial arts geniuses. As for the triple inner strength and the quadruple inner strength, they are the genius among the geniuses, and they can only reach the realm in their lifetime!

Anyway, I dare not think about it...

Starting from the five-fold inner strength, in the hundreds of years, it has never appeared in China. You can understand this now. "

That's it.

The martial arts world is indeed broad and profound. The realms of the first four levels of inner strength alone are far beyond ordinary people, let alone the inner realms behind.

"Old lady, what realm have you reached?" Lin Chen asked curiously.

"I, I only broke through to the realm of triple inner strength in the first two years. I am old, and it is harder to think about going further than climbing to the sky. But I am also satisfied to be able to step into triple inner strength in an ancient age. Now. You should understand now? Why do I think you have stepped into the realm of triple inner strength after seeing you become silver-haired?

If you have triple inner strength at this age, in time, your martial arts future is really limitless. "

Lin Chen curled his lips, thinking that the silver-haired power was just the product of his own miserable experience, so he didn't mention it.

But according to the old lady's words, as long as you practice the Ice Soul Mind Method diligently, maybe you can break through the realm of inner strength and make yourself stronger? Even if I don’t need others, I can force those toxic substances out of my body?

Thinking of this, Lin Chen asked expectantly:

"Old lady, if you want to force out the harmful substances in an ordinary person, what kind of inner strength is needed? Triple or quadruple? Or even quintile?"

Xia Xia Hen was stunned. After pondering for a moment, he replied:

"As far as I know, a master with four levels of internal energies can send out one's own internal energies, but a master of this realm, I am afraid that the mastery of internal energies is still a little bit awkward. If you want to achieve what you call force out of others In the realm of matter, I think we should at least need a super master of the five-fold realm! Only when the inner strength reaches the five-fold realm can we be sure of doing this.

Of course, there is no such person in the martial arts masters I know. "

It was okay for Xia Xiahen not to explain. As soon as he explained, Lin Chen's heart suddenly fell into deep disappointment.

He originally thought that Chinese martial arts had been passed down for thousands of years, even if a lot was lost, but after it spread to modern times, there will be some terrifying martial arts masters. Finding these masters can force out the toxic substances in the body, thereby completely eradicating the old coma!

However, after listening to Xia Hen's words, he knew that even if he found those masters with four levels of internal strength, it would be difficult to force the poisonous substances in the body...

Xia Xia Hen saw the loss on Lin Chen's face and couldn't help asking:

"Boy, what are you worrying about? You ask me what state can I force out the substance in the human body... Is there something unclean in your body?"

Lin Chen smiled bitterly and replied: "My grandfather, let me tell you, I really have these things in my body! It is these things that make me use that silver hair power, but at the same time, after overuse, I also have the biggest old man. What's wrong!"

"Old problems? Tell me, I'll help you figure out a solution!"

Xia Xianhen at this time had already regarded Lin Chen as his grandson-in-law. When he heard that this extremely talented young man was unspeakable, he was moved to help him relieve him.

The white-haired old man in front of him was sincere to himself, which made Lin Chen quite moved. He could see that apart from the old man's stubborn temper, he cared about his expression and it was true.

Therefore, Lin Chen briefly told about his experience. However, he did not say that after leaving the mysterious laboratory, he became the king of mercenaries in the underground world, nicknamed Killing God!

After Xia Xiahen listened, her face changed a lot.

"So... Are you one of the victims of the Tenth Laboratory?"

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